
How does tracking this help the sales rep manage risk?

A sales representative wants to track which opportunities in their pipeline contain items that customers need for an event next month.

How does tracking this help the sales rep manage risk?
A . These deals must be assigned a surcharge.
B . These deals can be expedited it required.
C . These deals can move to the next stage.

Answer: B


Tracking which opportunities in their pipeline contain items that customers need for an event next month helps the sales rep manage risk by allowing them to expedite these deals if required. Expediting means accelerating or speeding up the delivery or completion of these deals to meet the customer’s urgent or specific needs. Expediting helps to ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, as well as to increase revenue and profitability.

Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-pipeline/#sales-pipeline-management

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