He configured the laptop to use WEP key 1 to encrypt its data. He configured the AP to use WEP key 2 to encrypt its data. Will this configuration work?

Evan has configured a laptop and an AP, each with two WEP keys. WEP key 1 is the same on both devices, and WEP key 2 is the same on both devices.

He configured the laptop to use WEP key 1 to encrypt its data. He configured the AP to use WEP key 2 to encrypt its data. Will this configuration work?
A . No, since there is only one WEP key on each device.
B . No, since the value of the WEP key must be identical on both the laptop and the AP.
C . Yes, as long as the value of WEP key 1 is identical on both computers and the value of WEP key 2 is identical on both computers.
D . Yes. The laptop and AP will only use the first WEP key, so as long as the value of these keys is identical, the configuration will work.
E . Yes. The laptop and AP will attempt to use each of the WEP keys when decrypting a frame.

Answer: C

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