Which table name will make the SQL statement work correctly?

Your company is using WHILECARD tables to query data across multiple tables with similar names. The SQL statement is currently failing with the following error: # Syntax error : Expected end of statement but got “-“ at [4:11] SELECT age FROM bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod WHERE age != 99 AND_TABLE_SUFFIX = ‘1929’ ORDER...

September 16, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which methods can be used to reduce the number of rows processed by BigQuery?

Which methods can be used to reduce the number of rows processed by BigQuery?A . Splitting tables into multiple tables; putting data in partitionsB . Splitting tables into multiple tables; putting data in partitions; using the LIMIT clauseC . Putting data in partitions; using the LIMIT clauseD . Splitting tables...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How should you avoid a combinatorial explosion in the number of indexes?

You are deploying a new storage system for your mobile application, which is a media streaming service. You decide the best fit is Google Cloud Datastore. You have entities with multiple properties, some of which can take on multiple values. For example, in the entity ‘Movie’ the property ‘actors’ and...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Google Cloud Platform product should you use?

You are designing the database schema for a machine learning-based food ordering service that will predict what users want to eat. Here is some of the information you need to store: The user profile:. What the user likes and doesn’t like to eat The user account information: Name, address, preferred...

September 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Java SDK class can you use to run your Dataflow programs locally?

Which Java SDK class can you use to run your Dataflow programs locally?A . LocalRunnerB . DirectPipelineRunnerC . MachineRunnerD . LocalPipelineRunnerView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: DirectPipelineRunner allows you to execute operations in the pipeline directly, without any optimization. Useful for small local execution and tests Reference: https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/java-sdk/JavaDoc/com/google/cloud/dataflow/sdk/runners/DirectPipelineRunner

September 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are two of the characteristics of using online prediction rather than batch prediction?

What are two of the characteristics of using online prediction rather than batch prediction?A . It is optimized to handle a high volume of data instances in a job and to run more complex models.B . Predictions are returned in the response message.C . Predictions are written to output files...

September 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

To create a neural network that recognizes human faces in images using this labeled dataset, what approach would likely be the most effective?

Suppose you have a dataset of images that are each labeled as to whether or not they contain a human face. To create a neural network that recognizes human faces in images using this labeled dataset, what approach would likely be the most effective?A . Use K-means Clustering to detect...

September 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can you make that data available while minimizing cost?

You work for a large fast food restaurant chain with over 400,000 employees. You store employee information in Google BigQuery in a Users table consisting of a FirstName field and a LastName field. A member of IT is building an application and asks you to modify the schema and data...

September 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What should you do?

Given the record streams MJTelco is interested in ingesting per day, they are concerned about the cost of Google BigQuery increasing. MJTelco asks you to provide a design solution. They require a single large data table called tracking_table. Additionally, they want to minimize the cost of daily queries while performing...

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which learning algorithm should you use?

You are creating a model to predict housing prices. Due to budget constraints, you must run it on a single resource-constrained virtual machine. Which learning algorithm should you use?A . Linear regressionB . Logistic classificationC . Recurrent neural networkD . Feedforward neural networkView AnswerAnswer: A

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +