To run a debuggable build variant you must use a build variant that includes

To run a debuggable build variant you must use a build variant that includesA . minifyEnabled false in the build configurationB . debuggable true or debuggable false in the build configurationC . debuggable true in the build configurationView AnswerAnswer: C

April 12, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?

With our Context we can get SharedPreferences with a method, named: getSharedPreferences (String name, int mode). What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?A . MODE_PRIVATE or MODE_PUBLICB . combination of MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLEC . Value is either 0 or a combination of MODE_PRIVATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE,D . MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and MODE_MULTI_PROCESSView AnswerAnswer:...

April 12, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

fun getUserViaQuery(query: SupportSQLiteQuery?): User?

What is demonstrated by the code below? // RawDao.kt @Dao interface RawDao { @RawQuery fun getUserViaQuery(query: SupportSQLiteQuery?): User? } // Usage of RawDao ... val query = SimpleSQLiteQuery("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", arrayOf<Any>(sortBy)) val user = rawDao.getUserViaQuery(query) ...A . A method in a Dao annotated...

April 11, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Is that mostly true?

About running a debuggable build variant. Usually, you can just select the default "debug" variant that's included in every Android Studio project (even though it's not visible in the build.gradle file). But if you define new build types that should be debuggable, you must add ‘debuggable true’ to the build...

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

For example, we have a file in our assets folder app/src/main/assets/sample_teas.json.

For example, we have a file in our assets folder app/src/main/assets/sample_teas.json. To get an InputStream for reading it, from out Context context, we can try do this:A . val input = context!!.resources.openRawResource(B . raw.sample_teas)C . val input = context!!"sample_teas.json")D . val input = context!!"sample_teas.json")View AnswerAnswer: B

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What statements about InputStreamReader ( are correct? (Choose two.)

What statements about InputStreamReader ( are correct? (Choose two.)A . An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads bytes and decodes them into characters using a specified charset. The charset that it uses may be specified by name or may be given explicitly, or the...

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?

With our Context we can get SharedPreferences with a method, named: getSharedPreferences (String name, int mode). What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?A . MODE_PRIVATE or MODE_PUBLICB . combination of MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLEC . Value is either 0 or a combination of MODE_PRIVATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE,D . MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and MODE_MULTI_PROCESSView AnswerAnswer:...

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

When your code execution reaches the breakpoint, Android Studio pauses execution of your app. You can then use the tools in the Debugger tab to identify the state of the app.

When your code execution reaches the breakpoint, Android Studio pauses execution of your app. You can then use the tools in the Debugger tab to identify the state of the app. With Step Over you canA . examine the object tree for a variable; expand it in the Variables view.B...

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

For example, we have a file in our raw folder app/src/main/res/raw/sample_teas.json.

For example, we have a file in our raw folder app/src/main/res/raw/sample_teas.json. To get an InputStream for reading it, from out Context context, we can do this:A . val input = context!!.openRawResource(B . raw.sample_teas)C . val input = context!!.getRawResource(D . raw.sample_teas)E . val input = context!!.resources.openRawResource(F . raw.sample_teas)View AnswerAnswer: C

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?

With our Context we can get SharedPreferences with a method, named: getSharedPreferences (String name, int mode). What value can we transfer in a “mode”parameter?A . MODE_PRIVATE or MODE_PUBLICB . combination of MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLEC . Value is either 0 or a combination of MODE_PRIVATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE,D . MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and MODE_MULTI_PROCESSView AnswerAnswer:...

April 10, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +