Temporary work groups may include employees of customers, suppliers or partner corporations.

Temporary work groups may include employees of customers, suppliers or partner corporations.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Temporary work groups are formed for a specific purpose and usually dissolve after the task is completed. They may include employees of customers, suppliers or partner corporations who collaborate with the...

March 1, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

How many layers are involved in client-server environment?

How many layers are involved in client-server environment?A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . FourView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: A client-server environment is a type of distributed system that divides the application logic into three layers: presentation, application, and data. The presentation layer is responsible for the user interface and...

February 24, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two factors are important while considering Interpreting Information? (Choose two)

Which two factors are important while considering Interpreting Information? (Choose two)A . PersonalB . ExternalC . SituationalD . FinancialView AnswerAnswer: B, C Explanation: Interpreting information means understanding its meaning and implications in a given context. Two factors that are important while considering interpreting information are external and situational. External factors...

February 16, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

How many stages are there in a systems design life-cycle?

How many stages are there in a systems design life-cycle?A . EightB . NineC . TenD . TwelveView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: According to the Certified IT Manager (CITM) course outline, there are nine stages in a systems design life-cycle. They are: 1. Initiation, 2. Concept Development, 3. Planning, 4. Requirements...

February 8, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Who looks for a quantitative information?

Who looks for a quantitative information?A . Analytic Decision MakerB . Heuristic Decision MakerView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: An analytic decision maker looks for quantitative information, or data that can be counted or measured in numerical values. An analytic decision maker uses logic, facts, and statistics to make decisions, and prefers...

February 2, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two management departments are responsible for the success of information processing? (Choose two)

Which two management departments are responsible for the success of information processing? (Choose two)A . Stakeholders ManagementB . Top ManagementC . Middle ManagementD . Bottom Level ManagementView AnswerAnswer: B, C Explanation: Information processing is the exchange of information among people, processes and systems within an organization1. It is crucial for...

February 2, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

How many trends have drastically altered the way organizations use technology?

How many trends have drastically altered the way organizations use technology?A . SixB . SevenC . EightD . FiveView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: According to the CITM certification, there are six trends that have drastically altered the way organizations use technology. These are: Cloud computing: The delivery of computing services over...

January 28, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which type of cost is considered as actual costs of analysis, design, and installation for the system?

Which type of cost is considered as actual costs of analysis, design, and installation for the system?A . Service costB . Maintenance costC . Operating costD . Development costView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Development cost is the type of cost that is considered as actual costs of analysis, design, and installation...

January 28, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following points has to be considered when deciding on system alternatives? (Choose three)

Which of the following points has to be considered when deciding on system alternatives? (Choose three)A . PackagesB . Technological FeasibilityC . Topology (logical design)D . Organizational ImpactE . Financial ConstraintsView AnswerAnswer: B, D E Explanation: When deciding on system alternatives, the IT manager has to consider the following points1:...

January 26, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is a sixth step in Systems Design Life Cycle?

Which of the following is a sixth step in Systems Design Life Cycle? ,A . TrainingB . InstallationC . OperationsD . BuildingView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: evelopment, testing, installation, and maintenance12 The installation stage is the sixth and final stage of the SDLC, where the system is deployed to the target...

January 25, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +