When designing a geometric network where should the feature classes be stored?
When designing a geometric network where should the feature classes be stored?A . inside a single feature datasetB . outside a feature datasetC . inside any feature datasets sharing the same spatial referenceD . inside a topologyView AnswerAnswer: A
How will the data sender respond?
In a disconnected environment a data receiver fails to send acknowledgement messages often enough. How will the data sender respond?A . Resends change messagesB . sends the next change messagesC . Slops sending change messagesD . Discards the change messagesView AnswerAnswer: A
Which type of elevation dataset will create the most accurate flood zones?
An ArcGIS user needs to create a map of flood zones for an insurance company. The user has a choice of four elevation data sets to perform the analysis • SRTM 90-meter DEM • Lidar 5-meter DEM • 30-meter DEM derived from stereo imagery Which type of elevation dataset will...
Which analysis method is used to make this determination?
Four emergency response facilities need to be placed so that the greatest number of people in a community can be reached within five minutes. Which analysis method is used to make this determination?A . location allocationB . closest facilityC . routeD . DuferView AnswerAnswer: A
Which method is used to round raster pixel values to the nearest whole number?
A taster contains pixels with decimal values. Which method is used to round raster pixel values to the nearest whole number?A . use the Round Up tool (Spatial Analyst), then the Round Down tool (Spatial Analyst)B . use the Round Down tool (Spatial Analyst), then the Round Up tool (Spatial...
Which tool should the user employ?
An ArcGIS user is tasked with converting an IDRISI vector format file to a geodatabase feature class. The user does not need to change any aspects of the data source in the output feature class. Which tool should the user employ?A . Feature Class to Feature ClassB . IDRISI to...
Which geoprocessing tool should be used to extract a single band?
An analyst has a multi band raster, but needs just one of the bands for a project. Which geoprocessing tool should be used to extract a single band?A . Slice (3D Analyst)B . Extract by Attributes (Spatial Analyst)C . Composite Bands (Data Management)D . Clip (Data Management)View AnswerAnswer: C
What is the most likely reason for this error?
Refer to the exhibit. An ArcGIS user added a new street (shown in the exhibit) to a streets feature class within an edit session. The new street seems to have snapped to an existing street but upon zooming in the ArcGIS user notices that the street is connected to the...
What is the most likely cause of the alignment problem?
An ArcGIS user downloads shapefiles from a Web site. The metadata on the Web site Indicates that the spatial reference the same as that used in the user's workplace, but the downloads draw southwest of the user's data and the downloaded data appears too small. What is the most likely...
Which map projection should be used for the data to allow the most accurate buffering of those areas, in order to comply with the U.S court decision that ships may not approach closer than 20 nautical miles to a seal rookery?
The ArcGIS user is given data for the Arctic and is asked to perform various types of analysis using the data. The data extends from the North Pole south to 70 degrees North Latitude Data layers may contain points lines, or polygons, and include ice surveys from NOAA depth contours:...