What is the correct SQL statement to use to select all zones designated type E, F, or FF?
A city planner is using ArcGIS to determine suitable areas that meet specific zoning criteria. The city's zoning polygon feature class has a ZONE attribute field that consists of one- or two-letter codes. What is the correct SQL statement to use to select all zones designated type E, F, or...
Which tool would maintain the shared polygon boundaries?
An editor has built map topology and needs to modify the shape of neighboring polygons. Which tool would maintain the shared polygon boundaries?A . Reshape Edge ToolB . TranceC . Split ToolD . Reshape Feature ToolView AnswerAnswer: D
Which workflow should be used to apply the standard set of raster functions used by the department?
A GIS department using ArcMap has created a standard set of raster functions to apply to all aerial imagery. The standard set of functions can be applied to stand-alone raster datasets or to mosaic datasets. Which workflow should be used to apply the standard set of raster functions used by...
What projection should be used?
An ArcGIS user is preparing data for an aeronautical chart where the bearings and shapes of the features, such as coastline, need to be maintained for visual orientation. What projection should be used?A . Albers Equal AreaB . Equidistant CylindricalC . Azimuthal EquidistantD . Lambert Conformal ConicView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation:...
What ArcGIS Online analysis tool should be used?
An ArcGIS Online user needs to combine areas that overlap or share a common edge into a single area. What ArcGIS Online analysis tool should be used?A . Extract DataB . Dissolve BoundariesC . Overlay LayersD . Merge LayersView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/analyze/perform-analysis.htm
What must the user create to keep both pipe types in one feature class?
An ArcGIS user is creating a new water distribution network. In the water pipe feature class, fire hydrant laterals must have a pressure between 40 and 100 psi. Service water pipes must have a pressure between 50 and 75 psi. What must the user create to keep both pipe types...
What is the proper workflow to export only the attribute table of a feature class to a file geodatabase?
What is the proper workflow to export only the attribute table of a feature class to a file geodatabase?A . Right-click the layer in the Contents pane > Data > Export DataB . Right-click the layer in the Contents pane > Data > Export TableC . Open the Table To...
What should the user do so that the feature class is able to participate in a geometric network?
An ArcMap user is creating a new feature class that will participate in a geometric network. What should the user do so that the feature class is able to participate in a geometric network?A . Make sure the feature class is z-enabledB . Make sure that the line is the...
What should be used to make sure that an .mxd file can be opened in a previous version of ArcGIS?
What should be used to make sure that an .mxd file can be opened in a previous version of ArcGIS?A . Save As commandB . Create Map PackageC . Export MapD . Save a Copy commandView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Yjzi6cSqP8IJ:desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/map/working-with-arcmap/saving-a-map.htm&client=opera&hl=en&gl=pk&strip=1&vwsrc=0
How should the technician apply the land use type descriptions in the table to the polygon layer?
A GIS technician has a polygon layer of land use types and a separate table that contains the definition of each land use type. Several polygons have the same land use type. How should the technician apply the land use type descriptions in the table to the polygon layer?A ....