Leilani, a network specialist at an organization, employed Wireshark for observing network traffic. Leilani navigated to the Wireshark menu icon that contains items to manipulate, display and apply filters, enable, or disable the dissection of protocols, and configure user-specified decodes. Identify the Wireshark menu Leilani has navigated in the above scenario.
Leilani, a network specialist at an organization, employed Wireshark for observing network traffic. Leilani navigated to the Wireshark menu icon that contains items to manipulate, display and apply filters, enable, or disable the dissection of protocols, and configure user-specified decodes. Identify the Wireshark menu Leilani has navigated in the above...
Which of the following types of accounts the organization has given to Sam in the above scenario?
Sam, a software engineer, visited an organization to give a demonstration on a software tool that helps in business development. The administrator at the organization created a least privileged account on a system and allocated that system to Sam for the demonstration. Using this account, Sam can only access the...
Lorenzo, a security professional in an MNC, was instructed to establish centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting for remote-access servers. For this purpose, he implemented a protocol that is based on the client-server model and works at the transport layer of the OSI model. Identify the remote authentication protocol employed by Lorenzo in the above scenario.
Lorenzo, a security professional in an MNC, was instructed to establish centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting for remote-access servers. For this purpose, he implemented a protocol that is based on the client-server model and works at the transport layer of the OSI model. Identify the remote authentication protocol employed by...
Grace, an online shopping freak, has purchased a smart TV using her debit card. During online payment, Grace's browser redirected her from ecommerce website to a third-party payment gateway, where she provided her debit card details and OTP received on her registered mobile phone. After completing the transaction, Grace navigated to her online bank account and verified the current balance in her savings account.
Grace, an online shopping freak, has purchased a smart TV using her debit card. During online payment, Grace's browser redirected her from ecommerce website to a third-party payment gateway, where she provided her debit card details and OTP received on her registered mobile phone. After completing the transaction, Grace navigated...
Which of the following tiers of a secure application development lifecycle involves checking the performance of the application?
A software company is developing a new software product by following the best practices for secure application development. Dawson, a software analyst, is checking the performance of the application on the client's network to determine whether end users are facing any issues in accessing the application. Which of the following...
Which of the following information security elements was described in the above scenario?
Kayden successfully cracked the final round of interviews at an organization. After a few days, he received his offer letter through an official company email address. The email stated that the selected candidate should respond within a specified time. Kayden accepted the opportunity and provided an e-signature on the offer...
Ryleigh, a system administrator, was instructed to perform a full back up of organizational data on a regular basis. For this purpose, she used a backup technique on a fixed date when the employees are not accessing the system i.e., when a service-level down time is allowed a full backup is taken. Identify the backup technique utilized by Ryleigh in the above scenario.
Ryleigh, a system administrator, was instructed to perform a full back up of organizational data on a regular basis. For this purpose, she used a backup technique on a fixed date when the employees are not accessing the system i.e., when a service-level down time is allowed a full backup...
Which of the following mobile connection methods has Rickson used in above scenario?
Rickson, a security professional at an organization, was instructed to establish short-range communication between devices within a range of 10 cm. For this purpose, he used a mobile connection method that employs electromagnetic induction to enable communication between devices. The mobile connection method selected by Rickson can also read RFID...
Myles, a security professional at an organization, provided laptops for all the employees to carry out the business processes from remote locations. While installing necessary applications required for the business, Myles has also installed antivirus software on each laptop following the company's policy to detect and protect the machines from external malicious events over the Internet. Identify the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario.
Myles, a security professional at an organization, provided laptops for all the employees to carry out the business processes from remote locations. While installing necessary applications required for the business, Myles has also installed antivirus software on each laptop following the company's policy to detect and protect the machines from...
Matias, a network security administrator at an organization, was tasked with the implementation of secure wireless network encryption for their network. For this purpose, Matias employed a security solution that uses 256-bit Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCMP-256) to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of data.
Matias, a network security administrator at an organization, was tasked with the implementation of secure wireless network encryption for their network. For this purpose, Matias employed a security solution that uses 256-bit Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCMP-256) to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of data. Identify the type of wireless encryption...