What is the impact of drive size mix on the rebuild process in dynamic pools?

What is the impact of drive size mix on the rebuild process in dynamic pools?A . No impact, as rebuild times are consistent across drive sizesB . Larger drives may result in longer rebuild timesC . Smaller drives accelerate the rebuild processD . Mixing drive sizes is discouraged due to...

August 31, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What strategies should be employed for efficient NAS client access management to SMB and NFS file storage?

What strategies should be employed for efficient NAS client access management to SMB and NFS file storage?A . Separate NAS servers for SMB and NFS for performance optimizationB . Consolidating SMB and NFS services on a single NAS server for simplicityC . Implementing user quotas and snapshots for data managementD...

August 30, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +