Which of the following scenarios is the best fit for AUTO LOADER?

Which of the following scenarios is the best fit for AUTO LOADER?A . Efficiently process new data incrementally from cloud object storageB . Efficiently move data incrementally from one delta table to another delta tableC . Incrementally process new data from streaming data sources like Kafka into delta lakeD ....

November 22, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.A . Databricks notebooks support change tracking and versioningB . Databricks notebooks should be copied to a local machine and setup source control locally to version...

November 22, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You are noticing job cluster is taking 6 to 8 mins to start which is delaying your job to finish on time, what steps you can take to reduce the amount of time cluster startup time

You are noticing job cluster is taking 6 to 8 mins to start which is delaying your job to finish on time, what steps you can take to reduce the amount of time cluster startup timeA . Setup a second job ahead of first job to start the cluster, so...

November 22, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You are currently asked to work on building a data pipeline, you have noticed that you are currently working on a very large scale ETL many data dependencies, which of the following tools can be used to address this problem?

You are currently asked to work on building a data pipeline, you have noticed that you are currently working on a very large scale ETL many data dependencies, which of the following tools can be used to address this problem?A . AUTO LOADERB . JOBS and TASKSC . SQL EndpointsD...

November 22, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the main difference between the silver layer and the gold layer in medallion architecture?

What is the main difference between the silver layer and the gold layer in medallion architecture?A . Silver may contain aggregated dataB . Gold may contain aggregated dataC . Data quality checks are applied in goldD . Silver is a copy of bronze dataE . God is a copy of...

November 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.A . Databricks notebooks support change tracking and versioningB . Databricks notebooks should be copied to a local machine and setup source control locally to version...

November 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following technique can be used to implement fine-grained access control to rows and columns of the Delta table based on the user's access?

Which of the following technique can be used to implement fine-grained access control to rows and columns of the Delta table based on the user's access?A . Use Unity catalog to grant access to rows and columnsB . Row and column access control listsC . Use dynamic view functionsD ....

November 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +