What is the purpose of the silver layer in a Multi hop architecture?

What is the purpose of the silver layer in a Multi hop architecture?A . Replaces a traditional data lake B. Efficient storage and querying of full, unprocessed history of data C. Eliminates duplicate data, quarantines bad data D. Refined views with aggregated data E. Optimized query performance for business-critical dataView...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

If you create a database sample_db with the statement CREATE DATABASE sample_db what will be the default location of the database in DBFS?

If you create a database sample_db with the statement CREATE DATABASE sample_db what will be the default location of the database in DBFS?A . Default location, DBFS:/user/ B. Default location, /user/db/ C. Default Storage account D. Statement fails “Unable to create database without location” E. Default Location, dbfs:/user/hive/warehouseView AnswerAnswer: E...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python?

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python? row_count = spark.sql("select count(*) from table").collect()[0][0]A . assert (row_count = 10, "Row count did not match") B. assert if (row_count = 10, "Row...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the main difference between the silver layer and the gold layer in medallion architecture?

What is the main difference between the silver layer and the gold layer in medallion architecture?A . Silver may contain aggregated data B. Gold may contain aggregated data C. Data quality checks are applied in gold D. Silver is a copy of bronze data E. God is a copy of...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You are noticing job cluster is taking 6 to 8 mins to start which is delaying your job to finish on time, what steps you can take to reduce the amount of time cluster startup time

You are noticing job cluster is taking 6 to 8 mins to start which is delaying your job to finish on time, what steps you can take to reduce the amount of time cluster startup timeA . Setup a second job ahead of first job to start the cluster, so...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following functions can be used to convert JSON string to Struct data type?

Which of the following functions can be used to convert JSON string to Struct data type?A . TO_STRUCT (json value) B. FROM_JSON (json value) C. FROM_JSON (json value, schema of json) D. CONVERT (json value, schema of json) E. CAST (json value as STRUCT)View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Syntax Copy

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following developer operations in CI/CD flow can be implemented in Databricks Re-pos?

Which of the following developer operations in CI/CD flow can be implemented in Databricks Re-pos?A . Delete branch B. Trigger Databricks CICD pipeline C. Commit and push code D. Create a pull request E. Approve the pull requestView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: The answer is Commit and push code. See the...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Why does AUTO LOADER require schema location?

Why does AUTO LOADER require schema location?A . Schema location is used to store user provided schema B. Schema location is used to identify the schema of target table C. AUTO LOADER does not require schema location, because its supports Schema evolution D. Schema location is used to store schema...

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

print(f"query failed")

print(f"query failed")A . try: failure: B. try: catch: C. try: except: (Correct) D. try: fail: E. try: error:View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: The answer is try: and except:

March 10, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +