What steps need to be taken to set up a DELTA LIVE PIPELINE as a job using the workspace UI?
What steps need to be taken to set up a DELTA LIVE PIPELINE as a job using the workspace UI?A . DELTA LIVE TABLES do not support job cluster B. Select Workflows UI and Delta live tables tab, under task type select Delta live tables pipeline and select the notebook...
Which of the following technique can be used to implement fine-grained access control to rows and columns of the Delta table based on the user's access?
Which of the following technique can be used to implement fine-grained access control to rows and columns of the Delta table based on the user's access?A . Use Unity catalog to grant access to rows and columns B. Row and column access control lists C. Use dynamic view functions D....
Which of the following approaches can enable the data engineering team to be notified if the ELT job has not been run in an hour?
A data engineer is using a Databricks SQL query to monitor the performance of an ELT job. The ELT job is triggered by a specific number of input records being ready to process. The Databricks SQL query returns the number of minutes since the job’s most recent runtime. Which of...
You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.
You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.A . Databricks notebooks support change tracking and versioning B. Databricks notebooks should be copied to a local machine and setup source control locally to version...
Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python?
Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python? row_count = spark.sql("select count(*) from table").collect()[0][0]A . assert (row_count = 10, "Row count did not match") B. assert if (row_count = 10, "Row...
table("uncleanedSales")View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The answer is
Which of the following SQL command can be used to insert or update or delete rows based on a condition to check if a row(s) exists?
Which of the following SQL command can be used to insert or update or delete rows based on a condition to check if a row(s) exists?A . MERGE INTO table_name B. COPY INTO table_name C. UPDATE table_name D. INSERT INTO OVERWRITE table_name E. INSERT IF EXISTS table_nameView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:...
table("uncleanedSales")View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The answer is
When writing streaming data, Spark’s structured stream supports the below write modes
When writing streaming data, Spark’s structured stream supports the below write modesA . Append, Delta, Complete B. Delta, Complete, Continuous C. Append, Complete, Update D. Complete, Incremental, Update E. Append, overwrite, ContinuousView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: The answer is Append, Complete, Update •Append mode (default) - This is the default mode,...
table("uncleanedSales")View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The answer is