Which of the following developer operations in the CI/CD can only be implemented through a GIT provider when using Databricks Repos.

Which of the following developer operations in the CI/CD can only be implemented through a GIT provider when using Databricks Repos.A . Trigger Databricks Repos pull API to update the latest version B. Commit and push code C. Create and edit code D. Create a new branch E. Pull request...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to N

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to NA . MODIFY transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' B. MERGE transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' C. UPDATE transactions...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.A . Databricks notebooks support change tracking and versioning B. Databricks notebooks should be copied to a local machine and setup source control locally to version...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python?

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python? row_count = spark.sql("select count(*) from table").collect()[0][0]A . assert (row_count = 10, "Row count did not match") B. assert if (row_count = 10, "Row...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to N

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to NA . MODIFY transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' B. MERGE transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' C. UPDATE transactions...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python?

Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python? row_count = spark.sql("select count(*) from table").collect()[0][0]A . assert (row_count = 10, "Row count did not match") B. assert if (row_count = 10, "Row...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following type of tasks cannot setup through a job?

Which of the following type of tasks cannot setup through a job?A . Notebook B. DELTA LIVE PIPELINE C. Spark Submit D. Python E. Databricks SQL Dashboard refreshView AnswerAnswer: E

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following SQL command can be used to insert or update or delete rows based on a condition to check if a row(s) exists?

Which of the following SQL command can be used to insert or update or delete rows based on a condition to check if a row(s) exists?A . MERGE INTO table_name B. COPY INTO table_name C. UPDATE table_name D. INSERT INTO OVERWRITE table_name E. INSERT IF EXISTS table_nameView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

While investigating a data issue in a Delta table, you wanted to review logs to see when and who updated the table, what is the best way to review this data?

While investigating a data issue in a Delta table, you wanted to review logs to see when and who updated the table, what is the best way to review this data?A . Review event logs in the Workspace B. Run SQL SHOW HISTORY table_name C. Check Databricks SQL Audit logs...

March 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +