
Databricks Databricks Machine Learning Associate Databricks Certified Machine Learning Associate Exam Online Training

Question #1

A machine learning engineer has created a Feature Table new_table using Feature Store Client fs. When creating the table, they specified a metadata description with key information about the Feature Table. They now want to retrieve that metadata programmatically.

Which of the following lines of code will return the metadata description?

  • A . There is no way to return the metadata description programmatically.
  • B . fs.create_training_set("new_table")
  • C . fs.get_table("new_table").description
  • D . fs.get_table("new_table").load_df()
  • E . fs.get_table("new_table")

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Correct Answer: C


To retrieve the metadata description of a feature table created using the Feature Store Client (referred here as fs), the correct method involves calling get_table on the fs client with the table name as an argument, followed by accessing the description attribute of the returned object. The code snippet fs.get_table("new_table").description correctly achieves this by fetching the table object for "new_table" and then accessing its description attribute, where the metadata is stored. The other options do not correctly focus on retrieving the metadata description.

Reference: Databricks Feature Store documentation (Accessing Feature Table Metadata).

Question #2

A data scientist has a Spark DataFrame spark_df. They want to create a new Spark DataFrame that contains only the rows from spark_df where the value in column price is greater than 0.

Which of the following code blocks will accomplish this task?

  • A . spark_df[spark_df["price"] > 0]
  • B . spark_df.filter(col("price") > 0)
  • C . SELECT * FROM spark_df WHERE price > 0
  • D . spark_df.loc[spark_df["price"] > 0,:]
  • E . spark_df.loc[:,spark_df["price"] > 0]

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Correct Answer: B


To filter rows in a Spark DataFrame based on a condition, you use the filter method along with a column condition. The correct syntax in PySpark to accomplish this task is spark_df.filter(col("price")

> 0), which filters the DataFrame to include only those rows where the value in the "price" column is greater than 0. The col function is used to specify column-based operations. The other options provided either do not use correct Spark DataFrame syntax or are intended for different types of data manipulation frameworks like pandas.

Reference: PySpark DataFrame API documentation (Filtering DataFrames).

Question #3

A health organization is developing a classification model to determine whether or not a patient currently has a specific type of infection. The organization’s leaders want to maximize the number of positive cases identified by the model.

Which of the following classification metrics should be used to evaluate the model?

  • A . RMSE
  • B . Precision
  • C . Area under the residual operating curve
  • D . Accuracy
  • E . Recall

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Correct Answer: E


When the goal is to maximize the identification of positive cases in a classification task, the metric of interest is Recall. Recall, also known as sensitivity, measures the proportion of actual positives that are correctly identified by the model (i.e., the true positive rate). It is crucial for scenarios where missing a positive case (false negative) has serious implications, such as in medical diagnostics. The other metrics like Precision, RMSE, and Accuracy serve different aspects of performance measurement and are not specifically focused on maximizing the detection of positive cases alone.

Reference: Classification Metrics in Machine Learning (Understanding Recall).

Question #4

In which of the following situations is it preferable to impute missing feature values with their median value over the mean value?

  • A . When the features are of the categorical type
  • B . When the features are of the boolean type
  • C . When the features contain a lot of extreme outliers
  • D . When the features contain no outliers
  • E . When the features contain no missing no values

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Correct Answer: C


Imputing missing values with the median is often preferred over the mean in scenarios where the data contains a lot of extreme outliers. The median is a more robust measure of central tendency in such cases, as it is not as heavily influenced by outliers as the mean. Using the median ensures that the imputed values are more representative of the typical data point, thus preserving the integrity of the dataset’s distribution. The other options are not specifically relevant to the question of handling outliers in numerical data.

Reference: Data Imputation Techniques (Dealing with Outliers).

Question #5

A data scientist has replaced missing values in their feature set with each respective feature variable’s median value. A colleague suggests that the data scientist is throwing away valuable information by doing this.

Which of the following approaches can they take to include as much information as possible in the feature set?

  • A . Impute the missing values using each respective feature variable’s mean value instead of the median value
  • B . Refrain from imputing the missing values in favor of letting the machine learning algorithm determine how to handle them
  • C . Remove all feature variables that originally contained missing values from the feature set
  • D . Create a binary feature variable for each feature that contained missing values indicating whether each row’s value has been imputed
  • E . Create a constant feature variable for each feature that contained missing values indicating the percentage of rows from the feature that was originally missing

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Correct Answer: D


By creating a binary feature variable for each feature with missing values to indicate whether a value has been imputed, the data scientist can preserve information about the original state of the data. This approach maintains the integrity of the dataset by marking which values are original and which are synthetic (imputed). Here are the steps to implement this approach: Identify Missing Values: Determine which features contain missing values.

Impute Missing Values: Continue with median imputation or choose another method (mean, mode, regression, etc.) to fill missing values.

Create Indicator Variables: For each feature that had missing values, add a new binary feature. This feature should be ‘1’ if the original value was missing and imputed, and ‘0’ otherwise.

Data Integration: Integrate these new binary features into the existing dataset. This maintains a record of where data imputation occurred, allowing models to potentially weight these observations differently.

Model Adjustment: Adjust machine learning models to account for these new features, which might

involve considering interactions between these binary indicators and other features.


"Feature Engineering for Machine Learning" by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari (O’Reilly Media, 2018), especially the sections on handling missing data.

Scikit-learn documentation on imputing missing values: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/impute.html

Question #6

A data scientist is wanting to explore summary statistics for Spark DataFrame spark_df. The data scientist wants to see the count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and interquartile range (IQR) for each numerical feature.

Which of the following lines of code can the data scientist run to accomplish the task?

  • A . spark_df.summary ()
  • B . spark_df.stats()
  • C . spark_df.describe().head()
  • D . spark_df.printSchema()
  • E . spark_df.toPandas()

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Correct Answer: A


The summary() function in PySpark’s DataFrame API provides descriptive statistics which include count, mean, standard deviation, min, max, and quantiles for numeric columns.

Here are the steps on how it can be used:

Import PySpark: Ensure PySpark is installed and correctly configured in the Databricks environment.

Load Data: Load the data into a Spark DataFrame.

Apply Summary: Use spark_df.summary() to generate summary statistics.

View Results: The output from the summary() function includes the statistics specified in the query (count, mean, standard deviation, min, max, and potentially quartiles which approximate the interquartile range).


PySpark Documentation:


Question #7

An organization is developing a feature repository and is electing to one-hot encode all categorical feature variables. A data scientist suggests that the categorical feature variables should not be one-hot encoded within the feature repository.

Which of the following explanations justifies this suggestion?

  • A . One-hot encoding is not supported by most machine learning libraries.
  • B . One-hot encoding is dependent on the target variable’s values which differ for each application.
  • C . One-hot encoding is computationally intensive and should only be performed on small samples of
    training sets for individual machine learning problems.
  • D . One-hot encoding is not a common strategy for representing categorical feature variables numerically.
  • E . One-hot encoding is a potentially problematic categorical variable strategy for some machine learning algorithms.

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Correct Answer: E


One-hot encoding transforms categorical variables into a format that can be provided to machine learning algorithms to better predict the output. However, when done prematurely or universally within a feature repository, it can be problematic:

Dimensionality Increase: One-hot encoding significantly increases the feature space, especially with high cardinality features, which can lead to high memory consumption and slower computation. Model Specificity: Some models handle categorical variables natively (like decision trees and boosting algorithms), and premature one-hot encoding can lead to inefficiency and loss of information (e.g., ordinal relationships).

Sparse Matrix Issue: It often results in a sparse matrix where most values are zero, which can be inefficient in both storage and computation for some algorithms.

Generalization vs. Specificity: Encoding should ideally be tailored to specific models and use cases rather than applied generally in a feature repository.


"Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models" by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson (CRC Press, 2019).

Question #8

A data scientist has created two linear regression models. The first model uses price as a label variable and the second model uses log(price) as a label variable. When evaluating the RMSE of each model by comparing the label predictions to the actual price values, the data scientist notices that the RMSE for the second model is much larger than the RMSE of the first model.

Which of the following possible explanations for this difference is invalid?

  • A . The second model is much more accurate than the first model
  • B . The data scientist failed to exponentiate the predictions in the second model prior to computing the RMSE
  • C . The data scientist failed to take the log of the predictions in the first model prior to computing the RMSE
  • D . The first model is much more accurate than the second model
  • E . The RMSE is an invalid evaluation metric for regression problems

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Correct Answer: E


The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is a standard and widely used metric for evaluating the accuracy of regression models. The statement that it is invalid is incorrect. Here’s a breakdown of why the other statements are or are not valid:

Transformations and RMSE Calculation: If the model predictions were transformed (e.g., using log), they should be converted back to their original scale before calculating RMSE to ensure accuracy in the evaluation. Missteps in this conversion process can lead to misleading RMSE values.

Accuracy of Models: Without additional information, we can’t definitively say which model is more accurate without considering their RMSE values properly scaled back to the original price scale.

Appropriateness of RMSE: RMSE is entirely valid for regression problems as it provides a measure of how accurately a model predicts the outcome, expressed in the same units as the dependent variable.


"Applied Predictive Modeling" by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson (Springer, 2013), particularly the chapters discussing model evaluation metrics.

Question #9

A data scientist uses 3-fold cross-validation when optimizing model hyperparameters for a regression problem.

The following root-mean-squared-error values are calculated on each of the validation folds:

• 10.0

• 12.0

• 17.0

Which of the following values represents the overall cross-validation root-mean-squared error?

  • A . 13.0
  • B . 17.0
  • C . 12.0
  • D . 39.0
  • E . 10.0

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Correct Answer: A


To calculate the overall cross-validation root-mean-squared error (RMSE), you average the RMSE values obtained from each validation fold. Given the RMSE values of 10.0, 12.0, and 17.0 for the three folds, the overall cross-validation RMSE is calculated as the average of these three values:

Overall CV RMSE=10.0+12.0+17.03=39.03=13.0Overall CV RMSE=310.0+12.0+17.0=339.0=13.0

Thus, the correct answer is 13.0, which accurately represents the average RMSE across all folds.

Reference: Cross-validation in Regression (Understanding Cross-Validation Metrics).

Question #10

A machine learning engineer is trying to scale a machine learning pipeline pipeline that contains multiple feature engineering stages and a modeling stage.

As part of the cross-validation process, they are using the following code block:

A colleague suggests that the code block can be changed to speed up the tuning process by passing the model object to the estimator parameter and then placing the updated cv object as the final stage of the pipeline in place of the original model.

Which of the following is a negative consequence of the approach suggested by the colleague?

  • A . The model will take longer to train for each unique combination of hvperparameter values
  • B . The feature engineering stages will be computed using validation data
  • C . The cross-validation process will no longer be
  • D . The cross-validation process will no longer be reproducible
  • E . The model will be refit one more per cross-validation fold

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Correct Answer: B


If the model object is passed to the estimator parameter of CrossValidator and the cross-validation object itself is placed as a stage in the pipeline, the feature engineering stages within the pipeline would be applied separately to each training and validation fold during cross-validation. This leads to a significant issue: the feature engineering stages would be computed using validation data, thereby leaking information from the validation set into the training process. This would potentially invalidate the cross-validation results by giving an overly optimistic performance estimate.

Reference: Cross-validation and Pipeline Integration in MLlib (Avoiding Data Leakage in Pipelines).

Question #11

What is the name of the method that transforms categorical features into a series of binary indicator feature variables?

  • A . Leave-one-out encoding
  • B . Target encoding
  • C . One-hot encoding
  • D . Categorical
  • E . String indexing

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Correct Answer: C


The method that transforms categorical features into a series of binary indicator variables is known as one-hot encoding. This technique converts each categorical value into a new binary column, which is essential for models that require numerical input. One-hot encoding is widely used because it helps to handle categorical data without introducing a false ordinal relationship among categories.

Reference: Feature Engineering Techniques (One-Hot Encoding).

Question #12

A data scientist wants to parallelize the training of trees in a gradient boosted tree to speed up the training process. A colleague suggests that parallelizing a boosted tree algorithm can be difficult.

Which of the following describes why?

  • A . Gradient boosting is not a linear algebra-based algorithm which is required for parallelization
  • B . Gradient boosting requires access to all data at once which cannot happen during parallelization.
  • C . Gradient boosting calculates gradients in evaluation metrics using all cores which prevents parallelization.
  • D . Gradient boosting is an iterative algorithm that requires information from the previous iteration to perform the next step.

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Correct Answer: D


Gradient boosting is fundamentally an iterative algorithm where each new tree is built based on the errors of the previous ones. This sequential dependency makes it difficult to parallelize the training of trees in gradient boosting, as each step relies on the results from the preceding step.

Parallelization in this context would undermine the core methodology of the algorithm, which depends on sequentially improving the model’s performance with each iteration.

Reference: Machine Learning Algorithms (Challenges with Parallelizing Gradient Boosting).

Gradient boosting is an ensemble learning technique that builds models in a sequential manner. Each new model corrects the errors made by the previous ones. This sequential dependency means that each iteration requires the results of the previous iteration to make corrections. Here is a step-by-step explanation of why this makes parallelization challenging:

Sequential Nature: Gradient boosting builds one tree at a time. Each tree is trained to correct the residual errors of the previous trees. This requires the model to complete one iteration before starting the next.

Dependence on Previous Iterations: The gradient calculation at each step depends on the predictions made by the previous models. Therefore, the model must wait until the previous tree has been fully trained and evaluated before starting to train the next tree.

Difficulty in Parallelization: Because of this dependency, it is challenging to parallelize the training process. Unlike algorithms that process data independently in each step (e.g., random forests), gradient boosting cannot easily distribute the work across multiple processors or cores for simultaneous execution.

This iterative and dependent nature of the gradient boosting process makes it difficult to parallelize effectively.


Gradient Boosting Machine Learning Algorithm

Understanding Gradient Boosting Machines

Question #13

A data scientist wants to efficiently tune the hyperparameters of a scikit-learn model. They elect to use the Hyperopt library’s fmin operation to facilitate this process. Unfortunately, the final model is not very accurate. The data scientist suspects that there is an issue with the objective_function being passed as an argument to fmin.

They use the following code block to create the objective_function:

Which of the following changes does the data scientist need to make to their objective_function in order to produce a more accurate model?

  • A . Add test set validation process
  • B . Add a random_state argument to the RandomForestRegressor operation
  • C . Remove the mean operation that is wrapping the cross_val_score operation
  • D . Replace the r2 return value with -r2
  • E . Replace the fmin operation with the fmax operation

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Correct Answer: D


When using the Hyperopt library with fmin, the goal is to find the minimum of the objective function. Since you are using cross_val_score to calculate the R2 score which is a measure of the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that’s explained by an independent variable(s) in a regression model, higher values are better. However, fmin seeks to minimize the objective function, so to align with fmin’s goal, you should return the negative of the R2 score (-r2). This way, by minimizing the negative R2, fmin is effectively maximizing the R2 score, which can lead to a more accurate model.


Hyperopt Documentation: http://hyperopt.github.io/hyperopt/ Scikit-Learn documentation on model evaluation: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/model_evaluation.html

Question #14

A data scientist is attempting to tune a logistic regression model logistic using scikit-learn. They want to specify a search space for two hyperparameters and let the tuning process randomly select values for each evaluation.

They attempt to run the following code block, but it does not accomplish the desired task:

Which of the following changes can the data scientist make to accomplish the task?

  • A . Replace the GridSearchCV operation with RandomizedSearchCV
  • B . Replace the GridSearchCV operation with cross_validate
  • C . Replace the GridSearchCV operation with ParameterGrid
  • D . Replace the random_state=0 argument with random_state=1
  • E . Replace the penalty= [’12’, ’11’] argument with penalty=uniform (’12’, ’11’)

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Correct Answer: A


The user wants to specify a search space for hyperparameters and let the tuning process randomly select values. GridSearchCV systematically tries every combination of the provided hyperparameter values, which can be computationally expensive and time-consuming. RandomizedSearchCV, on the other hand, samples hyperparameters from a distribution for a fixed number of iterations. This approach is usually faster and still can find very good parameters, especially when the search space is large or includes distributions.


Scikit-Learn documentation on hyperparameter tuning: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/grid_search.html#randomized-parameter-optimization

Question #15

Which of the following tools can be used to parallelize the hyperparameter tuning process for single-node machine learning models using a Spark cluster?

  • A . MLflow Experiment Tracking
  • B . Spark ML
  • C . Autoscaling clusters
  • D . Autoscaling clusters
  • E . Delta Lake

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Correct Answer: B


Spark ML (part of Apache Spark’s MLlib) is designed to handle machine learning tasks across multiple nodes in a cluster, effectively parallelizing tasks like hyperparameter tuning. It supports various machine learning algorithms that can be optimized over a Spark cluster, making it suitable for parallelizing hyperparameter tuning for single-node machine learning models when they are adapted to run on Spark.


Apache Spark MLlib Guide: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-guide.html

Spark ML is a library within Apache Spark designed for scalable machine learning. It provides tools to handle large-scale machine learning tasks, including parallelizing the hyperparameter tuning process for single-node machine learning models using a Spark cluster. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Spark ML can be used:

Hyperparameter Tuning with CrossValidator: Spark ML includes the CrossValidator and TrainValidationSplit classes, which are used for hyperparameter tuning. These classes can evaluate multiple sets of hyperparameters in parallel using a Spark cluster.

from pyspark.ml.tuning import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder from pyspark.ml.evaluation import BinaryClassificationEvaluator

# Define the model model = …

# Create a parameter grid paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder()

.addGrid(model.hyperparam1, [value1, value2])

.addGrid(model.hyperparam2, [value3, value4])


# Define the evaluator

evaluator = BinaryClassificationEvaluator()

# Define the CrossValidator

crossval = CrossValidator(estimator=model,




Parallel Execution: Spark distributes the tasks of training models with different hyperparameters across the cluster’s nodes. Each node processes a subset of the parameter grid, which allows multiple models to be trained simultaneously.

Scalability: Spark ML leverages the distributed computing capabilities of Spark. This allows for efficient processing of large datasets and training of models across many nodes, which speeds up the hyperparameter tuning process significantly compared to single-node computations.


Apache Spark MLlib Documentation

Hyperparameter Tuning in Spark ML

Question #16

Which of the following describes the relationship between native Spark DataFrames and pandas API on Spark DataFrames?

  • A . pandas API on Spark DataFrames are single-node versions of Spark DataFrames with additional metadata
  • B . pandas API on Spark DataFrames are more performant than Spark DataFrames
  • C . pandas API on Spark DataFrames are made up of Spark DataFrames and additional metadata
  • D . pandas API on Spark DataFrames are less mutable versions of Spark DataFrames
  • E . pandas API on Spark DataFrames are unrelated to Spark DataFrames

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Correct Answer: C


Pandas API on Spark (previously known as Koalas) provides a pandas-like API on top of Apache Spark.

It allows users to perform pandas operations on large datasets using Spark’s distributed compute capabilities. Internally, it uses Spark DataFrames and adds metadata that facilitates handling operations in a pandas-like manner, ensuring compatibility and leveraging Spark’s performance and scalability.


pandas API on Spark documentation:


Question #17

A data scientist has written a data cleaning notebook that utilizes the pandas library, but their colleague has suggested that they refactor their notebook to scale with big data.

Which of the following approaches can the data scientist take to spend the least amount of time refactoring their notebook to scale with big data?

  • A . They can refactor their notebook to process the data in parallel.
  • B . They can refactor their notebook to use the PySpark DataFrame API.
  • C . They can refactor their notebook to use the Scala Dataset API.
  • D . They can refactor their notebook to use Spark SQL.
  • E . They can refactor their notebook to utilize the pandas API on Spark.

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Correct Answer: E


The data scientist can refactor their notebook to utilize the pandas API on Spark (now known as pandas on Spark, formerly Koalas). This allows for the least amount of changes to the existing pandas-based code while scaling to handle big data using Spark’s distributed computing capabilities.

pandas on Spark provides a similar API to pandas, making the transition smoother and faster compared to completely rewriting the code to use PySpark DataFrame API, Scala Dataset API, or Spark SQL.

Reference: Databricks documentation on pandas API on Spark (formerly Koalas).

Question #18

A data scientist has defined a Pandas UDF function predict to parallelize the inference process for a single-node model:

They have written the following incomplete code block to use predict to score each record of Spark DataFrame spark_df:

Which of the following lines of code can be used to complete the code block to successfully complete the task?

  • A . predict(*spark_df.columns)
  • B . mapInPandas(predict)
  • C . predict(Iterator(spark_df))
  • D . mapInPandas(predict(spark_df.columns))
  • E . predict(spark_df.columns)

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Correct Answer: B


To apply the Pandas UDF predict to each record of a Spark DataFrame, you use the mapInPandas method. This method allows the Pandas UDF to operate on partitions of the DataFrame as pandas DataFrames, applying the specified function (predict in this case) to each partition. The correct code completion to execute this is simply mapInPandas(predict), which specifies the UDF to use without additional arguments or incorrect function calls.

Reference: PySpark DataFrame documentation (Using mapInPandas with UDFs).

Question #19

Which of the Spark operations can be used to randomly split a Spark DataFrame into a training DataFrame and a test DataFrame for downstream use?

  • A . TrainValidationSplit
  • B . DataFrame.where
  • C . CrossValidator
  • D . TrainValidationSplitModel
  • E . DataFrame.randomSplit

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Correct Answer: E


The correct method to randomly split a Spark DataFrame into training and test sets is by using the randomSplit method. This method allows you to specify the proportions for the split as a list of weights and returns multiple DataFrames according to those weights. This is directly intended for splitting DataFrames randomly and is the appropriate choice for preparing data for training and testing in machine learning workflows.

Reference: Apache Spark DataFrame API documentation (DataFrame Operations: randomSplit).

Question #20

A data scientist is using Spark ML to engineer features for an exploratory machine learning project.

They decide they want to standardize their features using the following code block:

Upon code review, a colleague expressed concern with the features being standardized prior to splitting the data into a training set and a test set.

Which of the following changes can the data scientist make to address the concern?

  • A . Utilize the MinMaxScaler object to standardize the training data according to global minimum and maximum values
  • B . Utilize the MinMaxScaler object to standardize the test data according to global minimum and maximum values
  • C . Utilize a cross-validation process rather than a train-test split process to remove the need for standardizing data
  • D . Utilize the Pipeline API to standardize the training data according to the test data’s summary statistics
  • E . Utilize the Pipeline API to standardize the test data according to the training data’s summary statistics

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Correct Answer: E


To address the concern about standardizing features prior to splitting the data, the correct approach is to use the Pipeline API to ensure that only the training data’s summary statistics are used to standardize the test data. This is achieved by fitting the StandardScaler (or any scaler) on the training data and then transforming both the training and test data using the fitted scaler. This approach prevents information leakage from the test data into the model training process and ensures that the model is evaluated fairly.

Reference: Best Practices in Preprocessing in Spark ML (Handling Data Splits and Feature Standardization).

Question #21

A machine learning engineer is trying to scale a machine learning pipeline by distributing its feature engineering process.

Which of the following feature engineering tasks will be the least efficient to distribute?

  • A . One-hot encoding categorical features
  • B . Target encoding categorical features
  • C . Imputing missing feature values with the mean
  • D . Imputing missing feature values with the true median
  • E . Creating binary indicator features for missing values

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Correct Answer: D


Among the options listed, calculating the true median for imputing missing feature values is the least efficient to distribute. This is because the true median requires knowledge of the entire data distribution, which can be computationally expensive in a distributed environment. Unlike mean or mode, finding the median requires sorting the data or maintaining a full distribution, which is more intensive and often requires shuffling the data across partitions.


Challenges in parallel processing and distributed computing for data aggregation like median calculation: https://www.apache.org

Question #22

Which of the following is a benefit of using vectorized pandas UDFs instead of standard PySpark UDFs?

  • A . The vectorized pandas UDFs allow for the use of type hints
  • B . The vectorized pandas UDFs process data in batches rather than one row at a time
  • C . The vectorized pandas UDFs allow for pandas API use inside of the function
  • D . The vectorized pandas UDFs work on distributed DataFrames
  • E . The vectorized pandas UDFs process data in memory rather than spilling to disk

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Correct Answer: B


Vectorized pandas UDFs, also known as Pandas UDFs, are a powerful feature in PySpark that allows for more efficient operations than standard UDFs. They operate by processing data in batches, utilizing vectorized operations that leverage pandas to perform operations on whole batches of data at once. This approach is much more efficient than processing data row by row as is typical with standard PySpark UDFs, which can significantly speed up the computation.

Reference PySpark Documentation on UDFs:


Question #23

A data scientist wants to tune a set of hyperparameters for a machine learning model. They have wrapped a Spark ML model in the objective function objective_function and they have defined the search space search_space.

As a result, they have the following code block:

Which of the following changes do they need to make to the above code block in order to accomplish the task?

  • A . Change SparkTrials() to Trials()
  • B . Reduce num_evals to be less than 10
  • C . Change fmin() to fmax()
  • D . Remove the trials=trials argument
  • E . Remove the algo=tpe.suggest argument

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Correct Answer: A


The SparkTrials() is used to distribute trials of hyperparameter tuning across a Spark cluster. If the environment does not support Spark or if the user prefers not to use distributed computing for this purpose, switching to Trials() would be appropriate. Trials() is the standard class for managing search trials in Hyperopt but does not distribute the computation. If the user is encountering issues with SparkTrials() possibly due to an unsupported configuration or an error in the cluster setup, using Trials() can be a suitable change for running the optimization locally or in a non-distributed manner.


Hyperopt documentation: http://hyperopt.github.io/hyperopt/

Question #24

A machine learning engineer would like to develop a linear regression model with Spark ML to predict the price of a hotel room. They are using the Spark DataFrame train_df to train the model.

The Spark DataFrame train_df has the following schema:

The machine learning engineer shares the following code block:

Which of the following changes does the machine learning engineer need to make to complete the task?

  • A . They need to call the transform method on train df
  • B . They need to convert the features column to be a vector
  • C . They do not need to make any changes
  • D . They need to utilize a Pipeline to fit the model
  • E . They need to split the features column out into one column for each feature

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Correct Answer: B


In Spark ML, the linear regression model expects the feature column to be a vector type. However, if the features column in the DataFrame train_df is not already in this format (such as being a column of type UDT or a non-vectorized type), the engineer needs to convert it to a vector column using a transformer like VectorAssembler. This is a critical step in preparing the data for modeling as Spark ML models require input features to be combined into a single vector column.


Spark MLlib documentation for LinearRegression: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#linear-regression

Question #25

Which of the following tools can be used to distribute large-scale feature engineering without the use of a UDF or pandas Function API for machine learning pipelines?

  • A . Keras
  • B . pandas
  • C . PvTorch
  • D . Spark ML
  • E . Scikit-learn

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Correct Answer: D


Spark ML (Machine Learning Library) is designed specifically for handling large-scale data processing and machine learning tasks directly within Apache Spark. It provides tools and APIs for large-scale feature engineering without the need to rely on user-defined functions (UDFs) or pandas Function API, allowing for more scalable and efficient data transformations directly distributed across a Spark cluster. Unlike Keras, pandas, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, Spark ML operates natively in a distributed environment suitable for big data scenarios.

Reference: Spark MLlib documentation (Feature Engineering with Spark ML).

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