What is an adequate topic configuration for the topic word-count-output?
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder(); KStream<String, String> textLines = builder.stream("word-count-input"); KTable<String, Long> wordCounts = textLines .mapValues(textLine -> textLine.toLowerCase()) .flatMapValues(textLine -> Arrays.asList(textLine.split("W+"))) .selectKey((key, word) -> word) .groupByKey() .count(Materialized.as("Counts")); wordCounts.toStream().to("word-count-output", Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long())); builder.build(); What is an adequate topic configuration for the topic word-count-output?A . max.message.bytes=10000000B . cleanup.policy=deleteC . compression.type=lz4D . cleanup.policy=compactView AnswerAnswer:...
The kafka-console-consumer CLI, when used with the default options
The kafka-console-consumer CLI, when used with the default optionsA . uses a random group idB . always uses the same group idC . does not use a group idView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: If a group is not specified, the kafka-console-consumer generates a random consumer group.
What should you do?
You have a consumer group of 12 consumers and when a consumer gets killed by the process management system, rather abruptly, it does not trigger a graceful shutdown of your consumer. Therefore, it takes up to 10 seconds for a rebalance to happen. The business would like to have a...
How many tasks are launched?
You are using JDBC source connector to copy data from a table to Kafka topic. There is one connector created with max.tasks equal to 2 deployed on a cluster of 3 workers . How many tasks are launched?A . 3B . 2C . 1D . 6View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: JDBC...
Under which conditions will the consumer see the message?
A producer just sent a message to the leader broker for a topic partition. The producer used acks=1 and therefore the data has not yet been replicated to followers. Under which conditions will the consumer see the message?A . Right awayB . When the message has been fully replicated to...
Where are KSQL-related data and metadata stored?
Where are KSQL-related data and metadata stored?A . Kafka TopicsB . ZookeeperC . PostgreSQL databaseD . Schema RegistryView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: metadata is stored in and built from the KSQL command topic. Each KSQL server has its own in-memory version of the metastore.
What is true about partitions? (select two)
What is true about partitions? (select two)A . A broker can have a partition and its replica on its diskB . You cannot have more partitions than the number of brokers in your clusterC . A broker can have different partitions numbers for the same topic on its diskD ....
What isn't a feature of the Confluent schema registry?
What isn't a feature of the Confluent schema registry?A . Store avro dataB . Enforce compatibility rulesC . Store schemasView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Data is stored on brokers.
How many tasks will you configure for the S3 connector?
You want to sink data from a Kafka topic to S3 using Kafka Connect. There are 10 brokers in the cluster, the topic has 2 partitions with replication factor of 3 . How many tasks will you configure for the S3 connector?A . 10B . 6C . 3D . 2View...
In Avro, removing or adding a field that has a default is a __ schema evolution
In Avro, removing or adding a field that has a default is a __ schema evolutionA . fullB . backwardC . breakingD . forwardView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Clients with new schema will be able to read records saved with old schema and clients with old schema will be able to...