What happens if message schema is not present in AvroDeserializer local cache?
A consumer application is using KafkaAvroDeserializer to deserialize Avro messages . What happens if message schema is not present in AvroDeserializer local cache?A . Throws SerializationExceptionB . Fails silentlyC . Throws DeserializationExceptionD . Fetches schema from Schema RegistryView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: First local cache is checked for the message schema....
What is true about log compaction?
Compaction is enabled for a topic in Kafka by setting log.cleanup.policy=compact . What is true about log compaction?A . After cleanup, only one message per key is retained with the first valueB . Each message stored in the topic is compressedC . Kafka automatically de-duplicates incoming messages based on key...
Suppose you have 6 brokers and you decide to create a topic with 10 partitions and a replication factor of 3. The brokers 0 and 1 are on rack A, the brokers 2 and 3 are on rack B, and the brokers 4 and 5 are on rack C. If the leader for partition 0 is on broker 4, and the first replica is on broker 2, which broker can host the last replica? (select two)
Suppose you have 6 brokers and you decide to create a topic with 10 partitions and a replication factor of 3. The brokers 0 and 1 are on rack A, the brokers 2 and 3 are on rack B, and the brokers 4 and 5 are on rack C. If...
How will you fix the error?
When using plain JSON data with Connect, you see the following error messageorg.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataExceptionJsonDeserializer with schemas.enable requires "schema" and "payload" fields and may not contain additional fields . How will you fix the error?A . Set key.converter, value.converter to JsonConverter and the schema registry urlB . Use Single Message Transforms to...
What happens if you write the following code in your producer?
What happens if you write the following code in your producer? producer.send(producerRecord).get()A . Compression will be increasedB . Throughput will be decreasedC . It will force all brokers in Kafka to acknowledge the producerRecordD . Batching will be increasedView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Using Future.get() to wait for a reply from...
What is the output of KStream-KTable join?
You want to perform table lookups against a KTable everytime a new record is received from the KStream . What is the output of KStream-KTable join?A . KTableB . GlobalKTableC . You choose between KStream or KTableD . KstreamView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Here KStream is being processed to create another...
What is the replication factor will you specify while creating the topic?
There are 3 brokers in the cluster. You want to create a topic with a single partition that is resilient to one broker failure and one broker maintenance . What is the replication factor will you specify while creating the topic?A . 6B . 3C . 2D . 1View AnswerAnswer:...
How often is log compaction evaluated?
How often is log compaction evaluated?A . Every time a new partition is createdB . Every time a segment is closedC . Every time a message is sent to KafkaD . Every time a message is flushed to diskView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Log compaction is evaluated every time a segment...
How can you improve this scenario?
You are doing complex calculations using a machine learning framework on records fetched from a Kafka topic. It takes more about 6 minutes to process a record batch, and he consumer enters rebalances even though it's still running . How can you improve this scenario?A . Increase max.poll.interval.ms to 600000B...
What data format isn't natively available with the Confluent REST Proxy?
What data format isn't natively available with the Confluent REST Proxy?A . avroB . binaryC . protobufD . jsonView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Protocol buffers isn't a natively supported type for the Confluent REST Proxy, but you may use the binary format instead