CIPS is the worldwide IT certification, you will find the latest CIPS exams free online test to practice with the help of Exam4Training. All CIPS exams questions are collected from real test. Because CIPS changed questions frequently, you can pay attention to our site for new update.
- L3M1: (L3M1 with 35 Q&A)
- L3M2: (L3M2 with 35 Q&A)
- L3M3: (L3M3 with 35 Q&A)
- L3M4: (L3M4 with 35 Q&A)
- L3M5: (L3M5 with 35 Q&A)
- L4M1: (L4M1 with 12 Q&A)
- L4M2: Defining Business Needs (L4M2 with 79 Q&A)
- L4M2: (L4M2 V1 with 56 Q&A)
- L4M3: Commercial Contracting (L4M3 with 150 Q&A)
- L4M4: (L4M4 with 45 Q&A)
- L4M5: Commercial Negotiation (L4M5 with 78 Q&A)
- L4M5: (L4M5 V1 with 32 Q&A)
- L4M6: Supplier Relationships (L4M6 with 40 Q&A)
- L4M6: (L4M6 V1 with 24 Q&A)
- L4M7: Whole-life Assets Management (L4M7 with 86 Q&A)
- L4M7: Whole-life Assets Management (L4M7 V1 with 86 Q&A)
- L4M7: (L4M7 V2 with 45 Q&A)
- L4M8: Procurement and Supply in Practice (L4M8 with 137 Q&A)
- L5M2: Managing Supply Chain Risk (L5M2 with 41 Q&A)
- L5M3: Managing Contractual Risk (L5M3 with 40 Q&A)
- L5M5: Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply (L5M5 with 40 Q&A)
- L6M10: (L6M10 with 19 Q&A)