
BluePrism AD01 Blue Prism Developer Online Training

Question #1

Refer to the Exhibit.

The Process is intended to attempt to perform the processing in the recover block, Block 3. a maximum of three times before throwing an exception.

Data Item ‘Attempts’ is a number data item with an initial value of 0 Data Item "Max Attempts" is a number data item with an initial value of 3

The ‘Increment Attempts’ calculation stage add 1 to the attempts value and outputs a result to the "Attempts" data item

To enable this to work correctly, what is the correct expressions for the Try Again’ decision stage?

  • A . [Attempts] < [Max]
  • B . [Attempts] > [Max]
  • C . [Attempts] = [Max]
  • D . [Attempts] + 1

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Correct Answer: A


This expression will evaluate to true as long as the number of attempts is less than the maximum number of attempts, which means the process will try again. If the expression is false, it means the number of attempts has reached or exceeded the maximum number of attempts, which means the process will throw an exception.

Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2020-06/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Developer.pdf (page 2)

Question #2

Examine the following process flow:

The Orders Collection contains the following data

The Saved Quantity Data Item is configured as a number with the initial value 0.

The Loop Orders stage is configured to loop though the Orders collection.

The Get Quantity stage is configured as follows:

What will the data item Saved Quantity contain after the execution of the page?

  • A . 4
  • B . 5
  • C . 1
  • D . 19

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Correct Answer: D


The Saved Quantity data item will contain the sum of all the Quantity values in the Orders collection after the loop. The loop will iterate through each row of the collection and add the value of Quantity to the Saved Quantity data item using a calculation stage. The initial value of Saved Quantity is 0, and after adding each row’s Quantity, it will become 19 (0 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 9).

Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2020-06/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Developer.pdf (page 2)

Question #3

How many Start Stages can a sub-page in a Process have?

  • A . 0
  • B . 1
  • C . 2
  • D . Any Number

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Correct Answer: B


A sub-page in a process can have only one start stage, which is where the execution begins when the sub-page is called from another page. A sub-page cannot have zero or more than one start stages, as that would cause ambiguity or confusion in the execution flow.

Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2020-06/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Developer.pdf (page 2)

Question #4

Study the following process flow:

The data item "Loop Counter" is a number data item and has an initial value of 0. The data item "Max Loops" is a number data item and has an initial value of 10.

The two stages are configured as follows:

How many times will the Loop Again stage be executed when the page is executed?

  • A . 10
  • B . 9
  • C . 11
  • D . The loop will be infinite

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Correct Answer: C


The Loop Again stage will be executed 11 times when the page is executed. The loop counter data item starts with a value of 0, and each time the loop again stage is executed, it increments by 1 using a calculation stage. The loop will continue until the loop counter value is equal to or greater than the max loops value, which is 10. Therefore, the loop again stage will be executed once for each value of loop counter from 0 to 10, which is 11 times in total.

Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2020-06/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Developer.pdf (page 2)

Question #5

The calculation stages contain the following:

What will be the outcome after the page has run?

  • A . Data Item Output Value contains A
  • B . Data Item Output Value contains B
  • C . Data Item Output Value contains C
  • D . An Internal Exception will be thrown

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Correct Answer: D
Question #6

Examine the following process flow:

The Loop Orders loop is configured to loop through the Orders collection.

How Many times will the ‘Process Order’ page be executed?

  • A . 1
  • B . 15
  • C . The loop will be infinite
  • D . It’s impossible to tell. There is no loop counter.

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Correct Answer: B


Loop Orders is configuring to the Orders collection and as per the diagram in the order collection there are 15 rows so the loop is run till 15 times and the process order page will executed 15 times.

Question #7

Study the following page in a process:

Calculation stages will write A, B or C to the Output value data item.

What will be the outcome after the page has run?

  • A . Data Item Output Value contains “A"
  • B . Data Item Output Value contains "B"
  • C . Data Item Output Value contains "C"
  • D . An Internal Exception will be thrown

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Correct Answer: D
Question #8

Study the following process flow:

This is the Mam Page of a simple process which calls the Page Calculation before completing.

The data items are configured as follows:

• X is a Number data item with an initial value of 20

• Y is a Number data item with an initial value of 5

• Result is a Number data item with no initial value

The Calculation Page stage is configured as follows:

The Calculation Page is as follows:

The Data Items are configured as follow:

• X is a Number data item with an initial value of 10

• Y is a Number data item with an initial value of 5

• Result is a Number data item with no initial value

The Start Stage is configured pass through the X and Y values as input parameters.

The divide calculation stage expression is [X] / [Y]

The end stage is configured to pass back the results value as an output parameter.

What will be contained in the Result Data Item on the Mam Page following the execution of the Process?

  • A . 0
  • B . No Value
  • C . 2
  • D . 4

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Correct Answer: D
Question #9

Study the following configuration

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • A . When the configuration is run in Control Room, it will become stuck in an infinite loop
  • B . When the configuration is run in Control Room, it will become stuck in an infinite loop until the ‘Switch’ Session Variable is changed to True in System Manager
  • C . When the configuration is run in Control Room, it will become stuck in an infinite loop until the ‘Switch’ Session Variable is changed to True in the Control Room
  • D . When the configuration is run in Control Room, it will fail with an internal error on the first execution of the ‘Switch?’ stage with the error: Decision did not result in a yes/no

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Correct Answer: C


Environment variables value will only be change when the next time process runs and the session variables will change immediately on change in control room.

Session variables values will only be change from the control room and the env variables is only change from the system manager.

Question #10

Consider the following flow in an object:

Which of the following statements are true?

  • A . There just needs to be a wait stage after the start stage to correct this action.
  • B . There should be a wait stage after every stage in this flow (i.e. after the navigate, read, write stages.
  • C . If during testing in object studio this flow works, no additional wait stages should be added as they will slow the interface down.
  • D . There should be an intelligent wait stage after the start stage and after any stage that cause the application we are interfacing with to change

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Correct Answer: D


Intelligent wait stage should always be used after every stage and that should be minute wait to overcome the lag when the application runs and on wait should only be used when some of action interfacing the screens or any updating is going on as per the best practices pdf

Question #11

A screen contains four buttons, Find, Save, Close and New. When the buttons are spied, the attributes are identical except for the Window Text attribute.

The values for the Windows Text attribute are Find’ for the Find button. ‘Save’ for the Save button, Close’ for the Close button and New’ for the New Button.

The Dynamic Button element has been spied and has the following attributes set:

What additional configuration is required to ensure the Close button is selected by the Navigate stage?

  • A . Set the Mouse Button value to Close’
  • B . The Params button must be selected and the parameter configured to override the Window Text attribute value to ‘Close’
  • C . It is not possible to select the Close button using the Dynamic Button element because the value is set to ‘Find in the Application Modeller
  • D . A new element is required with the Window Text value set to "Close and the Match Type set to equal

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: When passing the values in the Parameter the parameter should be configured with respect to the window text and pass as the value “close” as other attributes are identical we only have window text to make our fingerprint unique.

Question #12

You identify an element in Application Modeller but when you highlight or use that element Blue Prism gives you an error message saying that duplicate elements were found.

Which of the following statements is true?

  • A . It is common for duplicate elements to be found based upon the attributes that are ticked by default using the Blue Prism product. Time needs to be spent experimenting with the attribute ticks until a unique, reliable, and consistent selection of attributes are found.
  • B . It will not be possible to interface with the element in a unique way. You will need to use Surface Automation techniques for this element.
  • C . A code stage interface will need to be created and used for this application, this will give you more flexibility to interact with the application elements.
  • D . You will need to make the attributes you have selected dynamic. This will allow your flow to loop around, incrementing the attribute value until the correct element is found and used.

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Correct Answer: A


Reason: Is is common as the duplicate elements we are found by default as the attributes are provided by the application not by the blue prism. how do make our elements unique is not done by practicing and experience. ( This is also mentioned in the Foundation course and as well as in other Pdf too)

Question #13

Which of the following statements about Business Objects is true?

  • A . It is Blue Prism best practice to include business rules within Business Objects
  • B . A Business Object is configured in the Studio area of Blue Prism
  • C . A Business Object can be exposed to Control Room
  • D . Logging of individual stages is not configurable in Business Objects

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: As the business object is only configure in the Object studio.

Rest all other reasons are failed.

Question #14

A Blue Prism solution works fine when developing and testing it in Process and Object studio but when it is ran in Control Room exceptions occur because of screen elements not being found.

What is the most likely cause?

  • A . The most likely cause for the errors is that your application has changed.
  • B . The most likely cause for the errors seen in Control Room is that best practice use of wait stages has not been followed.
  • C . The most likely cause for the errors is that the Object Studio action has not been published and therefore cannot be used by the Process in control room.
  • D . The most likely cause for the exceptions is that best practice exception handling has not been incorporated into the Process.

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: This is because when we are running the process in testing and development phase at time the speed of running the process is slow, that’s why it ran properly and when we haven’t give the proper wait stage and when the process ran in control room the exception occurs as the process ran in full speed so the process is not having the time to wait.

This is mentioned in the Process creation exercise or Lifecycle exercise.

Question #15

The Order System application has been successfully launched and Blue Prism has navigated the application to the following screen:

There is a requirement to ensure this screen is in focus before any further interfacing is done with the screen.

Which is the correct configuration to ensure the New Order screen is in focus?





  • A . Exhibit A
  • B . Exhibit B
  • C . Exhibit C
  • D . Exhibit D

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Correct Answer: D


For window application to ensure the new screen is in focus We need to activate the New screen as not the application

Question #16

You identify an element in Application Modeller and it highlights uniquely and can be used in your object flow diagram. The next day you find that Blue Prism cannot no longer identify the same element, your object flow is giving you ‘Element not found’ exceptions.

Which of the following statements is true?

  • A . This must be an environment issue. The Blue Prism environment must be consistent and persistent, and an element that worked one day and does not work the next day suggests the environment is changeable. The IT team supporting the environment needs to be contacted to fix the problem.
  • B . The Blue Prism product support team should be contacted to report the issue. This signifies an inconsistency in how the Blue Prism product is working which needs to be fixed.
  • C . This suggests that Best Practice exception handling has not been implemented in the object. A retry loop around the object stages that are using the element will probably fix the problem
  • D . It is common for consistency issues to be found during configuration/development testing. The most likely cause is that an attribute has been selected for the element that is changeable, such as a window title with a date, or a URL The developer needs to ensure that any changeable attributes are unticked.

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Correct Answer: D


Reason: This is happening when identifying the elements in application modeler some of the details which are changing on the different environment and while identifying the elements in application modeler the developer takes the element whose values are changing and when the application run on the different path at that point of the time the process is able to expecting values eg same url, date or title but it is not at there so the process terminates. Follow the best practice for this.

Question #17

When automating a Windows application what type of stage is configured to perform a Global Send Key Events?

  • A . Notes Stage
  • B . Read Stage
  • C . Write Stage
  • D . Navigate Stage

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Correct Answer: D


Reason: Global send key events and global keys are not passed through the navigate stage.

Question #18

Consider the following flow in an object:

Which of these statements is true?

  • A . The flow shown in the diagram is correct, the wart stages are all adding a high level of robustness to the action
  • B . The wait stages after read and write stages should be removed they are not required and are lowing the flow down
  • C . The wait stages after read stages should be removed, the wart stages after write stages should be left because the application will have been changed
  • D . Only the first wait stage in this flow is required, all the other wait stages should be removed.

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: There is no wait stage required after Read and write stage as it makes the process lengthy here, because here no activity is performed which are taking time to read and write so wait is not useful.

Here wait is required for search fields as there the activity is happening in which it is required for wait.

Question #19

When entering an option within the Training Order system the relevant option number is entered into the Option number field as below.

The Option number input field has been spied in Blue Prism:

The following attribute set has been returned by Application Modeller:

Which Attribute can be un-ticked to ensure consistent visibility of the element to Blue Prism?

  • A . Window Text
  • B . Visible
  • C . Screen Visible
  • D . Class Name

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Correct Answer: A


Reason: As the window text is not unique when the value is changed and bp is able to spied at time a error would come. So there is no use of window text.

Question #20

What is the syntax for using a collection field in an expression?

  • A . Like this MyCollection(MyField)
  • B . Like this MyCollection[MyField]
  • C . Like this [MyCollection[MyField]]
  • D . Like this MyCollection.MyField
  • E . Like this [MyCollection.MyField]

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Correct Answer: E


Reason: collection name or data type should always pass in square braces. And if you want to pass any column from the collection than use it as a dot notation after the collection name in the same braces. (You can check this in foundation course or by doing practically)

Question #21

When configuring an object’s run mode which of the following is true?

  • A . Setting the run mode to foreground will give the object priority over the target system ahead of any other Business Object.
  • B . Setting the run mode to exclusive will ensure only one process runs on that resource at a time.
  • C . Setting the run mode to background will enable the object to run at the same time as foreground and background objects on the same resource.
  • D . Leaving the run mode blank will allow any number of processes and objects to run at the same time on the same resource.

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Correct Answer: C
Question #22

Which of the following Stages can be found in Process Studio AND Object Studio?





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: Only the choice stage is found in both process and object studio rest all other stages are found only in the object studio.

Question #23

When considering an element’s attributes in Application Modeller which of the following statements are true? (select all that apply)

  • A . The attributes are provided to Blue Prism by the Target System
  • B . The initial selection of attributes made by Blue Prism will always be the optimum attribute set for the element
  • C . The list of attributes may vary from application type to application type
  • D . Selected attributes are shown as ticks in the Match column of Application Modeller

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Correct Answer: A, C, D
A, C, D


Reason: A) when spying the application, blueprism fetch all the elements of the target application only, blue prism doesn’t provide any elements of its own.

C) Attributes are vary from application type to type. Attributes are different for windows, browsers, mainframe, java.

D) Reason is below.

Question #24

A business object needs to use a Global Send Keys stage to populate the User Name field in an application entitled Workflow. The application is in focus and cursor is in the User Name field.

In order to configure the Global Send Keys, which element needs to be placed in the Element field of the stage below?

  • A . Workflow
  • B . Main Window
  • C . Login Window
  • D . Username (Edit Field)

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Correct Answer: D


Reason: As we need to pass the values in the username so the values of username to be passed only in the username element. As Rest other options are having only the outer area of the spied application.

Question #25

How can a session variable value be updated when a process is running? (select all that apply)

  • A . By using the Internal – Session Variables business object.
  • B . By pausing the Session Variables work queue.
  • C . By updating the value in Credential Manager.
  • D . By updating the value in Control Room.

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Correct Answer: D


Reason: Session variable values to be update only in the Control room.

Below is the reference.

Question #26

If you change a session variable when will the new value be available to the process?

  • A . Immediately
  • B . Next time a new case is taken from a WQ
  • C . Next time resource PC starts
  • D . Next time the process starts

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Correct Answer: A


Reason: It updates the values immediately.

Question #27

When a process is running in Control Room which of the following functions within the process can be accessed from Control Room to request the process to stop?

  • A . Stop()
  • B . IsStopRequestec?
  • C . IsStopRequested()
  • D . StopNow()
  • E . Stop?
  • F . StopNow?

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Correct Answer: C


Reason: IsStopRequested() function is used for the immediate stop provided by the blueprism (mentioned in the foundation course)

Question #28

An action called Get Account details’ fails with the following exception detail:

Which of the following could cause this exception?

  • A . An internal error always indicates a problem with the Blue Prism product. The Blue Prism support team should be contacted for assistance
  • B . The Read Details action is not connected to another stage so cannot execute.
  • C . The Business Object has not been coupled to the application by either launching it or attaching to it.
  • D . The Read Details action in the Get Account Details Business Object no longer exists but the Process is attempting to use it.

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Correct Answer: C


Reason: This is happening when the application is not attached or launched and user tries to read the action. Exercise also mentioned in the foundation course. Below snapshot is from the Exception pdf.

Question #29

Consider the following process flow:

What is the problem with this flow?

  • A . There is nothing wrong with this flow.
  • B . The exception handling in this flow can be removed because an Attach action in a navigate stage should always work if configured correctly
  • C . The Attach Block should be enlarged to also include the Waited Long Enough decision stage.
  • D . The flow contains a recover stage and a route from it without a resume stage. This will cause internal errors on future exceptions thrown in the same session.
  • E . The 0.5 second wait stage should be removed so that the retries can be performed at full speed.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #30

Study the following process flow on the Main Page of a process where the intention is to preserve the current exception.

What is wrong with the design?

  • A . The exception handling is not within an Exception Block.
  • B . The exception caught by Recover2 will not be preserved by the Re-Throw Exception stage
  • C . The Send Alerts process will never be run
  • D . Because the flow is on the Main Page of the process there should not be a ‘Re-Throw’ Exception stage as there are no parent/calling pages for the exception to bubble up’ to.

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Correct Answer: B


Reason: After resume stage the exception is dead so the Re thrown will not worked.

Question #31

Refer to the exhibit.

What is wrong with the flow shown in the image?

  • A . Sub-pages should not have retry logic, exception handling should be in the object level rather than in the process.
  • B . The resume stage must also be within the exception block
  • C . The retry loop logic does not include any navigation after the resume stage to ensure the application is ready to try the ‘Search Screen -Perform Search’ action again.
  • D . The retry loop logic shown in the image is incorrect because it uses multiple action stages. There should be a retry loop around every action.

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Correct Answer: C


As per the process template the resume there should be another action or page after the resume stage.

Question #32

Which of the following flows can you not create in Blue Prism? (select 2 responses)





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: A, B
Question #33

Study the following image showing pan: of the flow within a process:

What problems do you see with the process flow? (select 2 responses)

  • A . There is a missing Recover stage on one of the routes through the flow.
  • B . There is a missing Resume stage on one of the routes through the flow.
  • C . The Retry Count is not being incremented for each retry.
  • D . If an exception is thrown in the Cancel Reservation page and is allowed to bubble up to be caught by the Recover stage, the Create Reservation action won’t be retried.

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Correct Answer: C,D
Question #34

Look at this flow diagram from the Main Page of a process in Process Studio:

Thinking about the standard Blue Prism Process Templates, what is wrong with how this Mam Page is handling exceptions?

  • A . There is nothing wrong with the Main Page flow shown in the image, it is a copy of Blue Prism’s standard Process Template.
  • B . The Exception Block in the image should be extended to cover all stages in the flow rather than just 4 sub-pages.
  • C . It would be better to remove the Exception Block and recover, resume logic, and instead handle any exceptions in the sub-pages. Flag data items could instead be passed up as output parameters from the sub-pages informing the Main Page flow if an exception has occurred.
  • D . The exception handling in the image does not contain any concurrent exception logic. This means there is nothing stopping every item in the Work Queue being marked with the exact same System
  • E . Between the Recover and Resume stages there should be logic to reset the application ready for the next case to be worked For example, this could call the Close Down and Start Up pages.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #35

Consider the following flow within an Object Studio action:

The developer of this flow found that writing some credentials to the target application sometimes failed with an exception even though the element exists on the screen. He found that simply catching the exception, waiting for 2 seconds and then retrying fixed the problem.

What problems do you see within the flow? (select 2 responses)

  • A . A block has not been placed around the Write stage and the Recover stage, meaning the credentials action could be unnecessarily retried if another stage further into this action throws an exception.
  • B . There is a potential for an infinite loop if the ‘Credentials’ stage keeps throwing an exception for some unforeseen reason.
  • C . The credentials stage is a read stage not a write stage
  • D . There is not a Resume stage following the timeout of the Wait stage

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Correct Answer: A,B
Question #36

Consider the following diagram from an object studio action:

What is the problem with this flow?

  • A . There is a risk of the flow causing an infinite loop
  • B . There should be a wait stage at the end of the flow, before the end stage to ensure the flow logic has worked correctly
  • C . There is nothing wrong with the object flow shown in this image.
  • D . The Exception Block should be removed from the page so that all exceptions on that page can be recovered.

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Correct Answer: D
Question #37

Examine the Process below:

An error has been encountered on Page 1 and the exception has bubbled up to be recovered in the Recover 1 stage.

If there is an error in the Calc 1 stage which path will the Process take?

  • A . The Process will continue to the Resume 1 Stage
  • B . The Error will cause the Process to terminate
  • C . The Error will be recovered in the Recover2 Stage
  • D . The Error will cause the Process to jump to the End Stage

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Correct Answer: B
Question #38

Examine the flow below:

An error has been encountered on Page 1 and the exception has bubbled up to be recovered in the Recoverd stage The Yes’ path has been taken from the "Throw new Exception?" decision stage.

Consider the Throw Exception stage properties below:

How should the properties be configured for the Process to throw a new Business exception, i.e. a different exception to the one encountered in Page?

  • A . Configure ExceptionType() in the Exception Type field and ExceptionDetail() in the Exception Detail field. Leave the Preserve the type and detail of the current exception checkbox un-ticked.
  • B . Tick the Preserve the type and detail of the current exception checkbox. Leave the Exception Type and Exception Detail fields blank
  • C . Leave the Exception Type field blank and type "Business Exception" in the Exception Detail field.
  • D . Type Business Exception in the Exception Type field and type a custom message in the Exception Detail field.

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Correct Answer: D
Question #39

Consider the following process flow from a sub-page of a process:

What is the problem with this sub-page flow?

  • A . There is nothing wrong with the sub-page flow shown in this image
  • B . The sub-page process flow is missing any retry exception handling that should exist where a process calls object actions that interface with an application.
  • C . For better visibility of the process logic the flow steps shown in the image should be on the main page rather than in a sub-page of the process.
  • D . The exception stage within the flow should be removed and replaced with an End stage that returns the found data item as an output parameter.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #40

What is the Blue Prism Application Navigator

  • A . It is the spy tool that you drag around the application to identify attributes.
  • B . It is part of the zoom tool in Process and Object Studio that allows you to instantly jump to different parts of the process map
  • C . It is the Studio list side-bar of Process and Objects.
  • D . It is Application Modeller functionality to create an application’s entire element tree that when selected will highlight individual elements in the application.

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Correct Answer: D

Question #41

A Blue Prism solution interfaces with an internet application called HappyWeb. There is a test website available for development, and a training site available for user acceptance testing, and there is the production she available for processing live cases in HappyWeb.

Which of the following is true?

  • A . All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.
  • B . A local text file should be used to easily configure the details of the HappyWeb website to be used in each Blue Prism environment.
  • C . An Environment variable should be used to store the HappyWeb URL.
  • D . Three different versions of object that launches the HappyWeb website will need to be created and maintained, one for each environment.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #41

A Blue Prism solution interfaces with an internet application called HappyWeb. There is a test website available for development, and a training site available for user acceptance testing, and there is the production she available for processing live cases in HappyWeb.

Which of the following is true?

  • A . All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.
  • B . A local text file should be used to easily configure the details of the HappyWeb website to be used in each Blue Prism environment.
  • C . An Environment variable should be used to store the HappyWeb URL.
  • D . Three different versions of object that launches the HappyWeb website will need to be created and maintained, one for each environment.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #41

A Blue Prism solution interfaces with an internet application called HappyWeb. There is a test website available for development, and a training site available for user acceptance testing, and there is the production she available for processing live cases in HappyWeb.

Which of the following is true?

  • A . All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.
  • B . A local text file should be used to easily configure the details of the HappyWeb website to be used in each Blue Prism environment.
  • C . An Environment variable should be used to store the HappyWeb URL.
  • D . Three different versions of object that launches the HappyWeb website will need to be created and maintained, one for each environment.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #41

A Blue Prism solution interfaces with an internet application called HappyWeb. There is a test website available for development, and a training site available for user acceptance testing, and there is the production she available for processing live cases in HappyWeb.

Which of the following is true?

  • A . All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.
  • B . A local text file should be used to easily configure the details of the HappyWeb website to be used in each Blue Prism environment.
  • C . An Environment variable should be used to store the HappyWeb URL.
  • D . Three different versions of object that launches the HappyWeb website will need to be created and maintained, one for each environment.

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Correct Answer: A
Question #45

The user does not have privileges to run processes in Control Room?

Which of the above could cause the process not to be visible in Control Room?

  • A . 1 and 2
  • B . 2 only
  • C . 2 and 3
  • D . 1 and 4

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Correct Answer: B
Question #45

The user does not have privileges to run processes in Control Room?

Which of the above could cause the process not to be visible in Control Room?

  • A . 1 and 2
  • B . 2 only
  • C . 2 and 3
  • D . 1 and 4

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Correct Answer: B
Question #45

The user does not have privileges to run processes in Control Room?

Which of the above could cause the process not to be visible in Control Room?

  • A . 1 and 2
  • B . 2 only
  • C . 2 and 3
  • D . 1 and 4

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Correct Answer: B
Question #45

The user does not have privileges to run processes in Control Room?

Which of the above could cause the process not to be visible in Control Room?

  • A . 1 and 2
  • B . 2 only
  • C . 2 and 3
  • D . 1 and 4

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Correct Answer: B
Question #49

Switch off all stage parameter logging

Which combination of the above will guarantee that no customer data is visible in the Blue Prism log file?

  • A . 1 only
  • B . 2 and 3
  • C . 1 and 3
  • D . None

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Correct Answer: B
Question #50

When building a solution to use Tags within a Work Queue, which of the following statements is correct true?

  • A . Adding a tag requires an item to be locked
  • B . Adding a tag requires an item to be locked if there are multiple resources working the same queue
  • C . Adding a tag does not require an item to be locked

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Correct Answer: C

Question #51

Study the process flow below:

The outputs for the Get Next Case are configured below:

What is the correct configuration of the Expression in the ‘’Case Returned ‘’ decision stage?





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: D
Question #52

According to Blue Prism best practice which of the following information would be appropriate to store in a Work Queue tag? (select 3 responses)

  • A . Something that identifies the type of work that was performed Example tags might be: Funds Transferred, SIM Card Requested, Account, Closed, Account Suspended, Account Noted
  • B . Something that identifies exact datetime of a step in the process. Example of tags might include Account Closed 20/03/2017 12:12:16, Work Completed 20/03/2017 12:12:16: Request Loaded 20/03/2017 12:12:16
  • C . Something that identifies the source of work. Example of tags might include: Email, Web Form, Excel Adhoc. Database
  • D . Something that identifies the client record to make work queue items easier to search. Example tags might be a phone number, customer reference number or ID, customer full name. For example: +4407994446767, 00023231 A; Mr John A Smith
  • E . Something that identifies the type of process scenario. Example of tags might include: Invalid Product, Unrecognised customer, Goneaway Marker, Invalid Status
  • F . Details of an exception that has occurred. For example: The Login Screen was not found.

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Correct Answer: A,C,E
Question #53

The Work Queue "Customer Onboarding’ has a number of Pending Items which may be tagged as "Domestic", "Retail" or "Business" There is also a tag for the 8 digit product code formatted as "Product Code: {product code}" e.g. Product Code: CA123456.

What is the correct configuration to get the next item from the queue that:

• Isn’t applying for a loan product i.e. Product Code doesn’t begin with "LN" And

• Is a domestic customer

  • A . Configure "Domestic; -Product Code: I_N"" in the Tag Filter parameter
  • B . Configure "Domestic; -Product Code: LN?" in the Tag Filter parameter
  • C . Configure ‘Domestic and Product Code <> LN?" in the Tag Filter parameter
  • D . Configure "Domestic + [Product Code] <> LN*”” in the Tag Filter parameter

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Correct Answer: B
Question #54

Which of the following indicates a case in a Work Queue is waiting to be worked?





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: D
Question #55

Which of the following statements regarding the use of Worker Queues are correct? (select 2 responses)

  • A . Control Room allows filtering of the displayed queue items using exact tags and by using wildcards
  • B . Wildcards are not allowed in the Tag Fitter property of the Work Queues business object Get Next Item action
  • C . Work Queue item Status can only be set to Completed or Exception
  • D . Tags can be used allow flexibility in the order items are worked within a single Work Queue

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Correct Answer: AC
Question #56

Which of the following statements regarding the use of Work Queues are correct? (select 2 responses)

  • A . Control Room allows filtering of the displayed queue items using exact tags and by using wildcards
  • B . Wildcards are not allowed in the Tag Fitter property of the Work Queues business object Get Next Item action
  • C . Work Queue item Status can only be set to Completed or Exception
  • D . Tags can be used allow flexibility in the order items are worked within a single Work Queue

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Correct Answer: AC
Question #57

The Work Queue ‘Account Closure has a number of Pending Items which may be tagged as "Current", "Saving" or "Loan"

What is the correct configuration to get the next item from the queue that is tagged either "Current" or "Loan"?

  • A . Configure "Current or Loan" in the Tag Filter parameter
  • B . Configure "-Saving" in the Tag Filter parameter
  • C . Configure "Current; Loan: in the Tag Filter parameter
  • D . Configure "Current + Loan’" in the Tag Filter parameter

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Correct Answer: A
Question #58

Which of the following can you perform in Control Room? (select all that apply)

  • A . Refresh a Work Queue
  • B . Create a Work Queue
  • C . Encrypt a Work Queue
  • D . Rename a Work Queue

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Correct Answer: B
Question #59

In which of these scenarios is it ok not to use a Blue Prism work queue as part of your Blue Prism solution?

  • A . A Blue Prism work queue is not required for simple linear processes that do not work multiple cases.
  • B . A Blue Prism work queue should always be used. It eliminates the risk of contention and allows you to gracefully pause the queue at any time.
  • C . A Blue Prism work queue is not required if the business process interfaces with a Work List system with in-built capability to ensure multiple users cannot work the same case at the same time
  • D . A Blue Prism Work Queue decreases the scalability of the solution and therefore should only be used for complex scenarios such as multi-day processing.

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Correct Answer: C
Question #60

Consider the following process flow:

Decision “A” properties are:

Decision “B” properties are:

Decision “C” properties are:

What will happen when the process runs?

  • A . The flow will pass through calculation stage "A"
  • B . The flow will pass through calculation stage "B"
  • C . The flow will pass through calculation stage "C"
  • D . An exception will be thrown

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Correct Answer: B

Question #61

A process contains only 4 stages Study the following process flow:

The data Item Result’ is a number data item with an initial value of 2.

The calculation stage is configured as follows:

Following the execution of the Perform Calculation stage, which of the following is true?

  • A . The data item Result will contain 3
  • B . The data item Result will contain 5
  • C . The process will throw an exception
  • D . None of these statements are correct

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Correct Answer: A
Question #62

A process contains only 4 stages. Study the following process flow.

The data item New Date is a date data item with no initial value.

The calculation stage is configured as follows:

What will happen when you execute the Create Date stage?

  • A . 5 days will be added to today’s date and the result stored in the New Date data item.
  • B . 1 month will be added to today’s date and the result stored in the New Date data item.
  • C . 1 week will be added to today’s date and the result stored in the New Date data item.
  • D . The process will throw an exception as the New Date data item is null.

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Correct Answer: B
Question #63

Consider the following process flow:

Decision “A” properties are:

Decision “B” properties are:

Decision “C” properties are:

What will happen when the process runs?

  • A . The flow will pass through calculation stage "A"
  • B . The flow will pass through calculation stage "B"
  • C . The flow will pass through calculation stage "C"
  • D . An exception will be thrown

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Correct Answer: D
Question #64

The following Calculation Stage uses the Today function to get the current date as a date value and place it in a data item entitled "Today".

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • A . If the data item "Today" is configured with a Data Type of Text, an exception will be thrown on execution of the calculation stage
  • B . If the data item "Today" is configured with a Data Type of Date, an exception will be thrown on execution of the calculation stage
  • C . If the data item "Today" is configured with a Data Type of DateTime, an exception will be thrown
    on execution of the calculation stage
  • D . None of these statements are correct

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Correct Answer: C
Question #65

Study at the following diagram which is an extract from a sub-page of a process being tested in

Process Studio:

There are no breakpoints in the "Access Customer Account" subpage however there is an error.

What will happen if you choose to step out (SHIFT+ F11) when debugging the process?

  • A . The process will work all stages in the "Access Customer Account page until the error is thrown and then focus would move to the breakpoint at "Get Customer Details" stage.
  • B . The process will work all stages in the ‘Access Customer Account1 page until the error is thrown and then focus would move to the "Recover 1 stage
  • C . The process will work all stages in the "Access Customer Account’ page until the error is thrown and then focus would move to the stage containing the error on the "Access Customer Account" page,
  • D . The process will work all stages in the "Access Customer Account" page until the error is thrown and then focus would move to the "Exception 1 stage.

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Correct Answer: D
Question #66

Study at the following diagram which is an extract from a process being tested in Process Studio:

There are no breakpoints in the "Access Customer Account" subpage however there is an error.

What will happen if you choose to step over (F10) when debugging the process?

  • A . The process will work all stages in the; Access Customer Account" page until the error is thrown and then focus will move to the "Get Customer Details" stage.
  • B . The process will work all stages in the "Access Customer Account" page until the error is thrown and then focus will move to the "Recover 1 stage.
  • C . The process would will all stages in the "Access Customer Account’ page until the error is thrown and then focus will move to the stage containing the error on the ”Access Customer Account" page.
  • D . The process will work all stages in the ‘Access Customer Account" page until the error is thrown and then focus would move to the appropriate recover stage on the ‘Access Customer Account" page.

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Correct Answer: B
Question #67

Which of the following Stages can be found Process Studio but NOT Object studio?

  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: D
Question #68

When mapping the Training application the User field has been spied, but on highlight the following situation is encountered:

Which of the following attributes would you use to help obtain a unique match?

  • A . Ordinal
  • B . parent Windows Text
  • C . Height
  • D . Control ID

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Correct Answer: A
Question #69

Which of the following about an object’s run mode is true?

  • A . A run mode of background will enable the business object to run at the same time as other foreground business objects
  • B . A run mode of background will enable the business object to run at the time a other background, foreground and exclusive business objects
  • C . A run mode of exclusive cannot at the same time as any other business object
  • D . The run mode of a business object has no influence on how many business objects can be run at the same time

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Correct Answer: C
Question #70

How can an environment variable value be updated? (select all that apply)

  • A . By using the Internal – Environment Variables business object
  • B . By changing the Blue Prism Server configuration
  • C . By updating the value in Control Room
  • D . By updating the value in Credential Manager.
  • E . By updating the value in System Manager

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Correct Answer: E

Question #71

Consider the following process flow from the Main Page of a process in Process Studio:

Thinking about the standard Blue Prism Process Templates, what is wrong with this Main Page process flow?

  • A . There is nothing wrong with the Main Page flow shown in the image, it is a copy of Blue Prism’s standard Process Template
  • B . The Stop? decision stage should be removed from the process flow, as Stop time is Configured either within the Scheduler process are stopped via Control Room.
  • C . The Mam Page process flow is too high level For better visibility of the process logic the flow steps hidden m the sub-pages should al be on the main page instead.
  • D . There is no exception handling on this Main Page so any exceptions that "bubble up" will cause the process to terminate rather than exceptions being handled correctly.
  • E . The Reset Global Data page is not required because sub-page within a process should always use input parameter rather than global data items. There should be no global data to reset.

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Correct Answer: D
Question #72

Which of the following can you perform in me System -> Workflow area of Blue Prism? (select all that apply)

  • A . View the contents of a Work Queue
  • B . Refresh a Work Queue
  • C . Encrypt a Work Queue
  • D . create a Work Queue

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Correct Answer: C, D
Question #73

Consider the following flow within an Object Studio action:

The developer of this flow found that writing some credentials to the target application sometimes failed with an exception even though the element exists on the screen. He found that simply catching the exception, waiting for 2 seconds and then retrying fixed the problem.

What problems do you see within the flow?

  • A . The Resume stage is not within the same Exception Block as the Recover stage and therefore will not work
  • B . There is a potential for an infinite loop if the Credentials’ stage keeps throwing an exception for some unforeseen reason
  • C . The credentials stage is a read stage not a write stage
  • D . There is no need for a wait stage in the flow

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Correct Answer: B
Question #74

Which of the following indicates a case has been worked successfully in a Work Queue?





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: A
Question #75

Which of the following indicates a case in a Work Queue is an exception?





  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: D
Question #76

Which of the following indicates a case in a Work Queue is currently being processed?

  • A . Option A
  • B . Option B
  • C . Option C
  • D . Option D

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Correct Answer: C
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