Based on the stated parameters and given that the invocations per instance setting is measured on a per-minute basis, what should the Specialist set as the sageMaker variant invocations Per instance setting?

A Machine Learning Specialist wants to determine the appropriate SageMaker Variant Invocations Per Instance setting for an endpoint automatic scaling configuration. The Specialist has performed a load test on a single instance and determined that peak requests per second (RPS) without service degradation is about 20 RPS As this is the first deployment, the Specialist intends to set the invocation safety factor to 0 5

Based on the stated parameters and given that the invocations per instance setting is measured on a per-minute basis, what should the Specialist set as the sageMaker variant invocations Per instance setting?
A . 10
B . 30
C . 600
D . 2,400

Answer: C


The SageMaker Variant Invocations Per Instance setting is the target value for the average number of invocations per instance per minute for the model variant. It is used by the automatic scaling policy to add or remove instances to keep the metric close to the specified value. To determine this value, the following equation can be used in combination with load testing: SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance = (MAX_RPS * SAFETY_FACTOR) * 60

Where MAX_RPS is the maximum requests per second that the model variant can handle without service degradation, SAFETY_FACTOR is a factor that ensures that the clients do not exceed the maximum RPS, and 60 is the conversion factor from seconds to minutes. In this case, the given parameters are:


Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance = (20 * 0.5) * 60 SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance = 600

Therefore, the Specialist should set the SageMaker Variant Invocations Per Instance setting to 600.

Reference: Load testing your auto scaling configuration – Amazon SageMaker Configure model auto scaling with the console – Amazon SageMaker

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