Based on the information provided, which of the following non-functional test types is MOST appropriate to be performed?

The following characteristics were identified during an early product risk-assessment for a software system:

• the software system needs to manage synchronization between various processes

• microcontrollers will be used that will limit product performance

• the hardware that will be used will make use of timeslots

• the number of tasks supported in parallel by the software system is large and are often highly complex.

Based on the information provided, which of the following non-functional test types is MOST appropriate to be performed?
A . Maintainability testing
B . Security testing
C . Time-behaviour testing
D . Portability testing

Answer: C


The characteristics listed in the question point towards the need to manage synchronization between processes and make efficient use of limited hardware resources, such as microcontrollers and timeslots. Additionally, the complexity and concurrency of tasks highlight the importance of the software’s performance over time. Time-behaviour testing is the most appropriate non-functional test type to perform in this scenario as it focuses on evaluating the timing aspects of the system, such as response times, processing times, and throughput rates. It ensures that the system meets its time-related requirements, which is critical for systems reliant on synchronization and limited by hardware performance constraints.

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