At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based upon the project’s

At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based upon the project’s
A . environmental zone
B . longitude and latitude
C . ASHRAE 90.1 – 2010 climate zone
D . Environmental Protection Agency Phase I Assessment

Answer: B


At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based on the project’s longitude and latitude. Regional Priority credits are bonus points that reward projects for addressing the environmental, social, and public health issues that are most relevant to their location1. The project team must enter the project’s address and confirm the precise location using the Google Maps interface in LEED Online2. The longitude and latitude coordinates are then used to identify the Regional Priority credits that are applicable to the project2. The project can earn up to four Regional Priority points by achieving the base credits that correspond to the Regional Priority credits1.

Reference: Regional priority credit lookup | U.S. Green Building Council Regional Priority (RP) credits C U.S. Green Building Council

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