Confirming legal problems, potential conflicts of Interest, and undisclosed affiliations or identities are all aspects of which type of investigation?
- A . Fraud
- B . Industrial espionage
- C . Due diligence
- D . Embezzlement
Basic rules surrounding evidence collection are to:
- A . get all evidence that can have any bearing on the case, mark It. properly wrap, package, and preserve from contamination: establish a chain of custody and show continuity between the discovery of the evidence and its subsequent presentation
- B . video record all evidence, collect the minimal amount of evidence necessary to support the facts and circumstances, mark the evidence, secure the evidence until presentation to a court of law
- C . collect any evidence relevant to the case, secure the evidence unless otherwise requested by management, establish a chain of custody, mark all evidence with "the mark" of the primary investigator
- D . secure the scene of the offense, mark all evidence, establish chain of custody, set all evidence aside in one central location for later Identification.
The most significant potential problem in an undercover investigation is the possibility that:
- A . no criminal charges will result
- B . there will be no financial recovery.
- C . the criminal activity will continue after the Investigation is completed
- D . the investigation will be exposed or compromised
A floating-point questioning strategy:
- A . takes cues from a second interviewer
- B . determines The truthfulness of each response as questions are asked
- C . continuously re-evaluates a hypotheses as information is obtained
- D . uses continuous monologue with little time for interviewee to respond
Which of the following is characteristic of an experienced Investigative interviewer?
- A . Impatience
- B . Thinking ahead
- C . Inactive listening
- D . Detachment
Evidence that tends to prove a point of an issue is best defined as:
- A . indirect
- B . material
- C . competent
- D . circumstantial
Which is the third phase of an undercover workplace investigation?
- A . Disciplinary and corrective ad on
- B . Planning and preparation
- C . Prevention and education
- D . Verification and analysis
‘The fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been entrusted, or into whose hands it has lawfully comes is the definition of;
- A . embezzlement
- B . maiteasance
- C . larceny.
- D . misappropriation
Which of the following points does NOT support budget Justification for an investigative unit?
- A . Accurate and detailed tracking of Investigative cost
- B . Effective implementation of cost management measures
- C . Demonstration of restitution and recovery benefits
- D . Aligning investigative objectives to business strategic objectives
An interviewer/interrogator is much more likely to gain the cooperation of an individual by exhibiting a/an:
- A . angry and aggressive manner
- B . cairn manner.
- C . Easygoing and lackadaisical manner.
- D . businesslike. impersonal manner.
The four principle characteristics of internal theft scams are
- A . diversion, conversion, disguise, and divergence.
- B . diversion, disguise, divergence, and dilution
- C . diversion, conversion, disguise, and convolution
- D . diversion, conversion, illicit deceit, and defalcation
A method to evaluate the levels of accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the recordings of business transactions is:
- A . financial auditing
- B . fiscal compliance
- C . business accounting
- D . financial management
What term is given to testimonial evidence presented in court?
- A . Parole
- B . Hearsay
- C . Fact witness
- D . Opinion witness
Which of the following scenarios, applied to an undercover Investigator, could lead to an allegation of entrapment of an employee?
- A . The employee asks the undercover investigator to help him steal two company computers, and the undercover investigator agrees
- B . The employee suggests the undercover investigator punch the employee’s time card at quitting time so the employee may leave 3 hours early.
- C . The undercover investigator invites the employee to help steal two computers out or the warehouse, and the employee agrees as long as the employee gets one.
- D . The undercover investigator informs the employee that the manager has left the safe unlocked, and the employee opens It and removes cash
Which of the following is the term for receiving the money or property of another and fraudulently withholding or applying it for one’s own use?
- A . Concealment
- B . Misrepresentation
- C . Conversion
- D . Representation
Lapping is described as:
- A . accepting short weights or counts from a vendor.
- B . undercounting goods on the receiving side and over counting goods on the shipping side of the warehouse
- C . crediting one account with money taken from another account.
- D . throwing perfectly good material into a dumpster and later reclaiming it when no one is around.
By definition, the crime of "conspiracy" requires
- A . one or more persons profiting from an illegal act.
- B . an agreement by two or more persons to commit an illegal act.
- C . two or more persons committing a federal illegal act
- D . premeditation on by one or more persons to commit an Illegal act.
What are the most common tour sources of Information an investigator uses?
- A . Victims, witnesses, informants, and confidential informants
- B . Victims, bystanders, suspects, and snitches
- C . Victims, witnesses, informants, and bystanders
- D . Neighbors, relatives, witnesses, and bystanders
The operational level of investigative management includes overseeing
- A . investigative techniques, allocation of resources, and evidence management
- B . case load case assessment, and evidence management
- C . evidence management, case management protocols, and financial resources
- D . reporting formats. Investigative techniques, and evidence management.
One of the best positions for the undercover operative in a business is in which department?
- A . Accounting
- B . Transportation
- C . Mail room
- D . Administration
An anonymous employee contacts the ethics hotline and reports that a co-worker is selling drugs in the office. An investigation is initiated to determine if the allegations are true.
What type of investigation is best suited to obtain the necessary facts?
- A . Constructive investigation
- B . Undercover investigation
- C . Personnel background investigation
- D . Reconstructive investigation
Another term for an interrogation is:
- A . cognitive interview
- B . confrontational interview.
- C . behavioral analysis interview
- D . general Interview.
If an investigator has a conflict of interest, should:
- A . request a formal mediation process to provide the details of the conflict
- B . avoid allowing the conflict to interfere with the investigation
- C . disclose the conflict lo the client or the employer
- D . ignore the conflict and move forward with the investigation
Which of the following is recommended for the security professional when testifying?
- A . Avoid pretrial contact with physical evidence since it could be considered tampering
- B . Ask to speak to the legal counselor if the security professional does not know the answer.
- C . Answer only the question that is asked
- D . Only answer questions asked in advance
Which of the following is considered to be incorrect procedure when seizing a computer to obtain evidence?
- A . Examining hard drive
- B . Using software 10 back up the computer files
- C . Turning the computer on
- D . Isolating power or phone lines
Which of the following is NOT a consideration when using drones as a tool for surveillance in investigations?
- A . Proper maintenance and repair
- B . Technical specification and user manual
- C . Legal consideration and requirement for the use
- D . Comprehensive training and opportunity practice
It is important for senior decision makers and corporate executives to realize that:
- A . limited communication with the investigative unit will result in better case resolution.
- B . case resolution is dependent on resources allocated.
- C . not all cases will be resolved.
- D . the results of the investigation may not always be made available.
An electronic access control record reveals that at the time or a computer theft, an employee was m the vicinity. The record would be considered
- A . entirely non- incriminating
- B . direct evidence
- C . circumstantial evidence.
- D . prima facie evidence
When hiring an undercover operative, an effective hiring technique is a:
- A . double-blind hire
- B . secret hire.
- C . profile hire
- D . controlled hire.
Surveillance methods fall into which three broad categories?
- A . Physical, psychological, and data
- B . Vehicle, foot, and air
- C . Physical, information, and financial
- D . Loose, dose, and mobile
The most appropriate form of communication used in undercover assignments is:
- A . telephonic
- B . verbal
- C . electronic
- D . written
When an interviewee makes a statement such as "Let’s suppose I’m guilty," the interviewer should:
- A . document an admission of guilt
- B . respond calmly.
- C . recognize this as a diversion technique by the Interviewee
- D . apply pressure to obtain a written statement.
Which of the fallowing is NOT considered to be necessary administrative information in an investigative report?
- A . Narrative summary
- B . Name of subject
- C . Reporting investigator/ case number
- D . Date of report
To ensure delegated tasks are accomplished as scheduled. It Is important to maintain a/an:
- A . investigative calendar
- B . suspense log
- C . record of involvement
- D . project verification log
A special report documents:
- A . the overall investigation and its primary conclusion
- B . the need for an investigation and the costs associated with it
- C . elements of the crimes committed and the theories involved
- D . an action other than normal in the course of the investigation
With regard to evidence searches, which statement is FALSE?
- A . search must be timely.
- B . Physical evidence cannot be over documented.
- C . A search may be either a cautious search or a vigorous search
- D . The best search options are the quickest and the simplest.
Corporate undercover investigations can best be described as:
- A . the surreptitious placement of a properly trained and skilled investigator
- B . the most effective method for identifying suspects
- C . the safest method for identifying potential criminal behavior in the workforce
- D . a person operating unnoticed in a workforce
An investigative case Tile should be established:
- A . as required to prosecute
- B . when sufficient evidence has been collected
- C . at the onset of each investigation
- D . at the conclusion of each Investigation
The most common form of embezzlement in the workplace is:
- A . service purchases
- B . expense accounts.
- C . Kiting
- D . cash disbursements
The "policy statement" of an investigative unit is a document that:
- A . outlines procedures for initialing and conducting investigations
- B . expresses the purpose for the creation of the unit
- C . establishes the rules governing prosecution
- D . create the strategy by which cases are conduced
Misappropriation of trust funds or money held in any fiduciary capacity is referred to as:
- A . concealment
- B . defalcation.
- C . conversion
- D . switching
A forensic entomologist may be called upon to determine an approximate time ot death when:
- A . drug overdose or poisoning is suspected
- B . the cause of death cannot be determined
- C . there is insect evidence in the corpse
- D . the person has been dead for several days before discovery.
if criminal activity occurs within the enterprise, the Interest of the private sector may be best served by:
- A . relying solely on the public sector enterprise to handle the criminal activity.
- B . accepting restitution or taking administrative or employment action
- C . not exposing criminal activity to the media
- D . always terminating the employee involved in the criminal activity.
The sealing arrangement and chair spacing of an interview room are dictated by the:
- A . investigator preference and expected length of the Interview.
- B . interviewee preference and office size.
- C . particular investigation and Interview techniques to be used
- D . time it takes to conduct the interview and layout of the room
John has accepted a management role in a new organization and has been requested to conduct a Risk Assessment. As part of that process he will need to determine what the risks are that can affect the organization.
This is called Risk Identification and will Identify?
- A . The acceptance or mitigation of the risk
- B . The source and potential impact of the risk.
- C . The likelihood and consequence of the risk.
- D . The investigative process used to address the risk
What is one of The three ‘i’s?
- A . intellect
- B . Intuition
- C . Initiative
- D . Information
A retired police officer with experience as an investigator applies for a position as an investigator. During the interview, the applicant makes an inappropriate joke regarding race. With regard to the interviewer’s decision of whether to hire the applicant, the joke should.
- A . not be taken into consideration, because the applicant’s experience is more important than personal beliefs
- B . not be taken into consideration, because such jokes are generally not an indication of a person’s
beliefs - C . be taken into consideration, because investigators must be able to operate in a multicultural environment
- D . be taken into consideration, because it is inappropriate to make jokes at an interview.
Which of the following is considered a significant potential side effect when conducting an internal misconduct investigation?
- A . Ethical considerations
- B . investigator conflict of interest
- C . Criminal workforce productivity
- D . Criminal prosecution
The most important reason to conduct investigations as soon as an incident is reported or discovered is:
- A . to reduce the chances of obtaining false alibis
- B . witnesses Tend to be less cooperative if too much time has elapsed
- C . to allow operations to return to normal as soon as possible
- D . the value of physical or electronic evidence diminishes rapidly.
Allowing an accounts payable clerk access to the vendor master file so the clerk can add or delete names is a violation of which of the following fraud prevention practices?
- A . Offline entry controls and limits
- B . Separation of duties
- C . Signature authorities
- D . Rotation of duties