
APMG-International Change Management Foundation Change Management Foundation Exam Online Training

Question #1

Which of the following statement about communication approaches that encourage engagement during change are true?

It is helpful to delay communication until all the information is avoiding the risk of misleading people with insufficient data.

An external communications agency should be asked to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change.

  • A . Only 1 is true
  • B . Only 2 is the true
  • C . Both 1 and 2 are true
  • D . Neither 1 or 2 is true

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Correct Answer: D


Communication approaches that encourage engagement during change should be timely, transparent, honest, consistent, and two-way. It is not helpful to delay communication until all the information is available, as this can create uncertainty and anxiety among stakeholders. It is also not advisable to use an external communications agency to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change, as this can undermine trust and credibility of the change leaders.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %201%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #2

Which is an engagement level of Mayfield’s stakeholder radar technique?

  • A . Ideal
  • B . Required
  • C . Must have
  • D . Vital

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Correct Answer: B


Mayfield’s stakeholder radar technique identifies four levels of engagement for stakeholders:

required, desired, actual, and planned. The required level of engagement is the minimum level that is necessary for the stakeholder to support the change or at least not resist it.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%202%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #3

According to Lewin’s Force-field analysis’ which action needs to occur if an organization desires to make change more quickly?

  • A . Driving forces need to be decreased
  • B . Driving forces need to be augmented
  • C . Restraining forces to be increased
  • D . Resisting forces need to be increased

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Correct Answer: B


Lewin’s force-field analysis is a tool to identify the driving and restraining forces for a change. Driving forces are those that push for the change, while restraining forces are those that oppose or resist the change. To make change more quickly, driving forces need to be augmented (increased or strengthened) and/or restraining forces need to be reduced or removed.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %203%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #4

Which statement about Senge’s system thinking model is correct?

  • A . Processes in organizations can either support or limit the effectiveness of change
  • B . Change can be planned and implemented using an eight-stage model
  • C . Change must e driven primary by senior sponsors
  • D . Leadership support is NOT required in the systems thinking model

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Correct Answer: A


Senge’s system thinking model is a holistic approach to understand how different elements in an organization interact and influence each other. Processes are one of the elements that can either support or limit the effectiveness of change, depending on how they are designed and implemented. The other statements are not correct, as they do not reflect Senge’s model.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %204%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #5

Which of the following is a purpose of creating a change management plan when preparing for change?

  • A . Document the set of typically recurring actions that contribute to change readness’
  • B . Provide a detailed schedule of project and their dependencies
  • C . Capture of full list of issues to be resolved before change can start
  • D . Record a list of all the change risks and the responsive actions required.

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Correct Answer: D


One of the purposes of creating a change management plan when preparing for change is to record a list of all the change risks and the responsive actions required. This helps to identify potential threats and opportunities for the change and plan how to mitigate or exploit them. The other options are not purposes of a change management plan, but rather outcomes or inputs of other processes or activities.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %205%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #6

According to Schein, which approach would decrease learning anxiety?

  • A . Reminding the stakeholders of all the times they have failed to change
  • B . Encourage staff to try new things
  • C . Penalising staff who make mistakes
  • D . Creating a sense that the organization might fail if the change is NOT made.

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Correct Answer: B


According to Schein, learning anxiety is the fear or discomfort that people experience when they are asked to learn something new or change their behavior. To decrease learning anxiety, change leaders should create psychological safety, which is the sense of trust and support that people feel when they are learning or changing. One way to create psychological safety is to encourage staff to try new things and experiment without fear of failure or punishment. The other options would increase learning anxiety, as they would create more pressure, stress, and negativity for the staff.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%206%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #7

According to Tiompenaars and harronden-Turner, which example is a level three basic assumption’ expression of culture?

  • A . Meeting customer need is more important than profit
  • B . Senior management grades are entitled to ‘executive’ chairs
  • C . The team motto is ‘to deliver excellent service’
  • D . The required behaviors are set out in the employee’s guide

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Correct Answer: A


According to Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, culture can be expressed at three levels: artifacts, values, and basic assumptions. Artifacts are the visible and tangible manifestations of culture, such as symbols, rituals, and heroes. Values are the shared beliefs and preferences that guide behavior and decision making. Basic assumptions are the unconscious and taken-for-granted beliefs that underlie values and artifacts. Meeting customer need is more important than profit is an example of a basic assumption, as it reflects a deep-rooted belief that influences the values and artifacts of the organization. The other options are examples of artifacts or values, not basic assumptions.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %207%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #8

Which of the following statements about the change severity assessment ‘environment’ impact are true?

The amount of other activity happening at the same time as the charge is a factor The common values and behaviors in the organization is a factor.

  • A . Only1 is true
  • B . Only 2 is true
  • C . Both 1 and Z are true
  • D . Neither 1 or 2 is true

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Correct Answer: C


The change severity assessment is a tool to evaluate the impact of a change on different dimensions, such as environment, organization, individuals, and project. The environment dimension considers the external and internal factors that affect the change, such as market conditions, competitors, regulations, culture, values, and behaviors. The amount of other activity happening at the same time as the change and the common values and behaviors in the organization are both factors that belong

to the environment dimension.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %208%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #9

According to Glaser and Glaser, which element of team effectives enables team members to help each other address challenges?

  • A . Team mission, planning and goal setting.
  • B . Team roles
  • C . Team operating processes
  • D . Team inter-personal relationships

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Correct Answer: D


According to Glaser and Glaser, team effectiveness is influenced by four elements: team mission, planning and goal setting; team roles; team operating processes; and team inter-personal relationships. Team inter-personal relationships refer to the quality of communication, trust, respect, and collaboration among team members. This element enables team members to help each other address challenges, as well as share feedback, ideas, and emotions.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %209%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #10

Which management approach is recommended to help people through the neutral zone’ phase of Gridges’ model of human transition?

  • A . Hold on to established routines wherever possible
  • B . Reduce gossip by limiting social occasions at work.
  • C . Direct feedback through the normal line management processes
  • D . Describe this period as an opportunity to learn

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Correct Answer: D


Bridges’ model of human transition describes three phases that people go through when they experience change: ending, losing, and letting go; the neutral zone; and the new beginning. The neutral zone is a period of uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety, but also creativity, innovation, and learning. To help people through this phase, change leaders should describe this period as an opportunity to learn new skills, explore new possibilities, and experiment with new solutions. The other options would not help people through this phase, as they would either maintain the status quo, increase gossip and rumors, or limit feedback channels.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %2010%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #11

Which MNTI® preference is characterized by being spontaneous and disliking detailed plans?

  • A . Intuition
  • B . Feeling
  • C . Perceiving
  • D . Introvert

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Correct Answer: C


According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), perceiving is one of the four preference pairs that describe how people interact with the world and make decisions. Perceiving refers to preferring to keep options open, being spontaneous, and disliking detailed plans. The other options are not preferences, but dimensions of preferences. Intuition and feeling are opposite to sensing and thinking, respectively, while introvert is opposite to extrovert.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %2011%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #12

Which statement describes ‘shared values’ in the McKinsey 7S model?

  • A . The ability of employees to perform their roles
  • B . The introduction of matrix management
  • C . The attitude of staff toward their work
  • D . The management style adopted by senior leaders

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Correct Answer: C


The McKinsey 7S model is a framework to analyze and improve organizational performance and effectiveness. The model consists of seven interrelated elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and staff. Shared values refer to the core values and beliefs that guide the organization’s vision, mission, and culture. The attitude of staff toward their work is an example of shared values. The other options are examples of other elements in the model.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%2012%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #13

Which of the following statements about the concept of extinction in behavioral learning are true?

Extinction happens when rewards for a certain behavior are withdrawn

Reconditioning behavior after extinction takes as long as it did before extinction

  • A . Only 1 is true
  • B . Only 2 is true
  • C . Both 1 and 2 are true
  • D . Neither 1 or 2 is true

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Correct Answer: A


Extinction is a concept in behavioral learning that describes what happens when rewards for a certain behavior are withdrawn. This can lead to the behavior being reduced or eliminated over time. However, reconditioning behavior after extinction does not take as long as it did before extinction, as there is still some memory or association of the behavior and the reward. Therefore, only statement 1 is true.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %2013%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #14

Which is a desired characteristic of a vision statement for a change?

  • A . It is veritable so its achievement can be confirmed
  • B . Explains the future organization structure in detail
  • C . Lists all the activities needed to achieve the changes
  • D . Sets out several promises that may be hard to measure

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Correct Answer: A


A vision statement for a change is a concise and compelling description of the desired future state that the change aims to achieve. A vision statement should have several characteristics, such as being clear, inspiring, realistic, and verifiable. Being verifiable means that the vision statement can be measured and confirmed when it is achieved. The other options are not desired characteristics of a vision statement, as they are either too detailed, vague, or irrelevant.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %2014%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question #15

When comparing ‘lean’ and ‘rich’ communication channels, which of the following statements about a ‘rich’ communication channel is true?

A ‘rich’ channel allows for conversation a quick response, and the chance for interaction.

A ‘rich’ channel conveys non-verbal cues, such as emotion and feelings, tone or gestures.

  • A . Only 1 is true
  • B . Only 2 is true
  • C . Both 1 and 2 are true
  • D . Neither 1 or 2 is true

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Correct Answer: C


Communication channels can be classified as lean or rich, depending on the amount and quality of information they can convey. A rich communication channel allows for conversation, a quick response, and the chance for interaction, as well as conveys non-verbal cues, such as emotion and feelings, tone or gestures. Examples of rich communication channels are face-to-face meetings, video calls, or phone calls. Therefore, both statements 1 and 2 are true.

Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper %2015%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

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