
APICS CSCP Certified Supply Chain Professional Online Training

Question #1

The question below is based on the following flowchart:

Which of the following phrases most accurately describes the complete flow of demand information?

  • A . From supplier to customer
  • B . From customer to manufacturer
  • C . From customer to supplier
  • D . From supplier to manufacturer

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Correct Answer: C


The flow of demand information in a supply chain starts with the customer, who initiates demand for products or services. This demand information then moves upstream to the manufacturer, who needs to know the customer demand to plan production and control inventory. From the manufacturer, the demand information continues upstream to the supplier, who provides the raw materials or components needed for manufacturing. Therefore, the complete flow of demand information is accurately described as moving from the customer to the supplier.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.


Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi,

E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain:

Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies. McGraw-Hill.

Question #2

The focus of collaborative supply chain management differs from a transactional approach by its emphasis on the:

  • A . transportation of goods to the next link in the chain.
  • B . flow of product information up to the next level of the chain.
  • C . flow of demand information and cash up the chain.
  • D . flow of supply into an organization.

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Correct Answer: C


Collaborative supply chain management focuses on the integration and coordination of the supply chain entities to enhance overall performance. Unlike a transactional approach, which primarily emphasizes the exchange of goods or services, a collaborative approach emphasizes the flow of demand information and cash up the chain. This means that information about customer demand and financial transactions move upstream, enabling all parties in the supply chain to better plan and execute their operations in alignment with actual market demand, leading to improved efficiency and responsiveness.

Reference: Lambert,

D. M. (2008). Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance. Supply Chain Management Institute.

Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith,

C. D., & Zacharia, Z.

G. (2001).

Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business logistics, 22(2), 1-25.

Question #3

Which of the following scenarios represents a correct application of the Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR)?

  • A . Sales and marketing refers to SCOR to improve demand generation.
  • B . Production and engineering uses SCOR best practices to design a new "make" process flow.
  • C . Distribution and logistics selects suppliers from the SCOR reference list.
  • D . Marketing and development incorporates SCOR Level I metrics for new product design.

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Correct Answer: B


The Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) is a process reference model that provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating and improving supply chain performance. It includes best practices for various supply chain processes such as plan, source, make, deliver, return, and enable. In this context, the production and engineering departments using SCOR best practices to design a new "make" process flow is a correct application of the model. The "make" process in SCOR focuses on production activities, and leveraging SCOR’s best practices helps in designing efficient and effective production processes.

Reference: Supply Chain Council. (2012). Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) Version 11.0. Supply Chain Council, Inc.

Bolstorff, P., & Rosenbaum, R. (2007). Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model. AMACOM.

Question #4

The primary objective of supply chain management is:

  • A . minimizing transportation costs.
  • B . reducing inventory levels.
  • C . taking a systems approach.
  • D . implementing advanced technologies.

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Correct Answer: C


The primary objective of supply chain management is to take a systems approach. This involves viewing the supply chain as a whole, rather than as a collection of separate entities. By taking a systems approach, supply chain management aims to integrate and coordinate the activities of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors to optimize overall performance and achieve efficiencies across the entire supply chain. This holistic perspective ensures that decisions made in one part of the supply chain consider the impacts on other parts, leading to improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and better use of resources.

Reference: Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Pearson UK. Stadtler, H., & Kilger, C. (Eds.). (2008). Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies. Springer Science & Business Media.

Question #5

Which of the following levels in a supply chain network represents the most upstream external activity?

  • A . Supplier to contractor
  • B . Manufacturing to supplier
  • C . Customer to distribution
  • D . Customer to contractor

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Correct Answer: A


In a supply chain network, the levels can be categorized into various stages, from raw material suppliers to end customers. The "most upstream external activity" refers to the earliest stage in the supply chain that is external to the organization.

Here’s a breakdown of the options:

Supplier to contractor: This represents the activity between the supplier (who provides raw materials) and a contractor (who might process these materials). This is the most upstream activity as it deals with the initial stages of acquiring raw materials.

Manufacturing to supplier: This would imply the flow from manufacturing (internal) back to the supplier, which doesn’t fit the context of upstream activity.

Customer to distribution: This is a downstream activity, focusing on moving products closer to the end customer.

Customer to contractor: This is also downstream and focuses on the interaction after the product is

finished. Thus, "Supplier to contractor" is the most upstream external activity, dealing with raw

material acquisition and initial processing stages.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.

Mentzer, J. T. (2001). Supply Chain Management.

Question #6

Which of the following marketing strategies emphasizes offering services at a lower price than rival services with comparable features?

  • A . Cost leadership
  • B . Service differentiation
  • C . Customer focus
  • D . Market responsiveness

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Correct Answer: A


Cost leadership is a strategy where a company aims to become the lowest-cost producer in its industry. By offering services or products at a lower price than competitors, while maintaining comparable features, the company can attract price-sensitive customers. Here’s an explanation of the options:

Cost leadership: Focuses on minimizing costs and passing on savings to customers through lower prices.

Service differentiation: Involves offering unique services that justify a higher price.

Customer focus: Prioritizes customer needs and tailoring services/products to meet those needs.

Market responsiveness: Involves quickly adapting to market changes and customer demands.

Therefore, cost leadership emphasizes offering services at a lower price while maintaining comparable features to rival services.

Reference: Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.

Barney, J. B., & Hesterly, W. S. (2012). Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage.

Question #7

The primary reason for the evolution of the supply chain is:

  • A . fewer rejects due to poor quality.
  • B . increased on-time delivery.
  • C . increased cost savings.
  • D . increased communication.

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Correct Answer: D


The primary reason for the evolution of the supply chain is the enhancement of communication technologies and practices. Improved communication facilitates better coordination and integration across the entire supply chain, leading to various benefits:

Increased on-time delivery: Achieved through better communication and coordination among supply chain partners.

Increased cost savings: Through efficient communication reducing delays and inventory costs.

Fewer rejects due to poor quality: Enabled by effective information exchange about quality standards and specifications. Thus, increased communication is the foundational factor driving improvements and evolution in supply chain management.

Reference: Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain.

Question #8

Which of the following factors typically is the most significant impediment to implementing collaborative commerce?

  • A . Technology barriers
  • B . Security
  • C . Corporate culture
  • D . Return on investment (ROI)

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Correct Answer: C


Corporate culture is often the most significant impediment to implementing collaborative commerce. Collaborative commerce involves different organizations working closely together, sharing information and processes to optimize the supply chain.

Here’s why:

Technology barriers: While important, these can often be overcome with investment in the right solutions.

Security: Concerns can be addressed through robust security protocols and measures.

Corporate culture: This can be deeply ingrained and resistant to change. Organizational silos, lack of trust, and resistance to sharing information are common cultural barriers.

Return on investment (ROI): While crucial, it’s often a result of overcoming cultural and technological barriers. Corporate culture is the underlying factor that influences the willingness and ability of organizations to collaborate effectively.

Reference: McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2008). Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference.

Lambert, D. M. (2008). Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance.

Question #9

Compared to a global strategy, a multicountry strategy would be characterized by:

  • A . strategy coordination across countries.
  • B . preferred suppliers located in host countries.
  • C . major strategic decisions coordinated centrally.
  • D . products adapted to local needs.

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Correct Answer: D


A multicountry strategy focuses on tailoring products and strategies to fit the specific needs and preferences of each local market. This is in contrast to a global strategy, which seeks to standardize products and strategies across all markets to achieve economies of scale. In a multicountry strategy, companies adapt their products to meet the unique demands of customers in each country, which often involves decentralized decision-making to ensure that local preferences and conditions are addressed effectively.

Reference: Bartlett,

C. A., & Ghoshal, S. (1989). Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution. Harvard Business School Press.

Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. Cengage Learning.

Question #10

Which of the following corporate strategies is most consistent with a flexible supply chain strategy?

  • A . Being the low-price leader
  • B . Providing the highest-quality service
  • C . Providing mature products with stable sales
  • D . Emphasizing the quality of the product

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Correct Answer: B


A flexible supply chain strategy is designed to respond quickly and efficiently to changing market conditions and customer needs. Providing the highest-quality service aligns well with a flexible supply chain strategy, as it requires the ability to adapt to customer demands, handle customization, and ensure quick response times. This level of service often necessitates a supply chain that can pivot rapidly and handle variability without sacrificing quality, making flexibility a critical component.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.


Lee, H. L. (2004). The Triple-A Supply Chain. Harvard Business Review, 82(10), 102-113.

Question #11

Which of the following considerations is an important supply chain design decision?

  • A . Product design
  • B . Selecting supporting information systems
  • C . Identifying labor force requirements
  • D . Identifying training programs

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Correct Answer: B


Selecting supporting information systems is a crucial supply chain design decision. Effective information systems are essential for managing and coordinating supply chain activities, such as inventory management, order processing, demand forecasting, and logistics. The right information systems enable real-time visibility, data analytics, and seamless communication across the supply chain, enhancing overall efficiency and responsiveness.

Reference: Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain:

Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies. McGraw-Hill.

Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2015). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm.


Question #12

When designing a supply chain for strategic advantage, a company first should consider:

  • A . the impact on customers using Just-in-Time manufacturing.
  • B . the financial stability of suppliers.
  • C . matching the supply chain to product type.
  • D . whether to use custom or standard parts.

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Correct Answer: C


When designing a supply chain for strategic advantage, the first consideration should be matching the supply chain to the product type. Different products have different requirements in terms of production, distribution, and inventory management. For instance, functional products with predictable demand benefit from efficient supply chains focused on cost minimization, while innovative products with uncertain demand require responsive supply chains that emphasize flexibility and speed.

Reference: Fisher, M. L. (1997).

What is the right supply chain for your product? Harvard Business Review, 75(2), 105-116.

Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.


Question #13

Supply chains delivering products or services are most able to respond quickly to changing market requirements when:

  • A . products have been standardized.
  • B . products have a modular design.
  • C . production processes have been standardized.
  • D . production processes have been simplified.

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Correct Answer: B


Supply chains are more responsive to changing market requirements when products have a modular design. Modular design allows for flexibility and easier customization.

Here’s a breakdown of why modular design is crucial:

Standardized products: While standardization can streamline production, it limits flexibility. Modular design: Enables quick reconfiguration of products to meet changing customer needs. Modules can be independently developed, tested, and upgraded, allowing for rapid adaptation. Standardized production processes: Standardizing processes can improve efficiency but does not inherently provide the flexibility needed for rapid response.

Simplified production processes: Simplification can reduce complexity but does not equate to the adaptability provided by modular design. Thus, modular design offers the best balance between efficiency and flexibility, enabling supply chains to respond quickly to market changes.

Reference: Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S.D. (2012). Product Design and Development.

Fine, C. H. (1998). Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage.

Question #14

Risk pooling enables a lower total inventory level without affecting service levels based on which of the following assumptions?

  • A . Inventory turnover ratio can be reduced.
  • B . Aggregate demand is more accurate than disaggregate demand.
  • C . The planning time fence can be adjusted as needed.
  • D . The supplier shares some risk for holding inventory.

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Correct Answer: B


Risk pooling helps reduce total inventory levels without affecting service levels by leveraging the principle that aggregate demand is more stable and predictable than disaggregate demand. Here’s the rationale:

Inventory turnover ratio: Lowering the ratio does not directly relate to risk pooling.

Aggregate demand: Combining demand across multiple locations or products reduces variability, leading to lower safety stock requirements and overall inventory levels.

Planning time fence: Adjusting this does not directly impact risk pooling principles.

Supplier risk sharing: While beneficial, it is not the primary principle of risk pooling. By pooling risks, the variability of aggregate demand is reduced, allowing for lower inventory levels while maintaining service levels.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.

Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain.

Question #15

The purpose of continuous improvement in the supply chain is to:

  • A . eliminate the root causes of problems.
  • B . improve interorganizational communication.
  • C . develop better written procedures.
  • D . reduce product costs.

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Correct Answer: A


Continuous improvement in the supply chain focuses on eliminating the root causes of problems. This proactive approach ensures long-term efficiency and effectiveness. Here’s an Explanation Root causes: Addressing the fundamental issues prevents recurrence and leads to sustainable improvements.

Interorganizational communication: While important, it is a means to an end rather than the core purpose.

Written procedures: Improving procedures is beneficial but secondary to addressing root causes.

Product costs: Reducing costs is a benefit of continuous improvement but not the primary purpose.

By eliminating root causes, continuous improvement leads to systemic and lasting enhancements in the supply chain.

Reference: Liker, J. K. (2004). The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer.

Imai, M. (1986). Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success.

Question #16

After identifying the potential causes for delays in communicating demand information up the supply chain, the trading partners should take which of the following actions?

  • A . Implement a higher-speed data communications network.
  • B . Change procedures so data is communicated more frequently.
  • C . Identify the root causes for the delays.
  • D . Map and analyze the value stream.

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Correct Answer: C


Before implementing any solutions, it’s essential to understand the underlying issues causing delays in communicating demand information up the supply chain. Identifying the root causes allows for targeted and effective interventions. This process typically involves thorough analysis, potentially using tools like root cause analysis (RCA) or the five whys technique to systematically determine the fundamental reasons behind the delays. Once the root causes are known, appropriate actions can be taken to address them directly, ensuring a more efficient and reliable flow of information.

Reference: Slack, N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R. (2010). Operations Management. Pearson Education.

Stevenson, W. J. (2018). Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Question #17

Which of the following situations is an example of postponement?

  • A . Shipments are broken down into small groups for reshipment.
  • B . Shipments are consolidated immediately for reshipment.
  • C . Production begins after a customer order is received.
  • D . Partially assembled goods are assembled at a later stage.

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Correct Answer: D


Postponement refers to delaying the final assembly or customization of a product until customer orders are received. This strategy allows companies to be more responsive to specific customer demands while reducing inventory costs and risks associated with finished goods. By keeping goods in a partially assembled state and completing the assembly later, companies can quickly adapt to changes in demand and provide customized products without holding large amounts of finished goods inventory.

Reference: Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., & Cooper, M. B. (2012). Supply Chain Logistics Management. McGraw-Hill. van Hoek, R. I. (2001). The rediscovery of postponement: a literature review and directions for research. Journal of Operations Management, 19(2), 161-184.

Question #18

Which of the following situations is an example of inventory being held as a way to balance supply and demand?

  • A . A manufacturer holds inventory of key components to maintain a level production schedule.
  • B . A manufacturer of seasonal products builds finished-goods inventory before the peak selling period.
  • C . A distributor maintains safety stock of slow-moving items at a central distribution center.
  • D . A retailer stocks a variety of sizes and colors of a fast-selling item to avoid losing sales.

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Correct Answer: B


Holding inventory as a way to balance supply and demand involves stockpiling products in anticipation of future demand. For seasonal products, manufacturers often build up inventory before the peak selling period to ensure they can meet the increased demand during that time. This approach helps maintain a consistent production schedule and avoids potential stockouts or production bottlenecks during high-demand periods. By doing so, manufacturers can better align their supply capabilities with market demand fluctuations.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation. Pearson. Cachon, G., & Terwiesch, C. (2013). Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Question #19

A company’s annual cost of goods sold is $350 million, and inventory carrying cost is 18%. The company averages four inventory turns.

The cost savings resulting from increasing inventory turns from four to six would be:

  • A . $29,000,000.
  • B . $15,750,000.
  • C . $10,500,000.
  • D . $ 5,250,000.

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Correct Answer: A


To calculate the cost savings from increasing inventory turns, we first need to determine the current

inventory level and the inventory carrying cost.

Calculate the average inventory level:

Current inventory turns = 4

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) = $350 million

Average inventory = COGS / Inventory turns = $350 million / 4 = $87.5 million

Calculate the inventory carrying cost:

Inventory carrying cost rate = 18%

Current carrying cost = $87.5 million * 18% = $15.75 million

Calculate the new inventory level with increased turns:

New inventory turns = 6

New average inventory = COGS / New inventory turns = $350 million / 6 = $58.33 million

Calculate the new inventory carrying cost:

New carrying cost = $58.33 million * 18% = $10.5 million

Determine the cost savings:

Cost savings = Current carrying cost – New carrying cost = $15.75 million – $10.5 million = $5.25 million per turn

Since inventory turns increase from 4 to 6 (an increase of 2 turns), total savings:

Total cost savings = $5.25 million * 2 = $29 million

Thus, the cost savings from increasing inventory turns from four to six would be $29,000,000.

Reference: Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2016). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Cengage Learning.

Stevenson, W. J. (2018). Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Question #20

Continuous improvement is best described as:

  • A . a never-ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems.
  • B . a never-ending effort by the management team to reduce cycle time.
  • C . identifying and implementing big-step improvements within a process.
  • D . a process in which a supplier commits to replenishing inventory based on demand without receiving replenishment orders.

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Correct Answer: A


Continuous improvement, often referred to as Kaizen, focuses on making small, incremental changes to processes with the goal of improving efficiency and quality. Here’s a breakdown of why option A is correct:

Never-ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems: Continuous improvement is an ongoing process that seeks to identify and address the fundamental causes of inefficiencies and issues.

Management effort to reduce cycle time: While reducing cycle time is a component of continuous improvement, the primary focus is on identifying root causes.

Big-step improvements: Continuous improvement typically involves small, incremental changes rather than large, radical changes.

Supplier replenishment: This describes a vendor-managed inventory system, not the essence of continuous improvement. Thus, the best description of continuous improvement is a never-ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems.

Reference: Imai, M. (1986). Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success.

Liker, J. K. (2004). The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer.

Question #21

The factors to consider in the make-or-buy decision include costs, proprietary knowledge, and:

  • A . design history.
  • B . available capacity.
  • C . inventory balance.
  • D . warehouse location.

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Correct Answer: B


When making a make-or-buy decision, several factors must be considered beyond costs and proprietary knowledge. The option to "make" implies manufacturing the product in-house, while "buy" means outsourcing the production. Key considerations include:

Costs: Both fixed and variable costs associated with in-house production versus purchasing from a supplier.

Proprietary Knowledge: The importance of keeping certain knowledge and technologies within the company for competitive advantage.

Available Capacity: Whether the company has the necessary production capacity to manufacture the product without affecting other operations. This involves assessing current production capabilities and future scalability.

Quality Control: The ability to maintain the desired level of quality in-house versus the quality assurance capabilities of potential suppliers.

Flexibility and Lead Time: The ability to respond quickly to market changes and customer demands. Strategic Importance: How critical the component or product is to the company’s core business and strategic goals.

Among the given options, "available capacity" is the most relevant factor, as it directly influences the decision of whether to allocate internal resources to production or to outsource.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation. Pearson.

Slack, N., & Lewis, M. (2017). Operations Strategy. Pearson.

Question #22

Using an independent service provider for logistics would be most appropriate in which of the following situations?

  • A . A shoe company that wants to penetrate a foreign market
  • B . A business that owns plants and warehouses globally
  • C . A financial services company that wants to expand its services
  • D . A cable television company that wants to add services

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Correct Answer: A


Using an independent service provider for logistics can be highly beneficial under certain circumstances.

Here’s a breakdown of when this is most appropriate:

Market Penetration: A shoe company aiming to enter a foreign market would benefit from an independent logistics provider’s local expertise, established networks, and infrastructure, reducing the complexity and cost of setting up its own logistics operations.

Global Reach: Independent providers often have a global reach and can offer efficient and reliable services that would be costly and time-consuming for a company to develop internally. Scalability and Flexibility: These providers offer scalability and flexibility in logistics operations, allowing the shoe company to adapt quickly to market demand changes without investing heavily in logistics assets.

Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing logistics, the shoe company can focus on its core competencies such as design, production, and marketing, rather than the intricacies of international logistics.

Other scenarios such as a business with global plants and warehouses might already have the infrastructure needed, making an independent provider less necessary. For a financial services company or a cable television company, logistics is not a core function, and thus the question of outsourcing logistics is less pertinent.

Reference: Langley, J., & Capgemini. (2019). Third-Party Logistics Study: The State of Logistics Outsourcing. Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2017). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Cengage Learning.

Question #23

The most likely benefit of implementing a collaborative transportation management system is:

  • A . lower distribution center operating costs.
  • B . fewer transportation planners.
  • C . less variability in picking and packing time.
  • D . less variability in transportation costs.

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Correct Answer: D


Implementing a collaborative transportation management system (TMS) offers several benefits by improving coordination and visibility across the supply chain. The most likely benefit includes: Less Variability in Transportation Costs: A collaborative TMS provides enhanced data sharing and real-time information, allowing for better planning and execution. This results in more predictable transportation costs through optimized routing, load consolidation, and efficient carrier selection. Enhanced Coordination: Improved communication between all parties involved in the transportation process reduces inefficiencies and helps in achieving economies of scale.

Cost Savings: By minimizing empty miles and improving route planning, a TMS can significantly reduce fuel consumption and overall transportation expenses.

Improved Service Levels: Better visibility and coordination lead to timely deliveries, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Analytics and Reporting: Advanced analytics capabilities help in monitoring performance, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and making informed decisions.

While benefits such as lower distribution center operating costs, fewer transportation planners, and less variability in picking and packing time might occur indirectly, the most direct and significant benefit is the reduction in transportation cost variability.

Reference: Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2017). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Cengage Learning.

Frazelle, E. (2002). Supply Chain Strategy: The Logistics of Supply Chain Management. McGraw-Hill.

Question #24

Which of the following attributes typically makes reverse logistics processes more complicated than outbound logistics processes?

  • A . Lead times for shipments are more variable.
  • B . Individual packages and cartons are less uniform.
  • C . There are more regulations mandated by local governments.
  • D . There is more competition for scarce transportation lanes.

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Correct Answer: A


Reverse logistics involves the process of moving goods from their final destination back to the manufacturer or into the supply chain for the purpose of returns, repair, remanufacturing, recycling, or disposal. This process is inherently more complex than outbound logistics for several reasons: Variable Lead Times: Unlike outbound logistics where shipments are more predictable and scheduled, reverse logistics often deals with irregular and unpredictable return flows. Products may come back sporadically, leading to highly variable lead times.

Non-Uniform Packages: Returned items often vary in size, condition, and packaging, making handling and processing more complicated.

Quality and Condition: The quality and condition of returned items are inconsistent, requiring inspection and potential reprocessing or disposal.

Regulatory Compliance: There may be more regulations to consider, especially regarding disposal and recycling of products.

Customer Interaction: Managing customer returns requires effective communication and service management to ensure customer satisfaction.

Among these complexities, the most significant is the variability in lead times for shipments, as it directly impacts the planning and efficiency of reverse logistics operations.

Reference: Rogers, D. S., & Tibben-Lembke, R. (2001). "An Examination of Reverse Logistics Practices." Journal of Business Logistics.

Stock, J. R., & Lambert, D. M. (2001). Strategic Logistics Management. McGraw-Hill.

Question #25

A remanufacturer of equipment is most likely to have what type of supply chain?

  • A . Modular logistics
  • B . Reverse logistics
  • C . Mixed model
  • D . Lateral

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Correct Answer: B


A remanufacturer of equipment typically engages in reverse logistics. This type of supply chain involves the processes associated with the return of products for the purpose of capturing value or proper disposal. Key elements include:

Product Returns: Managing the return of used products from customers.

Inspection and Sorting: Evaluating the condition of returned items to determine if they can be reused, remanufactured, or recycled.

Remanufacturing Process: Disassembling, cleaning, repairing, and reassembling products to return them to like-new condition.

Recycling and Disposal: Ensuring environmentally responsible disposal of non-reusable parts and materials.

Reverse logistics is essential for remanufacturers to recover and reuse materials, reduce waste, and enhance sustainability.

Reference: Guide Jr, V. D. R., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2002). "The reverse supply chain." Harvard Business Review.

Srivastava, S. K. (2008). "Network design for reverse logistics." Omega.

Question #26

A firm wants to lose customers that don’t value the unique products and services the firm offers and to attract and retain customers that want what the firm offers.

Engaging in this activity should allow the firm to:

  • A . create a more loyal customer base.
  • B . improve customer satisfaction rates.
  • C . increase market share.
  • D . target higher-profit customers.

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Correct Answer: A


The firm’s strategy of losing customers who do not value its unique offerings and focusing on those who do is aligned with creating a more loyal customer base.

Here’s why:

Customer Alignment: By targeting customers who appreciate and value its unique products and services, the firm aligns its offerings with customer needs and expectations.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Focusing on customers who genuinely value the firm’s offerings leads to higher satisfaction, as these customers are more likely to be pleased with the product quality, features, and service.

Customer Loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers, advocate for the brand, and exhibit higher loyalty.

Resource Allocation: By shedding non-aligned customers, the firm can better allocate resources to serve and retain the most valuable customers, leading to a stronger, more loyal customer base.

This strategic approach helps the firm in building a loyal customer base that is less price-sensitive and more committed to the brand.

Reference: Kumar, V., & Shah, D. (2004). "Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty for the 21st century." Journal of Retailing.

Reichheld, F. F. (2001). "Loyalty Rules! How Today’s Leaders Build Lasting Relationships." Harvard Business School Press.

Question #27

A firm has identified groups of customers based on specific characteristics the customers desire from products and services the firm can provide. Characteristics include lead times, pricing tiers, and service levels. The firm is engaged in which of the following activities?

  • A . Customer differentiation
  • B . Order winner segregation
  • C . Market segmentation
  • D . Channel definition

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Correct Answer: C


Market segmentation involves dividing a broad consumer or business market into sub-groups of consumers based on shared characteristics. Here’s a detailed Explanation.

Identification of Groups: The firm identifies distinct groups of customers who have similar needs and preferences regarding lead times, pricing tiers, and service levels.

Customization of Offerings: By understanding these segments, the firm can tailor its products, pricing strategies, and service offerings to meet the specific needs of each segment.

Targeted Marketing: Market segmentation allows the firm to design and implement marketing strategies that are more effective in reaching and appealing to each distinct customer group. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Meeting the specific needs of different customer segments enhances overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Market segmentation enables firms to focus their efforts and resources more efficiently, leading to better customer alignment and improved business performance.

Reference: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson.

Wedel, M., & Kamakura, W. A. (2000). Market Segmentation: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations. Springer.

Question #28

The value that logistics provides within the supply chain can best be summarized as:

  • A . satisfying customer expectations about availability and delivery at an acceptable total cost.
  • B . meeting promised location and on-time delivery goals with minimal use of expediting.
  • C . establishing inventory and delivery goals with various customers that fulfill the firm’s profit objectives.
  • D . providing accurate in-transit and delivery information to customers and salespeople.

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Correct Answer: A


Logistics plays a crucial role in the supply chain by ensuring that products are available and delivered to customers as expected. Here’s a detailed Explanation

Customer Satisfaction: Logistics focuses on meeting customer expectations regarding product availability and delivery timelines, ensuring that customers receive what they want, when they want it.

Cost Management: Achieving these goals while maintaining an acceptable total cost is essential. This involves optimizing transportation, warehousing, and inventory management to balance service levels and costs.

Efficiency: Effective logistics minimizes delays and inefficiencies, ensuring a smooth flow of goods from suppliers to end customers.

Reliability: Consistent performance in meeting delivery promises builds trust and reliability with customers.

Logistics thus provides value by balancing customer service and cost efficiency, ensuring the right products are available at the right time and place.

Reference: Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Pearson.

Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2017). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Cengage Learning.

Question #29

A manufacturer of plastic components that are sold either directly or through distributors wants to identify the requirements of the end customers for each market segment.

Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate?

  • A . Analyzing the buying history for each of the market segments
  • B . Asking the manufacturer’s direct customers
  • C . Conducting a market research project
  • D . Sending samples of potential future products to the final customers

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Correct Answer: C


To accurately identify the requirements of end customers for each market segment, a comprehensive approach is necessary. Here’s why conducting a market research project is the most appropriate: Direct Insight: Market research involves directly gathering information from end customers, providing detailed and specific insights into their needs and preferences.

Segmentation Analysis: This approach allows for the analysis of different market segments, identifying unique requirements and preferences for each group.

Data Collection Methods: Various methods such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews can be used to gather qualitative and quantitative data.

Actionable Insights: The information collected can be analyzed to inform product development, marketing strategies, and sales approaches.

While analyzing buying history and asking direct customers can provide some insights, they do not offer the comprehensive understanding that a targeted market research project can deliver.

Reference: Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Pearson.

McQuarrie, E. F. (2015). The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners. SAGE Publications.

Question #30

The process of gathering data about what customers need and ensuring that desired features are included in the design and initial planning phase of a new product or service is known as:

  • A . a quick response program.
  • B . quality function deployment.
  • C . total quality management.
  • D . early supplier involvement.

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Correct Answer: B


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic process for gathering customer requirements and ensuring they are incorporated into the design and planning of a new product or service.

Here’s how it works:

Customer Voice: QFD begins with collecting and understanding customer needs and expectations, often referred to as the "voice of the customer."

House of Quality: These needs are translated into design requirements through a tool called the House of Quality, which helps prioritize features based on customer importance.

Cross-Functional Teams: QFD involves cross-functional teams to ensure that all relevant perspectives (e.g., marketing, engineering, manufacturing) are considered in the design process.

Integration: The process ensures that customer needs are systematically integrated into product design, reducing the risk of missing key features or quality attributes.

QFD is thus a comprehensive approach to ensuring that customer needs are central to product development from the outset.

Reference: Akao, Y. (1990). Quality Function Deployment: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design. Productivity Press.

Cohen, L. (1995). Quality Function Deployment: How to Make QFD Work for You. Addison-Wesley.

Question #31

A manufacturer can simplify the forecasting process by pooling demand forecasts for a product group and then:

  • A . averaging total demand and spreading it evenly across all items.
  • B . disaggregating demand to the item level based on marketing input.
  • C . disaggregating demand to the item level based on historical proportions.
  • D . allocating demand to each production site.

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Correct Answer: C


Simplifying the forecasting process by pooling demand forecasts for a product group and then disaggregating demand based on historical proportions is an effective approach. Here’s how it works: Aggregate Forecasting: Start by forecasting the total demand for the entire product group, which tends to be more accurate than forecasting for individual items due to the law of large numbers.

Historical Proportions: Use historical sales data to determine the proportion of total demand attributed to each item within the group.

Disaggregation: Apply these historical proportions to the aggregate forecast to estimate the demand for each individual item.

Adjustments: This approach can be fine-tuned based on recent trends, market conditions, or changes in customer preferences.

By leveraging historical data to disaggregate demand, the process becomes more manageable and

can improve the accuracy of item-level forecasts.

Reference: Chase, C. W. (2013). Demand-Driven Forecasting: A Structured Approach to Forecasting. John Wiley & Sons.

Mentzer, J. T., Moon, M. A., & Smith, C. D. (2004). Sales Forecasting Management: A Demand Management Approach. SAGE Publications.

Question #32

Which of the following types of information would be an appropriate basis for a qualitative forecast?

  • A . Leading indicators
  • B . Market research data
  • C . Order history
  • D . Shipment history

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Correct Answer: B


Qualitative forecasting techniques are often used when there is little to no historical data available, or when the situation involves a lot of uncertainty or rapid change. These methods rely on expert judgment, intuition, and qualitative data. Here’s why market research data is appropriate for qualitative forecasting:

Expert Insights: Market research provides insights from industry experts, customer feedback, and market trends, which can be critical in understanding future demand.

Consumer Behavior: This data helps in predicting how consumer preferences and behaviors might change, which is especially useful for new products or entering new markets.

Competitive Analysis: Understanding competitor strategies and market conditions helps in making informed forecasts.

Qualitative Nature: Unlike order history or shipment history, which are quantitative, market research data involves qualitative analysis of market conditions and customer needs.

Therefore, market research data is a suitable basis for qualitative forecasting as it offers comprehensive insights into market dynamics and future trends.

Reference: Armstrong, J. S. (2001). Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer. Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Pearson.

Question #33

The use of a seasonal index as a forecasting technique measures the ratio of the:

  • A . average seasonal demand to the average demand for all periods.
  • B . average demand for all periods to the average seasonal demand.
  • C . average seasonal demand to the standard deviation of the demand for all periods.
  • D . standard deviation of the seasonal demand to the standard deviation of demand for all periods.

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Correct Answer: A


A seasonal index is used in forecasting to adjust for regular fluctuations in demand due to seasonal variations.

Here’s how it works:

Average Seasonal Demand: Calculate the average demand for each season (e.g., monthly or quarterly averages).

Average Demand for All Periods: Compute the overall average demand across all periods in the data set.

Ratio Calculation: The seasonal index is the ratio of the average seasonal demand to the average demand for all periods. This ratio indicates how a particular season compares to the average demand, highlighting periods of higher or lower demand relative to the norm.

Adjustment Factor: This index is then used to adjust forecasts to account for predictable seasonal effects, improving forecast accuracy.

By using the ratio of average seasonal demand to average overall demand, the seasonal index provides a clear measure of seasonal variation.

Reference: Chase, C. W. (2013). Demand-Driven Forecasting: A Structured Approach to Forecasting. John Wiley & Sons. Hanke, J. E., & Wichern, D. W. (2014). Business Forecasting. Pearson.

Question #34

Medium-term demand management projections are used primarily to:

  • A . complete strategic business planning of facilities.
  • B . complete forecasts at the item level.
  • C . aggregate demand for production planning.
  • D . develop the master production schedule.

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Correct Answer: C


Medium-term demand management projections typically cover a horizon of several months to a few years and are essential for production planning. Here’s the detailed Explanation.

Aggregate Demand: Medium-term projections aggregate demand at a higher level, such as product families or groups, to facilitate production planning and capacity management.

Production Planning: These projections are used to plan production schedules, workforce requirements, and resource allocation, ensuring that manufacturing operations can meet anticipated demand.

Inventory Management: Helps in maintaining optimal inventory levels by balancing supply and demand over the medium term.

Alignment with Business Goals: Ensures that production plans are aligned with the company’s strategic goals and market demands.

While medium-term projections also support other activities, such as developing the master production schedule (MPS), their primary use is in aggregating demand for effective production planning.

Reference: Vollmann, T. E., Berry, W. L., Whybark, D. C., & Jacobs, F. R. (2005). Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management. McGraw-Hill.

Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation. Pearson.

Question #35

Which of the following strategies is used primarily for demand planning?

  • A . Build-to-order scheduling
  • B . Push-pull replenishment
  • C . Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment
  • D . Vendor-managed inventory

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Correct Answer: C


Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) is a strategy used primarily for demand planning by improving coordination and collaboration between supply chain partners. Here’s how it works:

Collaboration: CPFR involves sharing information and plans between retailers, distributors, and manufacturers to create a unified forecast and replenishment plan.

Joint Forecasting: Partners collaboratively develop demand forecasts based on shared data, reducing discrepancies and improving accuracy.

Replenishment Planning: Using the agreed-upon forecasts, the partners jointly plan inventory replenishment to ensure optimal stock levels and reduce stockouts or excess inventory.

Benefits: CPFR leads to improved demand visibility, better inventory management, and enhanced supply chain efficiency.

This approach fosters a cooperative relationship among supply chain partners, aligning their efforts towards meeting customer demand more effectively.

Reference: Barratt, M., & Oliveira, A. (2001). "Exploring the Experiences of Collaborative Planning Initiatives." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.

Seifert, D. (2003). Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment: How to Create a Supply Chain Advantage. AMACOM.

Question #36

In addition to sales history, current customer orders, and forecasted demand, which of the following

data sources should be used as part of a demand management process?

  • A . Inventory levels
  • B . Contractual obligations
  • C . Customer profitability
  • D . Scheduled marketing activities

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Correct Answer: D


Demand management is a critical function in supply chain management, aiming to balance supply and demand effectively. In addition to sales history, current customer orders, and forecasted demand, integrating data from scheduled marketing activities is essential.

Here’s why:

Impact on Demand: Scheduled marketing activities, such as promotions, advertising campaigns, and new product launches, can significantly influence customer demand patterns.

Demand Forecasting: Incorporating marketing plans into demand forecasts helps in predicting demand spikes or drops associated with these activities.

Inventory Planning: Understanding upcoming marketing efforts allows for better inventory planning, ensuring sufficient stock levels to meet anticipated demand increases.

Capacity Management: Helps in aligning production and distribution capacity with expected demand fluctuations due to marketing activities.

By considering scheduled marketing activities, businesses can enhance the accuracy of their demand forecasts and improve overall supply chain responsiveness.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation. Pearson.

Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2017). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Pearson.

Question #37

Demand management involves which of the following undertakings?

  • A . Adjusting capacity to support expected demand
  • B . Engaging in activities associated with customer relationship management
  • C . Creating higher customer demand by improving performance in areas such as lead time and service levels
  • D . Understanding events and managing activities that could influence future demand

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Correct Answer: D


Demand management involves a proactive approach to understanding and influencing demand patterns.

Here’s how:

Event Analysis: It includes analyzing events such as market trends, economic indicators, and competitive actions that could impact future demand.

Demand Shaping: Managing activities like promotions, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns to shape demand in a way that aligns with supply capabilities.

Customer Insights: Gathering and analyzing customer feedback and preferences to anticipate changes in demand.

Coordination: Collaborating with different departments (e.g., marketing, sales, and operations) to ensure alignment and responsiveness to demand changes.

Effective demand management requires a comprehensive understanding of various factors that influence demand and actively managing these elements to optimize supply chain performance.

Reference: Vollmann, T. E., Berry, W. L., Whybark, D. C., & Jacobs, F. R. (2005). Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management. McGraw-Hill.

Stevenson, W. J. (2018). Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Question #38

Which of the following forecasting methods relies on the opinions of a panel of experts?

  • A . Delphi technique
  • B . Survey method
  • C . Causal method
  • D . Time series analysis

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Correct Answer: A


The Delphi technique is a structured forecasting method that relies on the opinions of a panel of experts.

Here’s how it works:

Expert Panel: A group of experts in the relevant field is selected to provide their insights and forecasts.

Iterative Rounds: The process involves multiple rounds of questionnaires sent to the experts. After each round, a facilitator provides a summary of the forecasts and reasons provided by the panel. Anonymity: Experts provide their opinions anonymously to prevent the influence of dominant individuals and to encourage unbiased input.

Convergence: Through iterative feedback and revisions, the panel’s forecasts tend to converge towards a consensus.

The Delphi technique is particularly useful for long-term forecasting and scenarios where quantitative data is scarce or unreliable.

Reference: Armstrong, J. S. (2001). Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer.

Rowe, G., & Wright, G. (1999). "The Delphi technique as a forecasting tool: issues and analysis." International Journal of Forecasting.

Question #39

What is the primary role of marketing in supporting supply chain management?

  • A . Selecting favored supplier partners
  • B . Developing efficient customer channels
  • C . Focusing on short-term forecasting accuracy
  • D . Working with research and development on slow-moving products

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Correct Answer: B


Marketing plays a pivotal role in supporting supply chain management by developing efficient customer channels.

Here’s how:

Channel Strategy: Marketing helps in designing and optimizing distribution channels to ensure products reach customers efficiently.

Customer Relationships: Building and maintaining strong customer relationships through targeted marketing efforts, ensuring customer loyalty and repeat business.

Demand Generation: Creating demand through advertising, promotions, and product positioning, which in turn drives production and inventory decisions.

Market Insights: Providing valuable market insights and customer feedback that can be used to refine supply chain strategies and improve responsiveness.

By focusing on developing efficient customer channels, marketing ensures that products are effectively distributed and customer needs are met, supporting overall supply chain efficiency.

Reference: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson.

Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Pearson.

Question #40

Which of the following practices has improved management of the customer pipeline?

  • A . Reverse auctions
  • B . Sales force automation
  • C . Finite capacity planning
  • D . Point-of-purchase metrics

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Correct Answer: B


Sales force automation (SFA) has significantly improved the management of the customer pipeline.

Here’s how:

Efficiency: Automates routine sales tasks such as order processing, tracking customer interactions, and managing sales leads, allowing sales teams to focus on selling.

Data Management: Provides a centralized system for storing customer information, sales history, and communication records, enhancing data accessibility and accuracy.

Pipeline Visibility: Offers real-time visibility into the sales pipeline, enabling better forecasting, opportunity management, and performance tracking.

Customer Relationship Management: Enhances customer relationship management by providing tools for personalized communication, follow-ups, and customer service.

By automating and streamlining the sales process, SFA helps in managing the customer pipeline more effectively, leading to improved sales performance and customer satisfaction.

Reference: Buttle, F., & Maklan, S. (2019). Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies. Routledge.

Homburg, C., Schäfer, H., & Schneider, J. (2008). "Sales excellence: Systematic sales management." Springer.

Question #41

The probability of customer dissatisfaction is highest when which of the following conditions exists?

  • A . Customer expectations are clearly defined.
  • B . Supplier execution is too low.
  • C . There is a gap between expected performance and perceived performance.
  • D . There is a gap between what was indicated and what was accomplished.

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Correct Answer: C


Customer dissatisfaction often arises when there is a significant disparity between what customers expect and what they perceive they receive. This gap can be explained through the following steps: Customer Expectations: Customers form expectations based on marketing, previous experiences, and word-of-mouth. These expectations shape their perception of what the service or product delivery should be like.

Perceived Performance: This is the customer’s perception of how well the product or service actually meets their expectations. This perception is influenced by the actual performance, communication, and interaction with the company.

Performance Gap: When there is a discrepancy between the expected performance and the perceived performance, it creates a performance gap. This gap is often due to overpromising and underdelivering, miscommunication, or a genuine shortfall in the product or service quality. Impact on Customer Satisfaction: The larger the gap between what customers expect and what they perceive they receive, the higher the probability of dissatisfaction. This is because unmet expectations lead to disappointment, frustration, and a negative overall experience.

Reference: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson.

Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (1985). A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41-50.

Question #42

Which of the following actions typically would be the first step in implementing the philosophy of customer relationship management?

  • A . Creating a customer-centric organization
  • B . Developing a map of the customer segments
  • C . Documenting the objectives for implementation
  • D . Selecting an information technology solution

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Correct Answer: A


Implementing customer relationship management (CRM) begins with establishing a customer-centric culture within the organization.

The steps involved are:

Creating a Customer-Centric Organization: This step involves shifting the company’s focus to prioritize customer needs and preferences. It requires aligning the company’s mission, values, and strategies around customer satisfaction and engagement.

Developing a Map of the Customer Segments: Once the organization is customer-centric, it can then identify and segment its customer base to better understand different needs and tailor approaches accordingly.

Documenting the Objectives for Implementation: Clear objectives must be set to guide the CRM implementation process. These objectives ensure that all efforts are aligned and measurable. Selecting an Information Technology Solution: The final step is choosing the right technology to support CRM activities. This includes selecting software that can manage customer data, track interactions, and provide insights for continuous improvement.

Reference: Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2005). A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship Management. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 167-176.

Buttle, F. (2009). Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies. Routledge.

Question #43

Which of the following customer relationship management activities most appropriately is used for revenue generation?

  • A . Generating customer leads
  • B . Generating graphic sales models
  • C . Measuring customer preferences
  • D . Identifying customer margins

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Correct Answer: A


Customer relationship management (CRM) activities aimed at revenue generation often focus on identifying and attracting potential new customers. The detailed explanation is as follows: Generating Customer Leads: This involves using CRM tools to identify potential customers who may be interested in the company’s products or services. Lead generation is crucial for expanding the customer base and driving revenue.

Lead Qualification: Not all leads are equal. CRM helps in qualifying leads to determine which ones have the highest potential for conversion, ensuring efficient use of sales resources.

Customer Conversion: By targeting qualified leads with tailored marketing strategies, CRM aids in converting leads into paying customers, thus directly contributing to revenue generation.

Retention and Upselling: Beyond initial sales, CRM systems can track customer interactions and preferences, enabling targeted retention strategies and opportunities for upselling or cross-selling, further enhancing revenue.

Reference: Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. (2018). Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools. Springer.

Berson, A., Smith, S., & Thearling, K. (2000). Building Data Mining Applications for CRM. McGraw-Hill.

Question #44

Compared to mass-media marketing, customer relationship management has the advantage of allowing the organization to:

  • A . compete for customers based on service.
  • B . reach a larger number of potential customers.
  • C . reduce inventory to improve cash flow.
  • D . focus on attracting new customers.

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Correct Answer: A


Customer relationship management (CRM) offers several advantages over traditional mass-media marketing, particularly in terms of customer service:

Personalized Service: CRM systems enable companies to collect and analyze customer data, allowing for personalized service that meets individual customer needs and preferences.

Customer Engagement: By engaging customers through personalized interactions and targeted communications, companies can build stronger relationships and loyalty.

Competitive Differentiation: Offering superior service based on deep customer insights gained from CRM can differentiate a company from competitors who may rely solely on mass marketing techniques.

Enhanced Customer Experience: CRM helps in delivering a consistent and high-quality customer experience across all touchpoints, which is essential for retaining customers and encouraging repeat business.

Feedback and Improvement: CRM systems facilitate the collection of customer feedback, enabling continuous improvement in service offerings and customer satisfaction.

Reference: Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2016). Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. Wiley.

Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2013). Strategic Customer Management: Integrating Relationship Marketing and CRM. Cambridge University Press.

Question #45

A manufacturer uses standard costing, and a potential supplier uses activity-based costing.

This difference most likely will have implications for which of the following types of future decisions?

  • A . Price concessions
  • B . Make-or-buy
  • C . Distribution warehouse locations
  • D . Freight terms

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Correct Answer: B


The use of different costing methods by a manufacturer and a potential supplier can have significant implications for make-or-buy decisions. Here’s the Explanation

Standard Costing: This method involves assigning fixed costs to products based on predetermined standards. It simplifies cost control and variance analysis but may not capture all the activities involved in production.

Activity-Based Costing (ABC): ABC assigns costs based on actual activities and resource usage, providing a more accurate picture of costs associated with specific products or services. Comparison for Make-or-Buy: When a manufacturer using standard costing considers outsourcing to a supplier using ABC, it must carefully compare the detailed activity-based costs with its own standard costs.

Implications: Differences in cost allocation methods can reveal hidden costs or savings, influencing the decision to manufacture in-house or outsource. ABC may highlight inefficiencies in in-house production or justify the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing.

Strategic Decisions: Understanding the true cost implications through detailed ABC can lead to better strategic decisions regarding resource allocation, production processes, and supplier selection.

Reference: Horngren, C. T., Datar, S. M., & Rajan, M. V. (2015). Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis. Pearson.

Kaplan, R. S., & Cooper, R. (1998). Cost & Effect: Using Integrated Cost Systems to Drive Profitability and Performance. Harvard Business School Press.

Question #46

Compared to a blanket purchase order, a supplier alliance agreement is best differentiated by:

  • A . efficient material replenishment processes.
  • B . clearly identified roles for the buyer and seller.
  • C . a shared vision of added value.
  • D . a sole-source agreement.

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Correct Answer: C


A supplier alliance agreement and a blanket purchase order differ significantly in their scope and strategic intent.

The steps to differentiate them are:

Blanket Purchase Order: This is a simple agreement where a buyer commits to purchasing a specified quantity of goods or services from a supplier over a set period. It focuses primarily on transactional efficiency and cost savings through bulk purchasing.

Supplier Alliance Agreement: This is a strategic partnership where both parties work closely to achieve mutual goals. It goes beyond transactions to involve collaboration, trust, and long-term commitment.

Shared Vision of Added Value: In a supplier alliance agreement, both buyer and seller share a vision of creating added value. This can involve joint product development, process improvements, and innovation, benefiting both parties beyond the basic supplier-customer relationship. Roles and Responsibilities: While both agreements may identify roles, the supplier alliance agreement emphasizes a collaborative approach where both parties actively contribute to achieving shared goals.

Efficiency and Sole Sourcing: While efficient material replenishment and sole-source agreements can be part of both types of agreements, they do not fundamentally distinguish a supplier alliance from a blanket purchase order.

Reference: Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2015). Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. Cengage Learning.

Lambert, D. M., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2007). Supplier Relationship Management: A Framework for Collaboration and Innovation. Journal of Business Logistics, 28(1), 1-23. er: C

Question #47

Incorporating supplier input into product and process design helps to:

  • A . maintain quality.
  • B . stabilize product costs.
  • C . reduce time to market.
  • D . save costs to the buyer.

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Correct Answer: C


Incorporating supplier input into product and process design can significantly enhance various aspects of the product development process:

Early Supplier Involvement (ESI): Engaging suppliers early in the design phase helps leverage their expertise, leading to more efficient design and production processes.

Improved Design Quality: Suppliers often have specialized knowledge and experience that can contribute to more robust and manufacturable designs, reducing the need for costly redesigns. Faster Development Cycles: Collaborative design efforts streamline communication and decision-making, allowing for quicker identification and resolution of potential issues.

Reduced Time to Market: By integrating supplier input, the overall product development timeline is shortened, enabling faster launch of new products to meet market demand and capitalize on opportunities.

Cost Savings and Quality: While maintaining quality and stabilizing product costs are also benefits, the primary advantage of reduced time to market often has the most immediate impact on competitive positioning and revenue generation.

Reference: Handfield, R. B., Ragatz, G. L., Petersen, K. J., & Monczka, R. M. (1999). Involving Suppliers in New Product Development. California Management Review, 42(1), 59-82.

Wynstra, F., & Ten Pierick, E. (2000). Managing Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A Portfolio Approach. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(1), 49-57.

Question #48

A media company offers a majority of its movies through a specific distributor. The media company is beginning to produce content for a new foreign market to which the distributor has exclusive access.

To maximize savings and gain entry to this new market, the media company should:

  • A . create a contract for the new market.
  • B . enter into a partnership.
  • C . form a strategic alliance.
  • D . acquire the distributor.

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Correct Answer: C


To effectively enter a new foreign market and maximize savings while leveraging the distributor’s exclusive access, the steps are:

Assessment of Market Entry Strategies: The media company needs to evaluate various options like contracts, partnerships, strategic alliances, or acquisitions.

Strategic Alliance Formation: Forming a strategic alliance involves establishing a cooperative

agreement where both parties work together towards common goals, sharing resources, knowledge,

and access to markets.

Benefits of a Strategic Alliance:

Resource Sharing: Both companies can pool resources, including distribution networks, marketing, and technology, leading to cost savings and operational efficiencies.

Market Access: The distributor’s exclusive access to the new market provides a direct entry point for the media company’s content, reducing time and investment required for market penetration.

Risk Mitigation: Sharing the risks associated with entering a new market, such as cultural and regulatory challenges, makes the venture more manageable.

Enhanced Collaboration: Close collaboration allows for better alignment of strategies and quicker adaptation to market changes, enhancing competitive advantage.

Reference: Ireland, R. D., Hitt, M. A., & Vaidyanath, D. (2002). Alliance Management as a Source of Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 28(3), 413-446.

Varadarajan, R., & Cunningham, M. H. (1995). Strategic Alliances: A Synthesis of Conceptual Foundations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(4), 282-296.

Question #49

A company considers outsourcing its information technology support to a low-cost region on another continent. The company currently has no business presence there.

Which of the following actions is most effective in helping to select a service provider?

  • A . Contacting the country’s consulate for leads
  • B . Contacting the country’s local government for recommendations
  • C . Visiting several potential providers before making a selection
  • D . Finding a trusted local business agent to help in the search

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Correct Answer: C


Selecting a service provider in a new geographical region requires thorough due diligence.

The steps involved are:

Initial Research: Conducting preliminary research on potential service providers through various sources, including online reviews, industry reports, and recommendations.

Shortlisting Providers: Creating a shortlist of providers based on their capabilities, reputation, and alignment with the company’s needs.

On-Site Visits: Visiting several potential providers allows for a first-hand evaluation of their facilities, operations, and culture.

It provides an opportunity to:

Assess Capabilities: Verify the provider’s technical capabilities, infrastructure, and resources. Meet Key Personnel: Engage with the management and operational teams to gauge their expertise and responsiveness.

Understand Local Context: Gain insights into the local business environment, regulatory landscape, and cultural factors that may impact the partnership.

Comparative Analysis: Comparing observations and findings from the visits to make an informed decision on the best-suited service provider.

Final Selection: Choosing the provider that best meets the company’s requirements and demonstrates the potential for a successful long-term partnership.

Reference: Sollish, F., & Semanik, J. (2012). The Procurement and Supply Manager’s Desk Reference. John Wiley & Sons.

Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2015). Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. Cengage Learning.

Question #50

Which of the following benefits of supplier relationship management typically results from collaboration with a few critical suppliers?

  • A . Automation of supplier sales activities
  • B . Elimination of formal contracts
  • C . Reduction in customer and supplier inventories
  • D . Standardization of communications

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Supplier relationship management (SRM) emphasizes collaboration with key suppliers, which can lead to significant inventory reductions.

The detailed explanation includes:

Collaborative Planning: Working closely with critical suppliers to synchronize production schedules and inventory levels, aligning them with actual demand.

Improved Forecasting: Sharing accurate demand forecasts and sales data helps suppliers plan their production more effectively, reducing the need for safety stock.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Practices: Implementing JIT practices where materials and components are delivered precisely when needed, minimizing inventory holding costs for both the customer and the


Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI): Allowing suppliers to manage inventory levels based on real-time

data, ensuring optimal stock levels and reducing excess inventory.

Lean Practices: Adopting lean inventory management techniques to eliminate waste, streamline processes, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.

Reference: Dyer, J. H., & Singh, H. (1998). The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 660-679. Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Pearson UK.

Question #51

Which of the following organizational design choices is an example of vertical integration?

  • A . Contracting with a third-party logistics provider
  • B . Producing components used internally
  • C . Externally staffing a customer service center
  • D . Awarding a one-time trade show contract

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Vertical integration refers to the process where a company expands its operations into different stages of production within the same industry.

Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Definition of Vertical Integration: This involves a company controlling multiple stages of the supply chain, from raw materials to the finished product. Examples of Vertical Integration:

Producing Components Internally: This is a classic example where a company manufactures the components or raw materials it needs for its products, rather than relying on external suppliers. This enhances control over the production process, quality, and costs.

Backward Integration: When a company takes over suppliers to control the raw material or component supply.

Forward Integration: When a company takes over distributors or retailers to control the distribution of its products.

Benefits of Vertical Integration: Improved coordination, increased control over the supply chain, reduced dependency on suppliers, potential cost savings, and better quality control.

Reference: Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press. Harrigan, K. R. (1984). Formulating Vertical Integration Strategies. Academy of Management Review, 9(4), 638-652.

Question #52

A company that produces standardized products and sells them through retailers via a responsive transportation system has decided to expand its sales with an online store for customized products.

Which of the following distribution strategies would be the most appropriate for the business-strategy change?

  • A . Local distribution centers serving retailers and online sales
  • B . Centralized cross-docking facilities serving retailers and online sales
  • C . A centralized distribution center serving retailers and direct shipment from the factory serving online sales
  • D . A centralized distribution center serving retailers with transshipment arrangements serving online sales

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


The business strategy shift to selling customized products online necessitates a distribution strategy that balances efficiency and responsiveness.

Here’s the breakdown:

Current Setup: The company has a responsive transportation system serving retailers with standardized products.

Need for Customization: Expanding to online sales with customized products requires a different approach due to the variability and specific demands of online orders. Centralized Distribution Center:

Serving Retailers: Maintaining a centralized distribution center for standardized products ensures consistency and efficiency in supplying retailers.

Direct Shipment from Factory:

Online Sales: Directly shipping customized products from the factory to customers is ideal because it allows for better handling of unique orders and reduces the time from production to delivery. Efficiency and Responsiveness: This combination allows the company to continue serving retailers efficiently while meeting the customization demands of online customers effectively.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.


Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies. McGraw-Hill.

Question #53

A company manufactures special products for select customers. When demand for these products drops, the manufacturer can switch the production line to a commodity-type product that can be sold on the open market at reduced terms to generate cash.

The company is executing a corporate strategy that is based on:

  • A . customer focus and alignment.
  • B . forecast accuracy.
  • C . multiple downstream channels.
  • D . multiple upstream supply chains.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


The company’s strategy of switching production lines based on demand indicates a flexible approach to market conditions. Here’s the Explanation

Special Products for Select Customers: Initially, the company focuses on manufacturing niche products for specific customers, indicating a customer-focused approach.

Switching to Commodity Products: When demand drops, the company shifts to producing commodity products that can be sold on the open market. This ensures continuous production and cash flow.

Multiple Downstream Channels:

Specialized Products Channel: For select customers, tailored to specific needs.

Commodity Products Channel: Open market sales, providing a broader market reach and flexibility.

Strategic Flexibility: This strategy leverages multiple downstream channels to optimize resource utilization, manage risks, and ensure financial stability.

Reference: Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. Free Press. Hill, T. (2000). Manufacturing Strategy: Text and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan.

Question #54

A large wholesaler formerly owned a number of delivery trucks. The wholesaler sold all of its trucks and now purchases transportation services from fleet operators.

This is an example of which of the following strategies?

  • A . Selling and leasing back equipment.
  • B . Renting equipment on consignment.
  • C . Using a third-party logistics provider.
  • D . Using an owner-operator fleet.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Context: The large wholesaler owned delivery trucks but sold them and now purchases transportation services from fleet operators.

Options Breakdown:

Question #55

Reverse supply chain activity typically peaks nearest the beginning of which of the following stages of the product life cycle?

  • A . Introduction
  • B . Growth
  • C . Maturity
  • D . Decline

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


Context: Reverse supply chain activity includes returns, recycling, and disposal processes.

Product Life Cycle Stages:

Question #56

Which of the following actions typically would be considered part of a reverse logistics strategy?

  • A . Offering a discount on new purchases when used products are returned
  • B . Reducing the amount of packaging material used in shipping
  • C . Manufacturing products in batches consistent with full-truckload shipments
  • D . Batching returns of defective components to the suppliers

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: Reverse logistics involves the process of moving goods from their final destination for the purpose of capturing value or proper disposal.

Options Breakdown:

Question #57

A firm supplies products and services to a wide variety of industries with varying requirements for responsiveness and reliability. Many customers across these industries are not satisfied with the firm’s ability to meet the lead time and on time delivery requirements.

Which of the following tools is most appropriate for the firm to use to improve customer service?

  • A . Customer service ratio metrics
  • B . Market segmentation
  • C . Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • D . Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®)

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: The firm supplies to various industries with different requirements, and customers are dissatisfied with lead times and delivery reliability.

Options Breakdown:

Question #58

A company plans to maximize profitability by charging more for its products at retail locations than on its website.

Which of the following segmentation strategies would best support this plan?

  • A . Group
  • B . Channel
  • C . Regional
  • D . Location

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: The company intends to charge different prices for products sold through retail locations versus online.

Options Breakdown:

Question #59

Which of the following is the most important result when a company implements customer relationship management?

  • A . Profits are maximized.
  • B . Retention of key customers is increased.
  • C . Product options are increased.
  • D . Transaction costs are decreased.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Customer relationship management (CRM) systems aim to manage a company’s interactions with current and potential customers.

Options Breakdown:

Question #60

Maintaining a long-term collaborative relationship with a trading partner requires:

  • A . formal and informal communication.
  • B . interconnected information systems.
  • C . one partner regularly exercising power.
  • D . standardized terms of agreement.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: Long-term collaborative relationships in business require various forms of communication and mutual understanding.

Options Breakdown:

Question #61

Which of the following consequences is a result of shipping directly from the point of manufacture to the customer rather than through a distribution network?

  • A . Delivery lead times are consistent.
  • B . Risk pooling benefits are negated.
  • C . Distribution overhead is increased.
  • D . Order-fill rate is decreased.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Shipping directly from the point of manufacture to the customer eliminates the intermediate distribution network.

Options Breakdown:

Question #62

Which of the following results can be expected from sharing a common understanding of demand and consumption patterns among supply chain participants?

  • A . Improved transparency of collaboration relationships
  • B . Increased performance in balanced scorecard
  • C . Reduced inventory levels for key items
  • D . Better synchronization of planning and operations

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


Context: Sharing demand and consumption patterns among supply chain participants is crucial for effective supply chain management.

Options Breakdown:

Question #63

An advantage of using a third-party logistics service (3PL) is improved:

  • A . on-time delivery of shipments due to higher inventory levels.
  • B . cost structure due to economies of scale.
  • C . access to smaller markets due to localization.
  • D . risk visibility due to inventory consolidation.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Third-party logistics services (3PL) offer various benefits by leveraging their expertise and resources.

Options Breakdown:

Question #64

A return material authorization (RMA) policy is used in reverse logistics to:

  • A . physically transport returned items by using an efficient transportation mode.
  • B . minimize the number of returned items by involving product design and demand forecasting.
  • C . reduce the cost of returned items by refusing to accept items that should not be returned.
  • D . reclaim substantial value from returned items by recycling.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Context: Return material authorization (RMA) policies are used in reverse logistics to manage returns efficiently.

Options Breakdown:

Question #65

A company’s decision to charge different prices for the same service sold in different market segments is most likely based on which of the following metrics?

  • A . Internal rate of return (IRR)
  • B . Lifetime customer value (LCV)
  • C . Net present value (NPV)
  • D . Return on investment (ROI)

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Charging different prices for the same service in different market segments involves understanding the value derived from different customer groups.

Options Breakdown:

Question #66

Which of the following outcomes is a benefit typically expected of customer relationship management (CRM)?

  • A . Reducing the size of the sales force by automating activities
  • B . Gaining a better understanding of customer requirements
  • C . Implementing automated inter-organizational processes
  • D . Focusing sales efforts on the most profitable customers

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are designed to enhance the interaction

between a company and its customers.

Options Breakdown:

Question #67

Which of the following scenarios represents a correct application of the Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR)?

  • A . Sales and marketing refers to SCOR to improve demand generation.
  • B . Production and engineering uses SCOR best practices to design a new "make" process flow.
  • C . Distribution and logistics selects suppliers from the SCOR reference list.
  • D . Marketing and development incorporates SCOR Level I metrics for new product design.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: The Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) provides a framework for improving

supply chain performance.

Options Breakdown:

Question #68

Which of the following indicators is most appropriate to use as a measure of supply chain utilization?

  • A . Production equipment productivity
  • B . Net asset turnover
  • C . Value-added productivity per employee
  • D . Upside flexibility

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: Measuring supply chain utilization involves understanding how effectively resources are

used in the supply chain.

Options Breakdown:

Question #69

The main benefit of a mass customization product design strategy is to:

  • A . sell high quantities of product to specific customer segments.
  • B . achieve economies of scale in purchasing components.
  • C . offer more product variety while keeping inventories low.
  • D . avoid assembly of finished products.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Context: Mass customization involves producing goods to meet individual customer needs while

maintaining efficiency.

Options Breakdown:

Question #70

Keeping all other factors equal, a company typically will try to maintain higher service levels for products with:

  • A . wider variety.
  • B . shorter lead time.
  • C . higher profit margins.
  • D . lower sales volumes.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Context: Companies often prioritize service levels based on the profitability of their products.

Options Breakdown:

Question #71

A large manufacturer wanting to be more competitive in the global market place decided to outsource its transportation and return processing to other companies on a contractual basis.

The companies providing the services would be referred to as:

  • A . fourth party logistics providers.
  • B . third party logistics providers.
  • C . retail services providers.
  • D . distribution services providers.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


Context: The manufacturer is outsourcing transportation and return processing functions to external


Options Breakdown:

Question #72

Companies are more likely to consider the consequences of their product design decisions when they view the reverse supply chain as an extension of the:

  • A . forward supply chain.
  • B . marketing process.
  • C . manufacturing process.
  • D . sales and operations planning process.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: Viewing the reverse supply chain as an extension of another process influences product design considerations.

Options Breakdown:

Question #73

The primary reason for a firm to pursue strategic supply chain activities is to:

  • A . gain competitive advantage.
  • B . reduce total cost of ownership (TCO).
  • C . decrease inventory.
  • D . increase product life cycles.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: Strategic supply chain activities are pursued to achieve long-term business objectives.

Options Breakdown:

Question #74

A firm supplies a single line of products to consumers using retail stores and on-line sales, distributors, and wholesalers. Currently the firm has common pricing and response times for sales in each sales channel.

Which of the following tools is most appropriate to employ to improve profitability?

  • A . Customer segmentation
  • B . Customer-facing ordering systems
  • C . Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • D . Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®)

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: The firm uses common pricing and response times across different sales channels and seeks

to improve profitability.

Options Breakdown:

Question #75

A company has been delivering a global product that no longer appears profitable. Senior management’s best response is to:

  • A . analyze product profitability by market segment.
  • B . discontinue the product based on eroding profitability.
  • C . provide additional incentives to the sales force.
  • D . increase promotional activity across all markets.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Context: A global product is no longer appearing profitable, requiring senior management to take action.

Options Breakdown:

Question #76

A main benefit of using customer relationship management (CRM) is:

  • A . maximization of on-time delivery.
  • B . minimization of product returns.
  • C . identification of customers with high lifetime value.
  • D . finding new markets for existing products and services.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


Context: Customer relationship management (CRM) systems offer various benefits, including better understanding of customer behaviors and profitability.

Options Breakdown:

Question #77

A company’s product cannot be sold beyond 12 months from the date of manufacture. The product contains hazardous material and must be returned to the factory to be neutralized.

This situation is an example of product:

  • A . reuse.
  • B . remanufacturing.
  • C . recovery.
  • D . refurbishing.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


returned for neutralization.

Options Breakdown:

Question #78

A manufacturer offers a trade-in allowance on a new machine when the customer returns the old machine. The manufacturer reconditions the returned machine locally and then sells it on the used market for a profit.

This program is an example of a focus on:

  • A . environmentally sensitive engineering.
  • B . gray box design.
  • C . green manufacturing.
  • D . sustainability in operations.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


Context: The manufacturer offers a trade-in allowance, reconditions the returned machine, and sells it for profit, highlighting a focus on sustainable practices.

Options Breakdown:

Question #79

The social dimension of sustainability typically would be addressed when developing and implementing policies regarding:

  • A . accounting practices.
  • B . biodiversity protection.
  • C . conflicts of interest.
  • D . waste reduction.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: C


The social dimension of sustainability focuses on aspects that impact people and society. When developing and implementing policies, addressing conflicts of interest is directly related to the social dimension. This includes ensuring fair labor practices, promoting ethical behavior, and maintaining transparency and integrity in decision-making processes. Conflicts of interest can undermine trust and fairness in the workplace, affecting employee morale, community relations, and overall social responsibility.

Accounting practices primarily relate to the economic dimension of sustainability.

Biodiversity protection is part of the environmental dimension.

Waste reduction also falls under the environmental dimension.

Therefore, conflicts of interest align with the social dimension by fostering an ethical and fair working


Reference: Elkington, J. (1997). "Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business."

United Nations Global Compact. (2021). "The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact."

Question #80

Which of the following actions is in accordance with the Ten Principles in the United Nations (UN) Global Compact?

  • A . Preventing a group of employees from forming a collective bargaining (union) group
  • B . Paying different wages in different parts of the world for a given job classification
  • C . Requiring an individual to pay a fee for consideration in hiring or promotion decisions
  • D . Withholding certain employment opportunities from specific groups of people

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact cover areas related to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Principle 6 specifically states the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, which includes ensuring fair wages. However, paying different wages in different parts of the world for a given job classification can be acceptable if it reflects local living standards and economic conditions, ensuring fair compensation in each context. Preventing a group of employees from forming a collective bargaining (union) group violates Principle 3, which supports the right to collective bargaining.

Requiring an individual to pay a fee for consideration in hiring or promotion decisions breaches principles related to non-discrimination and fair labor practices.

Withholding certain employment opportunities from specific groups of people directly violates Principles 1 and 6, which promote human rights and anti-discrimination.

Reference: United Nations Global Compact. (2021). "The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact."

International Labour Organization (ILO). (2021). "Global Wage Report 2020-21."

Question #81

The most appropriate reason for a business to comply with the United Nations (UN) Global Compact practices typically would be to:

  • A . enhance the competitive advantage.
  • B . gain access to proven management tools.
  • C . reduce the threat of organized labor.
  • D . reduce the cost of operating in multiple countries.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Complying with the United Nations (UN) Global Compact practices can enhance a company’s competitive advantage by improving its reputation, attracting socially conscious consumers, and fostering loyalty among stakeholders. This compliance demonstrates a commitment to sustainable and ethical practices, which can differentiate a business in the marketplace.

Gaining access to proven management tools is not the primary reason for compliance, though it can be a secondary benefit.

Reducing the threat of organized labor is not aligned with the principles of the UN Global Compact, which support fair labor practices.

Reducing the cost of operating in multiple countries is not a typical reason for compliance; in fact, adhering to these principles might sometimes increase costs in the short term but provide long-term benefits.

Reference: United Nations Global Compact. (2021). "The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact." Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006). "Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility." Harvard Business Review.

Question #82

A company most likely would consider moving a portion of its manufacturing to a second location to:

  • A . improve competitive advantage through cost control.
  • B . avoid manufacturing downtime due to material shortages.
  • C . maximize security for customer shipments.
  • D . minimize the impact of natural disasters.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


A company would consider moving a portion of its manufacturing to a second location to minimize the impact of natural disasters. This strategy, known as geographical diversification, helps ensure continuity of operations by spreading risk across different locations. If one site is affected by a natural disaster, the other location can continue to operate, thus minimizing downtime and ensuring a steady supply to customers.

Improving competitive advantage through cost control is more associated with outsourcing or offshoring to lower-cost regions.

Avoiding manufacturing downtime due to material shortages typically involves supply chain optimization rather than relocating manufacturing.

Maximizing security for customer shipments pertains to logistics and transportation security measures, not manufacturing location.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation." Sheffi, Y. (2005). "The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage."

Question #83

Which of the following strategies can be used to help manage global risks?

  • A . Direct shipment
  • B . Cross-docking
  • C . Mass customization
  • D . Flexibility

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


Managing global risks requires strategies that allow a supply chain to adapt quickly to unexpected changes or disruptions. Flexibility in the supply chain can help manage global risks by enabling companies to adjust their operations in response to unforeseen events, such as natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, or changes in market demand. This might involve diversifying suppliers, utilizing multiple transportation modes, or adopting flexible manufacturing systems.

Direct shipment refers to sending products directly from supplier to customer, which might not address broader global risks.

Cross-docking is a logistics practice that involves unloading goods from inbound transport and loading them directly onto outbound transport, without warehousing. It optimizes efficiency but does not inherently manage global risks.

Mass customization is a production strategy that combines elements of mass production and customization but does not directly address global risk management.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation."

Sheffi, Y. (2005). "The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage."

Question #84

Potential customers of a company’s new product have tight tolerance requirements. The company plans to purchase a critical component.

To meet customer requirements, the company should first:

  • A . implement statistical process control for the component.
  • B . bring manufacturing of the critical component in-house.
  • C . develop an alternate source of supply.
  • D . certify the supplier of the component.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


When a company plans to purchase a critical component with tight tolerance requirements, the first step to meet customer requirements should be to certify the supplier. Supplier certification ensures that the supplier has the capability to consistently produce components that meet the required specifications. This involves assessing the supplier’s quality management systems, production processes, and adherence to standards.

Implementing statistical process control for the component is important but typically comes after supplier certification.

Bringing manufacturing of the critical component in-house is a significant strategic decision and not necessarily the first step.

Developing an alternate source of supply is a risk mitigation strategy but does not directly address meeting tight tolerance requirements initially.

Reference: Juran, J. M., & Godfrey, A. B. (1999). "Juran’s Quality Handbook." Burt, D. N., Petcavage, S., & Pinkerton, R. L. (2010). "Supply Management."

Question #85

A company’s supply chain depends heavily on sourcing from international suppliers. Conditions increasingly threaten supply continuity.

Which of the following actions is most appropriate?

  • A . Source from domestic suppliers.
  • B . Conduct a risk assessment.
  • C . Carry additional safety stock.
  • D . Spread logistics across multiple carriers.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


When supply continuity is threatened due to heavy dependence on international suppliers, the most appropriate action is to conduct a risk assessment. This involves systematically identifying potential risks, evaluating their impact, and developing strategies to mitigate them. The risk assessment provides a comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities and helps in making informed decisions on sourcing strategies, inventory management, and logistics.

Sourcing from domestic suppliers may reduce some risks but might not be feasible or cost-effective without a thorough assessment.

Carrying additional safety stock is a mitigation strategy but does not address the root cause of supply risk.

Spreading logistics across multiple carriers can help manage transportation risks but does not cover the broader supply chain risks.

Reference: Christopher, M. (2011). "Logistics & Supply Chain Management."

Waters, D. (2011). "Supply Chain Risk Management: Vulnerability and Resilience in Logistics."

Question #86

Managing supply chain risks includes which of the following activities?

  • A . Developing alternatives to key suppliers
  • B . Setting aside funds for disruption-recovery efforts
  • C . Charging each supply chain partner a portion of risk cost
  • D . Creating extra inventory to cover disruptions in the supply chain

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: A


Managing supply chain risks includes developing alternatives to key suppliers. This ensures that if one supplier faces disruption, there are other options available to maintain the supply chain continuity. Diversifying the supplier base reduces dependency on a single source and enhances resilience.

Setting aside funds for disruption-recovery efforts is a financial strategy, not a supply chain management activity.

Charging each supply chain partner a portion of risk cost may not be feasible or effective in managing risks.

Creating extra inventory to cover disruptions is a common strategy but it is not a proactive risk management activity like developing alternative suppliers.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Sodhi, M. S. (2004). "Managing Risk to Avoid Supply-Chain Breakdown." Harvard Business Review.

Tang, C. S. (2006). "Perspectives in Supply Chain Risk Management."

Top of Form

Question #87

The most important challenge to consider when sourcing globally is:

  • A . the identification of sources capable of producing the materials.
  • B . the availability of low-cost labor and energy.
  • C . complying with specific import/export issues.
  • D . balancing the difference between piece price and total cost.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


When sourcing globally, the most important challenge is balancing the difference between piece price and total cost. The piece price is the direct cost of purchasing the material, while the total cost includes all associated costs such as transportation, tariffs, warehousing, lead times, and risk of supply chain disruptions. Focusing solely on the piece price can lead to underestimating the actual cost implications of global sourcing, thus impacting the overall profitability and efficiency of the supply chain.

Identification of sources capable of producing the materials is important but not the primary challenge.

Availability of low-cost labor and energy is a factor but does not address the comprehensive cost considerations.

Complying with specific import/export issues is a regulatory challenge but is part of the total cost


Reference: Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2015). "Purchasing and Supply Chain Management."

Christopher, M. (2011). "Logistics & Supply Chain Management."

Question #88

A toy company decides to buy more products from an overseas company to reduce costs.

To make sure that goods clear customs more quickly, the company most likely would engage a:

  • A . consolidator.
  • B . overseas carrier.
  • C . shipping association.
  • D . freight forwarder.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


To ensure that goods clear customs more quickly when sourcing products from overseas, a company should engage a freight forwarder. Freight forwarders specialize in logistics and transportation, handling all aspects of the shipping process including documentation, customs clearance, and coordination with carriers. They have expertise in navigating customs regulations and can expedite the clearance process, reducing delays and associated costs.

A consolidator combines smaller shipments into a single larger shipment but does not specifically handle customs clearance.

An overseas carrier transports goods but does not manage customs processes.

A shipping association might provide support and resources but is not directly involved in customs


Reference: Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective."

Murphy, P. R., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2018). "Contemporary Logistics."

Question #89

When an importer and manufacturer are operating in a free trade zone, payment of a customs duty is triggered when products are:

  • A . returned.
  • B . assembled.
  • C . stored.
  • D . distributed.

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: D


In a free trade zone (FTZ), payment of customs duties is triggered when products are distributed. Goods can be imported into an FTZ without paying duties immediately. Duties are deferred until the goods leave the FTZ and enter the domestic market for distribution. This allows companies to store, assemble, and even manufacture products within the FTZ without incurring immediate duty costs, thus optimizing cash flow and reducing costs.

Returned products might not necessarily trigger duty payment if they do not enter the domestic market.

Assembled products within the FTZ do not trigger duty payment until they are distributed.

Stored goods in the FTZ do not require duty payment until they are removed for domestic distribution.

Reference: U.S. Customs and Border Protection. (2020). "What are the Benefits of a Foreign-Trade Zone?"

World Bank. (2011). "Customs Modernization Handbook."

Question #90

In an advanced planning system, which of the following modules feeds the master planning module?

  • A . Purchasing planning
  • B . Demand planning
  • C . Distribution planning
  • D . Fulfillment planning

Reveal Solution Hide Solution

Correct Answer: B


In an advanced planning system (APS), the demand planning module feeds the master planning module. Demand planning involves forecasting customer demand and creating a demand plan that considers historical data, market trends, and other factors. This information is crucial for the master planning module, which uses it to develop production, procurement, and inventory plans to meet the forecasted demand efficiently.

Purchasing planning focuses on procurement activities and is influenced by the master plan. Distribution planning deals with the logistics of distributing products and relies on the master plan. Fulfillment planning involves ensuring customer orders are fulfilled, also based on the master plan.

Reference: Stadtler, H., Kilger, C., & Meyr, H. (2014). "Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning:

Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies."

Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation."

Question #91

The globalization of a supply chain typically increases uncertainty and:

  • A . production lead time.
  • B . local competition.
  • C . documentation complexity.
  • D . product standardization.

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Correct Answer: A


The globalization of a supply chain typically increases uncertainty and production lead time. When a supply chain becomes global, it involves longer distances, multiple transportation modes, and more complex logistics operations, all of which contribute to longer lead times. Additionally, global supply chains face uncertainties such as customs delays, geopolitical issues, variability in supplier performance, and risks of natural disasters, which further exacerbate production lead times.

Local competition might increase due to globalization, but it is not directly related to the uncertainties in the supply chain.

Documentation complexity increases with globalization but is a part of the logistical complexities rather than the core uncertainty affecting production lead times.

Product standardization is not a consequence of increased uncertainty but rather a strategy used to

manage complexity.

Reference: Christopher, M. (2011). "Logistics & Supply Chain Management."

Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation."

Question #92

A company originally based in Germany sets up companies in India, China, Vietnam, Mexico, and Brazil. It sources most of the raw materials locally and employs the local workforce to manage and produce finished goods. Most of the goods produced are consumed in the same country.

The company can be classified as what type of enterprise?

  • A . Globally integrated
  • B . Domestic
  • C . Multinational
  • D . Virtual

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Correct Answer: C


A company that sets up operations in multiple countries, sources materials locally, employs a local workforce, and primarily consumes the goods within each local market can be classified as a multinational enterprise. Multinational companies operate in several countries but manage their operations and strategies based on local needs and market conditions. This structure allows them to benefit from local resources and market proximity while maintaining a global presence.

Globally integrated enterprises manage their operations as a single global entity with integrated processes across borders.

Domestic enterprises operate primarily within a single country’s borders.

Virtual enterprises operate primarily through digital means without significant physical presence.

Reference: Bartlett, C. A., & Beamish, P. W. (2011). "Transnational Management: Text, Cases & Readings in Cross-Border Management."

Hill, C. W. L., & Hult, G. T. M. (2019). "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace."

Question #93

When doing international business, a company’s total line-haul costs will vary with the:

  • A . weight shipped.
  • B . distance shipped.
  • C . pallets shipped.
  • D . volume shipped.

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Correct Answer: B


In international business, a company’s total line-haul costs will vary with the distance shipped. Line-haul costs refer to the expenses associated with the transportation of goods over long distances. These costs are primarily dependent on the distance between the origin and destination, as longer distances generally incur higher fuel, labor, and vehicle maintenance costs.

Weight shipped affects the cost, but the primary variation in line-haul costs is due to distance. Pallets shipped and volume shipped are factors that influence transportation costs but are more related to load optimization and handling rather than the core distance-related costs.

Reference: Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. J. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective."

Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., & Cooper, M.

B. (2013). "Supply Chain Logistics Management."

Question #94

Customizing can be an effective warehousing strategy because it allows a company to:

  • A . allocate available storage space to optimize handling costs.
  • B . address trade-offs between space and material handling needs.
  • C . effectively design its inbound and outbound dock areas.
  • D . add value to the product through modification, labeling, and packaging.

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Correct Answer: D


Customizing can be an effective warehousing strategy because it allows a company to add value to the product through modification, labeling, and packaging. By customizing products closer to the point of delivery, companies can better meet specific customer requirements, reduce lead times, and improve overall customer satisfaction. This strategy also enables companies to respond quickly to market changes and reduce inventory holding costs.

Allocating available storage space to optimize handling costs is important but is not the primary reason for customizing.

Addressing trade-offs between space and material handling needs is part of warehouse management but does not highlight the value-adding aspect of customization.

Effectively designing its inbound and outbound dock areas improves efficiency but does not directly

involve customization.

Reference: Frazelle, E. (2002). "World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling."

Richards, G. (2017). "Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse."

Question #95

Which of the following measures effectively evaluates overall resources in a distribution warehouse?

  • A . Throughput
  • B . Cube utilization
  • C . Filled pallet positions
  • D . Labor efficiency

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Correct Answer: A


Throughput is an effective measure to evaluate the overall resources in a distribution warehouse. It refers to the amount of material or items passing through the warehouse system within a given time period. High throughput indicates efficient processing and movement of goods, reflecting the warehouse’s capability to handle large volumes. Throughput considers various resources including labor, equipment, and space utilization, providing a comprehensive evaluation of warehouse performance.

Cube utilization measures the use of available storage space but does not evaluate all resources. Filled pallet positions indicates storage capacity usage but lacks a complete view of warehouse activity.

Labor efficiency focuses on workforce productivity but does not encompass other resources such as equipment and space.

Reference: Frazelle, E. (2002). "World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling."

Tompkins, J. A., & Smith, J. D. (1998). "The Warehouse Management Handbook."

Question #96

A manufacturer of consumer packaged goods with a single plant and nine regional distribution centers is considering reducing the number of distribution centers in its system.

Reducing the number of distribution centers most likely will reduce fixed warehousing and the cost of:

  • A . storing cycle inventory in the distribution centers.
  • B . storing finished-goods inventory at the manufacturing plants.
  • C . transportation from the distribution centers to the customer.
  • D . transportation from the plant to the distribution centers.

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Correct Answer: D


Reducing the number of distribution centers in a system typically reduces the fixed warehousing costs and the cost of transportation from the plant to the distribution centers. Fewer distribution centers mean fewer locations to transport goods to, thus reducing transportation expenses. While there might be increased costs in other areas, such as longer shipping distances to customers, the primary savings come from reduced transportation and warehousing costs associated with the distribution centers.

Storing cycle inventory in the distribution centers might still incur costs depending on inventory levels and turnover.

Storing finished-goods inventory at the manufacturing plants might increase if fewer distribution centers result in holding more inventory at the plant.

Transportation from the distribution centers to the customer might increase due to longer distances from fewer centers.

Reference: Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation."

Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., & Cooper, M. B. (2013). "Supply Chain Logistics Management."

Question #97

Benchmarking a firm’s performance against industry competitors is most valuable because it can reveal:

  • A . a competitor’s manufacturing processes.
  • B . a firm’s leadership ranking relative to industry peers.
  • C . which processes require improvement.
  • D . that no further improvement is possible.

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Correct Answer: C


Benchmarking a firm’s performance against industry competitors is valuable because it can reveal which processes require improvement. By comparing key performance indicators (KPIs) with industry standards and best practices, firms can identify gaps in their operations and prioritize areas needing enhancement. This process-driven approach helps companies focus on specific improvements to gain competitive advantages.

A competitor’s manufacturing processes may not be fully disclosed or comparable.

A firm’s leadership ranking relative to industry peers provides insight but does not specify improvement areas.

That no further improvement is possible is unrealistic, as continuous improvement is a key principle

in operations management.

Reference: Camp, R.

C. (1989). "Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior Performance."

Kaplan, R. S., & Norton,

D. P. (1996). "The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action."

Question #98

Distribution from which of the following types of sites enables goods to enter a country, undergo further modification, and then be exported without paying customs duties?

  • A . Public warehouse
  • B . Value-added territory
  • C . Free trade zone
  • D . Customs clearing house

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Correct Answer: C


Distribution from a free trade zone (FTZ) enables goods to enter a country, undergo further modification, and then be exported without paying customs duties. FTZs are designated areas where businesses can conduct manufacturing, assembly, and other processes on imported goods without being subject to customs duties until the goods leave the zone for domestic consumption. This allows companies to add value to products and re-export them cost-effectively.

Public warehouse is a facility for storing goods but does not offer customs duty advantages.

Value-added territory is not a standard term in international trade.

Customs clearing house assists with customs paperwork but does not provide duty-free processing.

Reference: U.S. Customs and Border Protection. (2020). "What are the Benefits of a Foreign-Trade Zone?"

World Bank. (2011). "Customs Modernization Handbook."

Question #99

An increase in the inventory turnover rate for a supply chain typically would indicate that there has been a reduction in:

  • A . prices to the end user.
  • B . supply chain cost of sales.
  • C . the manufacturer’s inventory.
  • D . the total supply chain inventory.

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Correct Answer: D


An increase in the inventory turnover rate indicates that a company is selling its inventory more quickly. This typically means that the total amount of inventory held at various points in the supply chain has decreased.

The higher turnover rate reflects more efficient inventory management, leading to:

Reduced Inventory Levels: Less inventory is being held in warehouses, leading to lower storage costs and reduced risk of obsolescence.

Improved Cash Flow: Faster inventory turnover means that cash is not tied up in inventory, improving liquidity.

Better Demand Forecasting: Enhanced forecasting and supply chain coordination reduce the need for high safety stock levels.

While the options A, B, and C may be indirectly affected, the primary indication of an increased inventory turnover rate is the reduction in total supply chain inventory.

Reference: "Principles of Inventory Management: When You Are Down to Four, Order More" by John A.


APICS Dictionary, 16th edition.

Question #100

A company produces and distributes a family of soft drinks in a single country. It has developed and will introduce a new family of soft drinks for weight- and health-conscious individuals. There currently are no competitors with nationwide distribution for this category of soft drinks.

Which of the following supply chain strategies would be most appropriate for the two product families?

  • A . Produce both product families to forecast and push through the distribution system.
  • B . Produce both product families only after receipt of a distributor order.
  • C . Produce the current product family to forecast and the new product family to order.
  • D . Produce the current product family to order and the new product family to forecast.

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Correct Answer: C


Given the context of introducing a new product family with no existing competitors and uncertain demand patterns, the most appropriate strategy is to:

Current Product Family (To Forecast): Continue producing the established product family based on demand forecasts. This approach leverages historical sales data and existing market understanding to maintain efficient production and distribution.

New Product Family (To Order): Produce the new product family only after receiving orders from distributors. This minimizes the risk associated with overproduction and inventory holding costs for a new product with uncertain demand.

Producing both product families to forecast (A) or to order (B) does not account for the differing levels of market maturity and demand predictability. Producing the new product family to forecast

(D) would be risky due to the lack of historical data and demand uncertainty.

Reference: "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation" by Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl. APICS Dictionary, 16th edition.

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