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An enterprise private line access service deploys GPON Type B single-homing protection. Use the protect-group mobert command to add protection group members to the protection group. Which need to pay more attention? (Multiple choice)

An enterprise private line access service deploys GPON Type B single-homing protection. Use the protect-group mobert command to add protection group members to the protection group. Which need to pay more attention? (Multiple choice)
A . When adding protection group members, you need to add working members first, and then increase protection members
B. After the protection group is created, the default state of the protection group is enabled
C. Member ports can be ports on different GPON boards, but must be of the same type of GPoN service board
D. GPON ports do not support adding protection group members based on boards, only support adding protection group members based on ports

Answer: ACD

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