An administrator has to configure LDAP authentication tor ZTNA HTTPS access proxy Which authentication scheme can the administrator apply1?

An administrator has to configure LDAP authentication tor ZTNA HTTPS access proxy Which authentication scheme can the administrator apply1?
A . Basic
B . Form-based
C . Digest

Answer: B


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication for ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) HTTPS access proxy is effectively implemented using a Form-based authentication scheme. This approach allows for a secure, interactive, and user-friendly means of capturing credentials. Form-based authentication presents a web form to the user, enabling them to enter their credentials (username and password), which are then processed for authentication against the LDAP directory. This method is widely used for web-based applications, making it a suitable choice for HTTPS access

proxy setups in a ZTNA framework.

Reference: FortiGate Security 7.2 Study Guide, LDAP Authentication configuration sections.

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