AliCloud ACA-CloudNative ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam Online Training
AliCloud ACA-CloudNative Online Training
The questions for ACA-CloudNative were last updated at Mar 06,2025.
- Exam Code: ACA-CloudNative
- Exam Name: ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam
- Certification Provider: AliCloud
- Latest update: Mar 06,2025
Which service can monitor infrastructure utilization? Score 2
- A . CloudMonitor
- B . Log Service
- C . ARMS
ACK(Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes) supports HPA, CronHPA, VPA with multiple dimension external metrics rather than only scale by cpu and memory metrics.
- A . True
- B . False
For the deployment of new features in monolith architecture, why does it take longer time than microservices architecture?
- A . Because need to load all used & unused modules of applications
- B . Because need to load only all used modules of applications
- C . Because need to load all unused modules of applications
- D . Because need waiting approval from Project Manager
Which of the following is correct regarding Alibaba Serverless Kubernetes (ASK) scaling? Score 2
- A . Scaling out to 500 Pods takes about 30s
- B . Scaling out to 500 Pods takes about 50s
- C . Scaling out to 500 Pods takes about 90s
Which function is supported in Cloud-Native Application Supply Chain? (Number of correct answers: 4) Score 2
- A . Image scanning
- B . Intelligent building
- C . Global distribution
- D . Automatic trigger
- E . Image runtime defense
When we use beats to collect Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes data, to what level should we deploy it?
- A . Deployment
- B . DeamonSet
- C . Sidecar
- D . StatefulSet
Which services can also be used for register cluster? (The number of correct answer: 3)
- A . Logservice
- B . ARMS
- C . ARMS-Prometheus
- D . Cloud Monitor
Which methods can be used to replicate images from other registries? (Number of correct answers: 2) Score 2
- A . Image-sync tool for Registry v2 based services
- B . Import images based on a storage endpoint
- C . P2P based large scale image distribution
- D . Policy based global distribution
How to install arms-prometheus CRD (customer resource definitions)? Score 6.7
- A . When create ACK cluster it can be installed
- B . It can be installed by app catalog