Alibaba Cloud ACA-Database ACA Database Certification Online Training
Alibaba Cloud ACA-Database Online Training
The questions for ACA-Database were last updated at Nov 19,2024.
- Exam Code: ACA-Database
- Exam Name: ACA Database Certification
- Certification Provider: Alibaba Cloud
- Latest update: Nov 19,2024
Which of the following specifications of AnalyticDB supports tiered storage of cold and hot data?
- A . Basic Edition
- B . C series
- C . S series
- D . Elastic Mode
Alibaba Cloud DTS (Data Transmission Service) is a file migration tool.
- A . True
- B . False
PolarDB for MySQL archive databases use log-structured merge-trees (LSM trees) and the Zstandard (ZSTD) data compression algorithm to increase the data compression ratio .
How much storage can be saved, at most?
- A . 40%
- B . 50%
- C . 60%
- D . 70%
PolarDB for MySQL allows you to deploy a cluster across multiple zones. Compared with single-zone clusters, multi-zone clusters have better disaster recovery capabilities and can withstand data centre-level faults.
- A . True
- B . False
Which of the following is NOT true, regarding the sensitive data management feature provided by Data Management (DMS)?
- A . The rules of field metadata and data content can be automatically recognized.
- B . De-identification algorithms can be managed. Multiple algorithms are supported, such as algorithms for masking specific positions and replacing fixed characters.
- C . Field-level and row-level permissions are supported.
- D . After you configure de-identification algorithms, you can view the de-identified data.
Which of the following is the lowest recovery point objective (RPO) for Database Backup Service?
- A . Seconds
- B . Minutes
- C . Hours
- D . Days
Why is ApsaraDB for PolarDB better than other traditional database engines? (The number of answer: 3)
- A . When you purchase a PolarDB cluster, you don’t need to specify the storage capacity you want to purchase
- B . PolarDB supports both OLTP and OLAP scenarios very well
- C . The PolarDB database engine won’t require you to replicate data when adding read-only nodes
- D . ApsaraDB for PolarDB uses the pay-as-you-go billing method, therefore you only need to pay for the storage resources you actually use
Which database utility is used for data migration and synchronization?
- A . DMS
- B . DBS
- C . DTS
- D . DAS
- E . ADAM
Which of the following tasks cannot be completed by using Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM)?
- A . De-Oracle workload evaluation
- B . Data structure conversion
- C . Data migration
- D . Performance monitoring
Which of the following is not a component of the PolarDB-0 architecture in Apsara Stack?
- A . FC Switch
- B . SAN
- C . Proxy
- D . RDMA