How do they make sure that this setting is used for all the Integration Tests in their project using best practices?
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to cover their custom modules with Integration Tests. However, the project they are working on includes a 3rd party module that introduces a new search engine which needs to be used in Integration Tests as well. To do so. catalog/search/engine in the core.config_data table needs...
What is a consequence of this setup?
A third-party module uses a layout update that changes the template path for a core block from product/view/addto/compare.phtml of the Magento_Catalog module to custom/view/addto/compare.phtml of your custom module. The merchant has a customized version of this template in their custom theme. What is a consequence of this setup?A . If...
Which three actions do you specify in a module’s Data Patch to add a customer notes attribute?
A merchant tasked you to add an input field for notes to the Customer Account Information backend page. Which three actions do you specify in a module’s Data Patch to add a customer notes attribute? (Choose three.)A . $cache->clean([‘eav’, ‘db_ddl’]);B . $customerSetup->addAttribute(‘customer’, ‘notes’, $options);C . $customerSetup->getConnection()->addColumn(‘customer_entity’, ‘notes’, $columnSpecs);D . $notesAttribute->setData(‘used_in_forms’,...
Which two techniques can be used to protecta storefront POST action against Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks? (Choose two.)
Which two techniques can be used to protecta storefront POST action against Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks? (Choose two.)A . The form sending data to that action needs to include a fornjtey parameter with a valid form key and the action must instantiateManentoFramworkDataForumKeyFormkeyValidator validate it.B . The action needs...
How do you do that?
You want to remove a column introduced by a third-party extension via declarative schema. How do you do that?A . Create the etc/db_schema.xml file and specify disable=”true” on the columnB . Modify the original etc/db_schema.xml file and remove the column from thereC . Create a SchemaPatch file and remove the...
How would the developer achieve this using di. xml?
An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a custom module. As part of their implementation they have decided that all instances of their CustomModuleModelExample class should receive a new instance of MagentoFilestemadapterlocal. How would the developer achieve this using di. xml? A) B) C) A . Option AB . Option BC...
What is the problem with this xml snippet?
An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs. After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes.xml file that the developer created in their module: extension_attributes for="MagentoSalesHotelOrderInvoiceRepository">...
How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?
How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?A . One shipping address per line item is possibleB . Only one shipping address per order is possibleC . One shipping addresses per unit of quantity is possibleD . One shipping address per product type is...
What is wrong with the code?
An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked to create a new rest API endpoint to get a list of items for a CustomEntity. When testing the endpoint, it throws an exception. This is the code the developer has written forMyVendorModuleApiCustomEntityRepositoryInterface: And this is the implement method within MyVendorMyModulemodelCustomEntityRepository: What is...
What is wrong with the code?
An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked to create a new rest API endpoint to get a list of items for a CustomEntity. When testing the endpoint, it throws an exception. This is the code the developer has written forMyVendorModuleApiCustomEntityRepositoryInterface: And this is the implement method within MyVendorMyModulemodelCustomEntityRepository: What is...