What would be the next implementation to allow the is_delayed EAV attribute to be used in the .phtml cart page such as $Block->getProduct()->getIsDelayed() ?
There is the task to create a custom product attribute that controls the display of a message below the product title on the cart page, in order to identify products that might be delivered late. The new EAV attribute is.deloyed has been created as aBooleanand is working correctly in the...
How would they go about correcting this?
An Adobe Commerce Developer is tasked with creating a custom module which implements a new product type. Upon completion, they find that any quantity information they enter against the product does not get saved, and reverts back to 0. How would they go about correcting this?A . In the modules...
Implement the getidentities() method to return the concatenation of a chosen key and the id of the entity.
Implement the getidentities() method to return the concatenation of a chosen key and the id of the entity.View AnswerAnswer: A,C
What will be the return type of the execute method?
Your module adds a new controller class which will return a JSON response. What will be the return type of the execute method?A . You should implement a new API endpoint instead of returning JSON from a controllerB . The string value of Zend_Json::encode()C . An instance of MagentoFrameworkControllerResultJsonD ....
Which two methods will load the product model by ID as specified in the URL?
You have created a module controller that responds to the following URL: /mycompany/product/load/id/123. Which two methods will load the product model by ID as specified in the URL? (Choose two.)A . MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProduct::load($productModel, $id)B . MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollection::load()->fetchById($id)C . MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollection::fetchItemById($id)D . MagentoCatalogApiProductRepositoryInterface::getById($id)View AnswerAnswer: A ,D
What is the reason?
When building a custom page we need to get a collection of data. To determine how many items are in this collection, the Adobe Commerce developer uses $collection->count() . This sometimes is slow and causes some delay. What is the reason?A . The collection is loaded first and then the...
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive?
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: A
How do you resolve the issue, keeping maintainability in mind?
A custom module is performing an optimized custom query for quote items. The class applies the query customizations on the select object of a quote item collection instance. You are tasked to resolve an issue where the query sometimes does not deliver the expected results. You have debugged the problem...
Which snippet of code would produce the desired SQL query?
An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria: Which snippet of code would produce the desired SQL query? A) B) C) A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CView AnswerAnswer: A
How would the developer implement the validation?
An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked to add a file field to a custom form in the administration panel, the field must accept only .PDF files with size less or equal than 2 MB. So far the developer has added the following code within the form component xmlfile, inside the...