Adobe AD0-E704 Adobe Certified Master – Adobe Commerce Architect Online Training
Adobe AD0-E704 Online Training
The questions for AD0-E704 were last updated at Mar 07,2025.
- Exam Code: AD0-E704
- Exam Name: Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect
- Certification Provider: Adobe
- Latest update: Mar 07,2025
A merchant is planning to create a single scheduled update for one million products. They are wondering about website performance.
What two performance issues will the update cause?
- A . Magento will index all records in the cataiog_product_entity table regardless of the version so the index tables will be big
- B . When applying a scheduled update Magento will reindex all affected products
- C . The catalog_product_entity_* tables will contain all the staged values which slows down all queries related to them
- D . Magento runs a cron job every minute to generate and maintain preview data
To prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, Magento templates use different methods to escape the output on the website before displaying it to the user.
What three methods does Magento use to prevent this kind of attack?
- A . Sblock->escapeData()
- B . Sblock->escapeOutput()
- C . Sblock->escapeHtmlAttr()
- D . $block->escapeHtml()
- E . $block->escapeUrl()
You are debugging an issue where the staged product custom attribute value is not displayed properly. The attribute backend type is varchar.
How does Magento store scheduled values for varchar attributes?
- A . By creating a new record in the cataiog_product_entity table with the same entity_id and different rowjd and it creates a new record in the catalog_product_entity_varchar table connected to the new row-id
- B . By creating a new record in the table cataiog_product_entity_varchar with a new row_id connected to the same entity_id
- C . By creating a new table cataiog_product_entity_varchar_<version> where the scheduled attribute value is located
- D . By creating a new website called staging_<version and saving the new attribute value for that website in the catalog_produt_entity_varchar table with the same entity_id
You are working on a Magento module for a merchant that does business in the UK. This module exposes a REST API endpoint for sending text messages to customers. There is an app based on this REST API which allows admin users to stay in touch with the customers. You would like to restrict the admin’s ability to send text messages after work hours.
Keeping simplicity in mind, how do you implement this?
- A . Use the built-in scheduled ACL functionality to configure allow-deny rules in the admin panel
- B . Add the check directly to the service method implementation
- C . Implement a cron job to change the admin permissions twice a day for everyone who has these permissions set
- D . Add aclResolver="MycompanyMyModuleModelPathToAc1Resolver" declaration for the relevant methods in webapi. xbI
You are integrating an external system from which products and categories will be synchronized with Magento.
To keep the category tree synchronized, an identifier attribute needs to be added to the catalog_category entity. The identifier value is generated by the external system as an unsigned 3 byte integer and is global in scope. Your code will run many concurrent queries to select categories based on this ID in order to synchronize changes.
Keeping performance in mind, what attribute backend type do you choose when creating the EAV attribute?
- A . int
- B . varchar
- C . static
- D . text
Suppose you want to develope a custom extension that should provide product_redirect_links to, and other sites. Suppose this must be added using extension_attribute feature to make that availbe for product repository and services, then what are the customizations needed to develope it: Choose 2
- A . In your custom module, create etc/extension_attributes.xml, and define needed attribute_code under
extension_attributes for=”MagentoCatalogApiDataProductInterface” - B . In your custom module create, etc/di.xml and add plugin code to join product_redirect_links attribute to ProductRepositoryList
<type name="MagentoCatalogApiProductRepositoryInterface"> <plugin name="joinExternalLinksToProductRepositoryList" type="MagentoExternalLinksModelPluginProductRepository"/> </type> - C . In your custom module create Setup/InstallSchema.php and add requried product attribute create code and run setup:upgrade.
- D . None of these
A merchant complains about the related accessory products, which they assigned to the virtual product, not being visible on the store front.
What is the reason for this?
- A . Related products association must be explicitly activated in the admin panel
- B . Browser cache refresh is required
- C . Virtual products do not support related products
- D . Related products are out of stock
Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it.
What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend?
- A . Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/config.xml
- B . Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/module.xml
- C . Create plugin or Override the class MagentoFrameworkViewElementAbstractBlock and toHtml() method, and implement the logic to return empty data in case of review module’s block instance is present.
- D . Create plugin or Override the class MagentoBackendBlockTemplate and isOutputEnabled() method, and implement the logic to return false value in case of review module’s block instance is present.
You are debugging a problem with a shopping cart price rule which gives free shipping for the whole cart if the subtotal is greater than $100. You are seeing that when a custom shipping method is selected, the shipping price is still present even though the subtotal is greater than $100.
How do you fix this problem?
- A . Create an option allow_freeshiping in the system configuration of the shipping method and set its value to 1
- B . Add the shipping method’s code to the price rule action
- C . Modify the carrier class to process the free_shipping flag of the quote items
- D . Add the shipping method’s code to the price rule condition
When your class will be instantiated all the dependencies injected in your class constructor will also get instantiated, and it will trigger a chain reaction of object creation, this can really slow down the process.
What could be the solution of above problem?
- A . Use Proxy classes with help of di.xml
- B . Use VitualType classes with help of di.xml
- C . Use Dependecy Injection with help of di.xml
- D . Use factory classes instead of Model.