
According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit follow-up?

According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit follow-up?
A . Verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions
B . Verify corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities
C . Verify legal compliance
D . Plan the next audit
E . Determine feasibility of the audit
F . Assign roles and responsibilities of observers

Answer: AB


According to ISO 19011:2018, clause 6.7, the audit follow-up is the process of verifying the completion and effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the auditee as a result of an audit. The audit follow-up can include two main activities:

Verifying the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions: this means checking whether the actions taken by the auditee have addressed the root causes of the nonconformities and prevented their recurrence or occurrence in other areas. The verification can be done by reviewing documents, records, data, or other evidence provided by the auditee, or by conducting a follow-up audit on site or remotely.

Verifying corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities: this means checking whether the auditee has corrected the nonconformities identified during the audit and eliminated their immediate effects. The verification can be done by reviewing documents, records, data, or other evidence provided by the auditee, or by conducting a follow-up audit on site or remotely.

The audit follow-up can be conducted as a separate audit or as part of a subsequent audit, depending on the audit programme, the audit objectives, the audit criteria, the audit scope, the audit risks, and the audit findings. The audit follow-up should be planned and conducted in accordance with the same principles and processes as the initial audit, and the results should be documented and reported accordingly.


ISO 19011:2018(en), Guidelines for auditing management systems, clause 6.7

ISO 19011 Management Systems Audit Checklist | Process Street, task 6.7.1 and 6.7.2

Conducting the Audit Follow-Up: When to Verify – The Auditor, section “Conducting the audit follow-up”

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