A door manufacturer offers a finite list of colors on all its doors. As part of the order, customers can select the color of the door. Select the data page definition configuration settings to source a color drop-down list to minimize memory usage.

A door manufacturer offers a finite list of colors on all its doors. As part of the order, customers can select the color of the door. Select the data page definition configuration settings to source a color drop-down list to minimize memory usage.

Object Type » ACME-Products-Data-Color or ACME-Products-Work-Color or ACME-Products-Work-ColorFeedback

Edit Mode » Readonly Or Editable Or Savable Scope » Thread Or Requestor Or Node
A . Page, ACME-Products-Data-Color,ReadOnly,Node
B . List, ACME-Products-Data-Color,ReadOnly,Thread
C . Page, ACME-Products-Data-Color,ReadOnly,Requestor
D . List, ACME-Products-Work-Color,ReadOnly,Node
E . List, ACME-Products-Work-ColorFeedback,ReadOnly,Node
F . List, ACME-Products-Data-Color,ReadOnly,Node

Answer: F

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