A CTO of a B2B advertising publishing company asked an administrator who worked on making the media cloud application live, for their help in monitoring the real-time information on system performance and security. Where can the administratot find this information?

A CTO of a B2B advertising publishing company asked an administrator who worked on making the media cloud application live, for their help in monitoring the real-time information on system performance and security. Where can the administratot find this information?
A . system.salesforce.com
B . media.salesforce.com
C . monitor.salesforce.com
D . trust.salesforce.com

Answer: D


For an administrator looking to monitor real-time information on system performance and security for a Media Cloud application, the best resource is trust.salesforce.com. This site provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the operational status, performance, security, and scheduled maintenance of Salesforce services. It’s an essential tool for administrators to stay informed about the health and stability of their Salesforce environment.

Reference: Salesforce Trust Site: https://trust.salesforce.com/

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