A couple attends infertility clinic to review the investigation results. The laboratory results show that the man has aspermia. He asked the nurse about the meaning of aspermia.

A couple attends infertility clinic to review the investigation results. The laboratory results show that the man has aspermia. He asked the nurse about the meaning of aspermia.

The nurse replied that: "the aspermia means
A . absence of sperms"
B . prematurity of sperms"
C . abnormalities of the sperms’"
D . sperms count is lower than 20 million/milliliter"

Answer: A


Aspermia Definition:

Aspermia is a medical term used to describe the complete absence of semen, which includes the absence of sperms.

This condition can result from various factors such as hormonal imbalances, obstruction of the reproductive tract, or surgeries like vasectomy.

Differentiation from Other Terms:

Prematurity of Sperms: Refers to sperm cells that are not fully mature.

Abnormalities of Sperms: Indicates that the sperm present have structural or functional defects.

Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia): Describes a condition where the sperm count is lower than the normal threshold (20 million/milliliter).

Reference: Mayo Clinic

American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)

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