Which of the following is a critical success factor that is typically most relevant while establishing improvements?

Which of the following is a critical success factor that is typically most relevant while establishing improvements?
A . Work on both long term and short term goals
B . Management commitment
C . The maturity of the development organization
D . Organize test improvement as a project

Answer: B


Management commitment is highlighted as one of the critical success factors in the context of implementing and sustaining test process improvements. Within the TMMi framework, senior management support is crucial for ensuring that necessary resources, funding, and priority are allocated to the improvement initiatives. This commitment must be sustained throughout the process to overcome potential resistance and ensure that the improvements are institutionalised. Without strong management commitment, the efforts may lose momentum, and the improvement goals may not be achieved.

This factor is critical across several levels of TMMi, as seen in processes related to institutionalizing the test process (such as defining organisational policies, resource allocation, and performance evaluation).

Reference: "Senior management sponsorship establishing a specific technically competent test process group that represents relevant stakeholders to guide test process improvement efforts has proven to be an effective approach".

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