Which two management services can configure the discovered AP registration information from the FortiPresence cloud?

Part of the location service registration process is to link FortiAPs in FortiPresence.

Which two management services can configure the discovered AP registration information from the FortiPresence cloud? (Choose two.)
A . AP Manager
B . FortiAP Cloud
C . FortiSwitch
D . FortiGate

Answer: B, D


FortiGate, FortiCloud wireless access points (send visitor data in the form of station reports directly to FortiPresence)

Reference: https://fortinetweb.s3.amazonaws.com/docs.fortinet.com/v2/attachments/df877622-c976-11e9-8977-00505692583a/FortiPresence-v4.3-release-notes.pdf

Part of the location service registration process is to link FortiAPs in FortiPresence, which is a cloud-based service that provides location analytics and customer engagement tools for wireless networks. The management services that can configure the discovered AP registration information from the FortiPresence cloud are FortiAP Cloud and FortiGate. FortiAP Cloud is a cloud-based wireless LAN management platform that can discover, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot FortiAP devices. FortiGate is a network security appliance that can act as a wireless controller and manage FortiAP devices through security fabric or CAPWAP protocols.

Reference: FortiPresence Data Sheet, page 1; FortiOS 6.4.0 Handbook – Wireless Controller, page 9.

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