A project site is located in a Federal Empowerment Zone What Is also needed to qualify the protect tor Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Preferred Locations Option 3: Designated High-Priority Locations?

A project site is located in a Federal Empowerment Zone What Is also needed to qualify the protect tor Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Preferred Locations Option 3: Designated High-Priority Locations?
A . Provide 10% of total rental units priced up to 60% area median income (AMI)
B . Locate the project on an adjacent site that is also a previously disturbed site
C . Locate the project such that 50% of its dwelling units are within a 1/4 ml.(0.4 km) walking distance of at least seven diverse uses
D . Use no more than 20% of the total development footprint area for off-street surface parking, with no individual surface parking lot larger than two acres (0.8 hectare)

Answer: A


For a project located in a Federal Empowerment Zone to qualify for the Smart Location and Linkage Credit under Preferred Locations Option 3: Designated High-Priority Locations, the project must also meet certain affordability criteria. Specifically, providing at least 10% of total rental units priced at or below 60% of the area median income (AMI) aligns with the requirements for achieving this credit.

This ensures that the development supports affordable housing in addition to being located in a

high-priority area.

Reference: LEED v4 Neighborhood Development Guide: Details the requirements for Designated High-Priority Locations, including the criteria related to affordable housing (USGBC, LEED v4 Neighborhood Development Current Version).

LEED Reference Guide for Neighborhood Development: Offers guidance on how to achieve the Preferred Locations credit by meeting affordability thresholds (USGBC, LEED Reference Guide for Neighborhood Development).

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