How many additional credit points are available to the project team under the Location and Transportation category?

A proposed LEED project will be located within the boundary of a development that has been successfully certified at the Silver level under LEED for Neighborhood Development. The project will earn 10 points from the Location and Transportation Credit, LEED for Neighborhood Development Location.

How many additional credit points are available to the project team under the Location and Transportation category?
A . Zero additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category
B . Two additional points are available only in Location and Transportation Reduced Parking Footprint
C . Eight additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category
D . 18 additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category

Answer: C


A LEED project located within a LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) certified boundary is eligible for points under the Location and Transportation Credit, LEED for Neighborhood Development Location. If the development is certified at the Silver level, the project automatically earns 10 points. In addition to these points, the project can earn up to 8 more points in the Location and Transportation category for implementing strategies such as reducing parking footprint, promoting alternative transportation, and connecting with amenities1.

Reference: LEED v4.1 Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction, which includes details on the Location and Transportation category1.

LEED v4.1 credit library, which outlines the potential points available under various credits within the Location and Transportation category2.

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