Which index is used to store KPI values?

Which index is used to store KPI values?
A . itsi_summary_metrics
B . itsi_metrics
C . itsi_service_health
D . itsi_summary

Answer: A


The IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) metrics summary index, itsi_summary_metrics, is a metrics-based summary index that stores KPI data.

Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/4.10.2/Configure/MetricsIndexRef

A is the correct answer because the itsi_summary_metrics index is used to store KPI values in ITSI. This index improves the performance of the searches dispatched by ITSI, particularly for very large environments. Every KPI is summarized in both the itsi_summary events index and the itsi_summary_metrics metrics index.

Reference: Overview of ITSI indexes

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