Which two managed permissions ets are required for this?

A customer, who is already using the media cloud advertising sales management application, needs the ability to create and edit templates, while also being able to generate documents.

Which two managed permissions ets are required for this?
A . dovGenInd CME Designer User
B . dovGenInd CME runtime User
C . dovGenInd CME digital experience User
D . MediaCloudPlus Runtime

Answer: A, B


For a customer using the Media Cloud Advertising Sales Management application who needs to create, edit, and generate templates and documents, the required managed permission sets are DocGenInd CME Designer User and DocGenInd CME Runtime User. The Designer User permission set enables users to design and create document templates, while the Runtime User permission set allows for the generation and management of documents based on those templates.

Reference: Salesforce Document Generation documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/ Salesforce Media Cloud Advertising Sales Management Guide: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/

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