Which two tools can they use to migrate advertising sales management components?

A B2B advertising publishing company wants to start advertising sales managment components migration from the source org to the target org.

Which two tools can they use to migrate advertising sales management components?
A . unmanged packages
B . change sets
C . IDX build tool
D . IDX workbench

Answer: AB


For migrating Advertising Sales Management components from a source org to a target org, unmanaged packages and change sets are two effective tools. Unmanaged packages allow for the grouping of various components for deployment to another org, whereas change sets enable the transfer of specific customizations from one Salesforce org to another directly. Both methods facilitate the migration of configurations and customizations integral to Advertising Sales Management.

Reference: Salesforce Change Sets documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Unmanaged Packages Guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.packagingGuide.meta/packagingGuide/packaging_package_intro.htm

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