Which sObject defines the resolution of the device used when an ad needs to be de displayed as part of digital ad sales?

Which sObject defines the resolution of the device used when an ad needs to be de displayed as part of digital ad sales?
A . media content title
B . product
C . media channel
D . ad creative size type

Answer: D


The Ad Creative Size Type sObject in Salesforce Media Cloud defines the resolution and dimensions

required for ad creatives to be properly displayed across different devices. This object is crucial in

digital ad sales as it ensures that ads are appropriately formatted and rendered on various screens,

enhancing the viewer’s experience and the effectiveness of the advertisement. By specifying the

resolution and size of ad creatives, this object helps in maintaining consistency and quality in ad

presentations across different media channels.

Reference: Salesforce Media Cloud documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/

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