Which of the following can be used to view entire copies of web sites?

Which of the following can be used to view entire copies of web sites?
A . Wayback machine
B . Google Cache
C . Netcraft
D . Bing offline

Answer: A


The Wayback Machine is an internet service provided by the Internet Archive that allows users to see archived versions of web pages across time, enabling them to browse past versions of a website as it appeared on specific dates.

It captures and stores snapshots of web pages, making it an invaluable tool for accessing the historical state of a website or recovering content that has since been changed or deleted.

Other options like Google Cache may also show snapshots of web pages, but the Wayback Machine is dedicated to this purpose and holds a vast archive of historical web data.


Internet Archive: https://archive.org

"Using the Wayback Machine," Internet Archive Help Center.

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