How can the Salesforce Admin help agents who deal with a large number of customers on a daily basis, quickly scan the Life Events component and find the information they need without much effort?

How can the Salesforce Admin help agents who deal with a large number of customers on a daily basis, quickly scan the Life Events component and find the information they need without much effort?
A . The Admin can customize the order of life events to be set in chronological order.
B . The user can change the color of important life events to red.
C . The Admin can change the color of important life events to red.
D . The user can customize the order of life events to be set in chronological order

Answer: C


The Admin can change the color of important life events to red by using custom CSS in a Lightning App Builder theme layout component. This way, the agents can quickly scan the Life Events component and find the information they need without much effort. The color red can draw attention and indicate urgency or importance for certain life events.

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