How could the app builder solve this with minimal impact to desktop users?

Ursa Major Solar’s sales team has been struggling to enter data on mobile since rollout; the team dislikes scrolling through all of the fields to input only the necessary data.

How could the app builder solve this with minimal impact to desktop users?
A . Filter components by device using Form Factor.
B . Reorder the fields to make sense for the reps when in the field.
C . Update the training documentation with better screenshots.
D . Deselect the phone radio button on the Lightning record page assignment.

Answer: A


The best way to solve this problem is to filter components by device using Form Factor. Form Factor is an attribute that can be applied to components on a Lightning record page to control their visibility based on the device type, such as desktop, phone, or tablet. By using Form Factor, the app builder can hide some components that are not relevant for mobile users, such as charts or reports, and show only the components that are necessary for data entry, such as fields or actions. This way, the mobile users do not have to scroll through all the components and can enter data more easily. Reordering the fields may not solve the problem completely, as there may still be too many components on the page for mobile users. Updating the training documentation may not help either, as it does not address the root cause of the problem, which is the layout of the page. Deselecting the phone radio button on the Lightning record page assignment may not be desirable, as it will prevent mobile users from accessing the record page at all, which may affect their productivity and functionality.

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