Which of the following User Management terms is best described by this definition: " Record created to identify a new employee that starts accessing Salesforce"

Which of the following User Management terms is best described by this definition: " Record created to identify a new employee that starts accessing Salesforce"
A . Profiles
B . Salesforce characters
C . Users
D . Roles

Answer: C


Users is the User Management term that is best described by this definition: “Record created to identify a new employee that starts accessing Salesforce”. Profiles are User Management terms that define what users can do within an organization based on their job function and responsibilities.

Roles are User Management terms that control data visibility and reporting hierarchy within an organization based on users’ positions. Usernames are User Management terms that identify users when they log in to Salesforce.

Reference: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.users_def.htm&type=5

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