You configure a service level to adjust assignment urgency to 100 when the goal interval lapses How does the assignment urgency impact the deadline and passed deadline intervals? Available Choices (select all choices that are correct

You configure a service level to adjust assignment urgency to 100 when the goal interval lapses How does the assignment urgency impact the deadline and passed deadline intervals? Available Choices (select all choices that are correct
A . Urgency value continues to increment as configured.
B . Urgency value remains at 100 but other service level processing continues
C . Service level processing is halted until the assignment is completed
D . The user is notified that the maximum urgency has been reached

Answer: B


When a goal is not met, the urgency of the assignment is incremented based on the configurations set in the service level rule. This means the urgency value continues to increment as configured if the deadline and passed deadline intervals are not met.

The urgency value itself doesn’t halt the other service level processing. The service level agreement continues to monitor the assignment against the configured deadline and passed deadline intervals, even if the urgency has reached 100 when the goal interval lapsed.

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