Which two statements about Data Cloud’s Web and Mobile App connector are true?

Which two statements about Data Cloud’s Web and Mobile App connector are true?
A . Any Data Streams associated with Web or Mobile connector app will be automatically deleted upon deleting the app from Data Cloud Setup
B. Data Cloud administrators can see the status of a Web or Mobile connector app on the app details page
C. Tenant Specific Endpoint is auto-generated in Data Cloud when setting up a Mobile or Web app connection
D. Mobile and Web SDK schema can be updated to delete an existing field

Answer: B, C


The party subject area should be used for any organization, individual, or member in the Customer 360 data model. It includes information such as name, address, email, phone, and loyalty membership.

Reference: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.c360_a_data_cloud_party.htm&type=5

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